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Created October 21, 2010 17:10
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Save whs/638876 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Twitter OAuth helper
* @license The Twitter library is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
* Portions from the Prototype JavaScript library
/* prototypejs/src/lang/function.js */
function prototype_update(array, args) {
var arrayLength = array.length, length = args.length;
while (length--) array[arrayLength + length] = args[length];
return array;
function prototype_merge(array, args) {
slice = Array.prototype.slice;
array =, 0);
return prototype_update(array, args);
Function.prototype.bind = function(context) {
//if (arguments.length < 2) return this;
slice = Array.prototype.slice;
var __method = this, args =, 1);
return function() {
var a = prototype_merge(args, arguments);
return __method.apply(context, a);
/* prototypejs/src/lang/object.js */
_toString = Object.prototype.toString, STRING_CLASS = '[object String]';
function isString(object) {
return === STRING_CLASS;
/* end */
if(!window['OAuth']) alert("BUG: OAuth haven't been loaded yet!");
* Twitter connector
* @param {string=} Optionally OAuth access key
* @param {string=} Optionally OAuth access key secret
* @constructor
function Twitter(accessKey, accessSecret){
localStorage['consumerKey'] = "B02C38CBnBOTwN4l4tGIQ";
localStorage['consumerSecret'] = "RtCXZbUTaD8isPRxl26725zMPRyCaLf4CsF4WjNbPaI";
* @type {object}
this.consumer = {
"consumerKey": localStorage['consumerKey'],
"consumerSecret": localStorage['consumerSecret'],
"serviceProvider": {
"signatureMethod": "HMAC-SHA1",
"requestTokenURL": "",
"accessTokenURL": ""
* @type {object}
this.user = {};
this.consumer['token'] = accessKey;
this.consumer['tokenSecret'] = accessSecret;
* @private
* Call the Twitter API with OAuth
* @this {Twitter}
* @param {object} OAuth message
* @param {function} callback function
* @return {jQuery.jqXHR}
Twitter.prototype._makeRequest = function(msg, callback){
if(callback == undefined) callback = function(){}
msg.method = msg.method.toUpperCase();
reqBody = OAuth.formEncode(msg.parameters);
OAuth.completeRequest(msg, this.consumer);
authHeader = OAuth.getAuthorizationHeader("", msg.parameters);
return $.ajax({
"url": msg.action,
"type": msg.method,
"beforeSend": function(x){
x.setRequestHeader("Authorization", authHeader);
if(localStorage['phx'] && msg.method == "GET") x.setRequestHeader("X-PHX", "true");
"data": reqBody,
"error": function(x){
return callback(JSON.parse(x.responseText));
"success": function(d){
out = {}
$.each(OAuth.decodeForm(d), function(k,v){
out[v[0]] = v[1];
return callback(out);
return callback(d);
* Perform xAuth authentication
* @param {string} Username
* @param {string} Password
* @param {function} Callback function, will be called with true when success.
* @this {Twitter}
Twitter.prototype.xauth = function(username, password, callback){
if(callback == undefined) callback = function(){}
"method": "POST",
"action": this.consumer['serviceProvider']['accessTokenURL'],
"parameters": [
["x_auth_username", username],
["x_auth_password", password],
["x_auth_mode", "client_auth"]
}, (/** @this {Twitter} */ function(res){
this.consumer.token = res.oauth_token;
this.consumer.tokenSecret = res.oauth_token_secret;
}else callback(false);
* Perform OAuth authorization step 1
* @param {function} Callback function
* @this {Twitter}
Twitter.prototype.oauth = function(callback){
if(callback == undefined) callback = function(){}
"method": "POST",
"action": this.consumer['serviceProvider']['requestTokenURL']
}, (function(cb, res){
"data": res,
"url": ""+res['oauth_token']+"&oauth_callback=oob"
}).bind(this, callback));
* Perform OAuth authentication step 2
* @param {(number|string)} PIN
* @param {Object.<string, string>} Data as returned from oauth()
* @param {function} Callback function
* @this {Twitter}
Twitter.prototype.oauth2 = function(pin, data, callback){
if(callback == undefined) callback = function(){}
this.consumer.token = data.oauth_token;
this.consumer.tokenSecret = data.oauth_token_secret;
"method": "POST",
"action": this.consumer['serviceProvider']['accessTokenURL'],
"parameters": [
["oauth_verifier", parseInt(pin)]
}, (/** @this {Twitter} */ function(res){
this.consumer['token'] = res['oauth_token'];
this.consumer['tokenSecret'] = res['oauth_token_secret'];
}else callback(false);
* @private
* Request a JSON and return it
* @param {string} Type of request: GET/POST (use respectively functions instead)
* @param {string} Endpoint. Eg. statuses/home_timeline
* @param {Object} GET/POST parameters
* @param {function} Optionally callback function. Will be called with the response as first argument.
* @this {Twitter}
Twitter.prototype._doRequest = function(type, url, params, callback){
if(url.indexOf("http://") != 0) url = "" + url + ".json";
if(callback == undefined) callback = function(){}
if($.isFunction(params)){callback = params; params = null;}
"method": type,
"action": url,
"parameters": params
}, (/** @this {Twitter} */ function(res){
if(url == "")
this.user = res;
* @see Twitter.prototype._doRequest
* @this {Twitter}
Twitter.prototype.get = function(){
return this._doRequest.apply(this, prototype_merge(["get"], arguments));
* @see Twitter.prototype._doRequest
* @this {Twitter}
*/ = function(){
return this._doRequest.apply(this, prototype_merge(["post"], arguments));
* Sign a request for OAuth Echo
* @param {string} URL target
* @return {string} Signed header
* @this {Twitter}
Twitter.prototype.sign = function(url){
if(url === undefined) url = "";
if(url.indexOf("http://") != 0) url = "" + url + ".json";
msg = {
"method": "GET",
"action": url,
"parameters": null
reqBody = OAuth.formEncode(msg.parameters);
OAuth.completeRequest(msg, this.consumer);
authHeader = OAuth.getAuthorizationHeader("", msg.parameters);
return authHeader;
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