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Created February 12, 2015 07:06
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package com.example.jim.tictactoe;
* Created by Jim on 2014/11/1
public class Logic {
public static final int PLAYER_X = 1;
public static final int PLAYER_O = 0;
public static final int EMPTY = -1;
public static final int PLAYER_X_WIN = 2;
public static final int PLAYER_O_WIN = 3;
public static final int DRAW = 4;
private static final String[] GAME_STATUS = {"Player O", "Player X", "Player O win!", "Player X win!", "Draw"};
private static int currentPlayer = PLAYER_O;
private static final int DIMENSION = 3;
private static int[] intBoard = {EMPTY,EMPTY,EMPTY,
// TODO make the intBoard into a changable way; change into OOP constroctor
// public static final int DIMENSION = 3;
// public static void setIntBoard (int dimension) {
// for (int index = 0; index < dimension * dimension; index++) {
// intBoard[index] = EMPTY;
// }
// }
// public static int[] intBoard;
* reset all the elements in the intBoard to EMPTY
* reset the currentPlayer to the startPlayer
public static void resetIntBoard () {
for (int index = 0; index < DIMENSION * DIMENSION; index ++) {
intBoard[index] = EMPTY;
currentPlayer = PLAYER_O;
* return the currentPlayer
* @return an integer represent the current player
protected static int getCurrentPlayer() { // TODO maybe delete this useless function
return currentPlayer;
protected static int getDimension() {
protected static int[] getIntBoard() {
int[] intBoardClone = new int[Logic.intBoard.length];
for (int index = 0; index < Logic.intBoard.length; index ++) {
intBoardClone[index] = Logic.intBoard[index];
return intBoardClone;
* return the current game status
* if the game is finished, return the winner or draw
* if the game is not finished, return the current player
* @return a string representation of the game status
public static String getGameStatus() {
if (checkForDraw(intBoard)) { // check if the game finished in draw
if (checkGameFinish(intBoard)) { // check if the game finished with a winner
if (currentPlayer == PLAYER_O) {
if (currentPlayer == PLAYER_X) {
// check if the game is still in progress
return GAME_STATUS[currentPlayer];
* switch the current player
* @param formerPlayer
private static void switchPlayer (int formerPlayer) {
if (formerPlayer == PLAYER_O) {
currentPlayer = PLAYER_X;
if (formerPlayer == PLAYER_X) {
currentPlayer = PLAYER_O;
* check whether the game finishes
* @param intBoard a array of integers that indicate the status at each position
* @return boolean: if game is finished, return true; else return false
protected static boolean checkGameFinish(int[] intBoard) {
// check row for winner
if (checkRowForWinner(intBoard)){
return true;
// check col for winner
if (checkColForWinner(intBoard)){
return true;
// check diagonal for winner
if (checkDiagonalForWinner(intBoard)){
return true;
// check full for draw
if (checkForDraw(intBoard)) {
return true;
return false;
* check whether one of the diagonals are filled with same players
* @param intBoard a array of integers that indicate the status at each position
* @return boolean: if game is finished, return true; else return false
public static boolean checkDiagonalForWinner(int [] intBoard) {
// go through two diagonals line by start from different index and add different numbers
for (int startIndex = 0; startIndex < DIMENSION; startIndex += DIMENSION - 1) {
int difference;
if (startIndex == 0) {
difference = DIMENSION + 1;
else {
difference = DIMENSION - 1;
int count = 0;
// went through every position on the diagonal, EXCEPT the last point
for (int index = startIndex; index < (DIMENSION - 1) * DIMENSION - 1; index += difference) {
if (intBoard[index] == EMPTY ||
intBoard[index] != intBoard[index + difference]) {
count ++;
if (count == DIMENSION - 1) {
return true;
return false;
* check whether one of the columns are filled with same players
* @param intBoard a array of integers that indicate the status at each position
* @return boolean: if game is finished, return true; else return false
public static boolean checkColForWinner(int[] intBoard) {
for (int remainder = 0; remainder < DIMENSION; remainder ++) { // goes through each col
int count = 0;
for (int quotient = 0; quotient < DIMENSION - 1; quotient ++ ) { // goes through each row in a specific col, except the last row
int index = remainder + quotient * DIMENSION;
if (intBoard[index] == EMPTY ||
intBoard[index] != intBoard[index + DIMENSION] ) {
break; // this column cannot be taken by the same player, look for whether finished in another column
count ++;
if (count == DIMENSION - 1){
return true;
return false;
* check whether one of the rows are filled with same players
* @param intBoard a array of integers that indicate the status at each position
* @return boolean: if game is finished, return true; else return false
public static boolean checkRowForWinner (int[] intBoard){
for (int quotient = 0; quotient < DIMENSION; quotient ++) { // goes through each col
int count = 0;
for (int remainder = 0; remainder < DIMENSION - 1; remainder ++ ) { // goes through each row in a specific col, except the last row
int index = remainder + quotient * DIMENSION;
if (intBoard[index] == EMPTY ||
intBoard[index] != intBoard[index + 1] ) {
break; // this column cannot be taken by the same player, look for whether finished in another column
count ++;
if (count == DIMENSION - 1){
return true;
return false;
* check whether all the positions in the grid are full
* @param intBoard a array of integers that indicate the status at each position
* @return boolean: if game is finished, return true; else return false
public static boolean checkForDraw (int[] intBoard){
// check if the grid is full
for (int index = 0; index < DIMENSION * DIMENSION; index++) {
if (intBoard[index] == EMPTY) {
return false;
// check if there is a winner
if (checkColForWinner(intBoard) ||
checkRowForWinner(intBoard) ||
checkDiagonalForWinner(intBoard)) {
return false;
return true;
* update the intBoard by changing the value at given position
* @param position the index of the item being changed
private static void updateIntBoard(int position){
// System.out.println(intBoard[position] + "update int board");
intBoard[position] = getCurrentPlayer();
* return a new image for the given position before the game finished
* @return an int represents the image
private static int updateImageBoardBeforeGameFinished () {
if (getCurrentPlayer() == PLAYER_O) {
return R.drawable.player_o;
else {
return R.drawable.player_x;
* return the same image for the given position after the game finished
* @param index : the index of the picture in the array that is clicked
* @return an int represents the image
private static int updateImageBoardAfterGameFinished (int index) {
if (intBoard[index] == PLAYER_O) {
return R.drawable.player_o;
else if (intBoard[index] == PLAYER_X) {
return R.drawable.player_x;
else {
return R.drawable.empty;
* check whether the position is already filled
* if not, update both the image and the int board at the given position
* switch the player
* if the position is filled, do nothing
* @param position the position (index) of the picture at which the click happened
* @return and integer of the image that will be draw at the position
public static int updateBoard(int position) {
int newImage;
if (!checkGameFinish(intBoard) && intBoard[position] == EMPTY) {
// human
newImage = updateImageBoardBeforeGameFinished();
// machine
if (!checkGameFinish(intBoard)) {
// int machinePlayerPosition = MachinePlayer.machinePlayerMove(getIntBoard(), getCurrentPlayer()); // Monte Carlo
int machinePlayerPosition = MiniMaxMachinePlayer.miniMaxMove(getIntBoard(), getCurrentPlayer())[1]; // Mini Max
else {
newImage = updateImageBoardAfterGameFinished(position);
return newImage;
import msvcrt as m
f = open("Complex Code.txt", "r")
lines = f.readlines()
lis = []
lengths = []
for z in range(0,len(lines)-1):
Words = lines[z].split()
words = ' '.join(str(wo) for wo in Words)
characters = []
for word in lis:
for w in word:
c = w[len(w)-1].split()
cha = ' '.join(str(chara) for chara in c)
def wait():
i = 0
a = 0
y = 0
while i < len(characters):
ca = characters[i]
if y == (lengths[a]):
print "\n"
a += 1
y = 0
y += 1
print ca,
input("Do you want to exit? ")
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