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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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  • Save wibbia/2103717e77200a31eaa2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wibbia/2103717e77200a31eaa2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import pygame, sys, time
from pygame.locals import *
white = 255,255,255
red = 255,0,0
black = 0,0,0
blue = 0,0,255
Orange = 255,185,0
magenta = 255,0,255
dark_magenta = 139,0,139
yellow = 255,255,0
dark_yellow = 139,139,0
pale_yellow = 80,50,0
green = 0,255,0
dark_green = 0,139,0
grey = 150,150,150
dark_red = 139,0,0
dark_blue = 0,0,139
dark_grey = 70,70,70
purple = 204,0,204
dark_purple = 153,0,153
size = width, height = 1000, 600
s = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
dhj = 0
i = 0
a = False
f = False
g = False
dr = False
dg = False
w = False
lc = False
saving = False
d = 0
b = pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (100,500,100,50))
c = pygame.draw.rect(s, black, (600,500,100,50))
e = pygame.draw.rect(s, blue, (200,500,100,50))
h = pygame.draw.rect(s, yellow, (300,500,100,50))
j = pygame.draw.rect(s, green, (400,500,100,50))
redstamp = pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (500,500,50,25))##
bluestamp = pygame.draw.rect(s, blue, (550,500,50,25))##
yellowstamp = pygame.draw.rect(s, yellow, (500,525,50,25))##
greenstamp = pygame.draw.rect(s, green, (550,525,50,25))##
helper = pygame.draw.rect(s, magenta, (700,500,100,50))
eraser = pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (800,500,100,50))
canvas = pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (10,10,980,456))
CoverCanvas = pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (10,10,980,480))
lowerCanvas = pygame.draw.rect(s, pale_yellow, (0,560,1000,40))
saver = pygame.draw.rect(s, purple,(15,500,75,50))
scroll = pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (10,575,100,20))
sub = s.subsurface(canvas)
counter = 0
name_of_file = []
counting = 0
names = []
rb = "a"
bb = "b"
yb = "c"
gb = "d"
eb = "e"
lb = "f"
updates = []
words = "You can click on the Tools below to select your tool. The tool will go darker when you have selected it. To start the tool, click on the canvas (The grey section). To end the tool, click on the canvas again. Clear, will remove all of your work from the screen. Click stamp to display an image and click on the canvas to create as many stamps as you want. Press stamp again to get off of the tool. You can only draw on the canvas. By clicking and dragging on the percentage bar at the bottom of the screen, you will increase and decrease the size of the brush that you use. By clicking the save button, the canvas with all your work will be saved as a png in the folder of the application. You can name the file anything you want just by typing with the keyboard. Do not press enter though as this is not recognised. To save your image, name it, and then press the save button again. Once you have saved the image you won't be able to draw anymore of it so only save it when it is done. The Eraser tool, will remove any work when the eraser tool is dragged over it. Click the helper button again, otherwise you will draw over this text. Selecting two or more brushes at a time will cause problems. This means that if this does occur, you can drag down to the brush boxes and manually click them off. This does mean that the brush will continue drawing down to the bottom of the canvas. Finally, Enjoy Drawing!"
split = words.split()
height = 15
scale = [10]
distance = 100
dis = 1
di = [1]
updater = [10]
multi = []
length = 15
time1 = time.time()
time2 = time.time()
def Standard():
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (updater[-1],575, 100,20))
myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Calibri", 20)
label = myfont.render(str(round(di[-1]))+"%", 1, green)
s.blit(label, (updater[-1]+30, 576))
position = 300
keysdown = [""]
key = keysdown[-1]
ratio = 100
reda = False
bluea = False
yellowa = False
greena = False
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
counting = 1
elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
pos = x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if b.collidepoint(pos) and d == 0:
a = True
pygame.draw.rect(s, dark_red, (100,500,100,50))
elif b.collidepoint(pos) and d == 1:
a = False
d = 0
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (100,500,100,50))
elif e.collidepoint(pos) and d == 0:
f = True
pygame.draw.rect(s, dark_blue, (200,500,100,50))
elif e.collidepoint(pos) and d == 1:
f = False
d = 0
pygame.draw.rect(s, blue, (200,500,100,50))
elif canvas.collidepoint(pos) and d == 2:
a = False
f = False
dr = False
dg = False
lc = False
if updates[-1] == "a":
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (100,500,100,50))
a = False
pygame.draw.rect(s, pale_yellow, (0,560,1000,40))
elif updates[-1] == "b":
pygame.draw.rect(s, blue, (200,500,100,50))
f = False
pygame.draw.rect(s, pale_yellow, (0,560,1000,40))
elif updates[-1] == "c":
pygame.draw.rect(s, yellow, (300,500,100,50))
dr = False
pygame.draw.rect(s, pale_yellow, (0,560,1000,40))
elif updates[-1] == "d":
pygame.draw.rect(s, green, (400,500,100,50))
dg = False
pygame.draw.rect(s, pale_yellow, (0,560,1000,40))
elif updates[-1] == "e":
pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (800,500,100,50))
w = False
pygame.draw.rect(s, pale_yellow, (0,560,1000,40))
if d == 2:
d = 0
elif lowerCanvas.collidepoint(pos) and d == 0:
lc = True
elif lowerCanvas.collidepoint(pos) and d == 1:
lc = False
if x > 900:
x = 900
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (x,575, 100,20))
myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Calibri", 20)
label = myfont.render(str(Rounder)+"%", 1, green)
s.blit(label, (x + 30, 576))
d = 0
elif c.collidepoint(pos):
d = 0
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (100,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, black, (600,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, blue, (200,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, yellow, (300,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, green, (400,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (10,10,980,456))
pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (10,10,980,480))
pygame.draw.rect(s, magenta, (700,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (800,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, purple, (15,500,75,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (updater[-1],575, 100,20))
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (500,500,50,25))##
pygame.draw.rect(s, blue, (550,500,50,25))##
pygame.draw.rect(s, yellow, (500,525,50,25))##
pygame.draw.rect(s, green, (550,525,50,25))##
elif eraser.collidepoint(pos) and d == 0:
w = True
elif eraser.collidepoint(pos) and d == 1:
w = False
d = 0
elif saver.collidepoint(pos) and d == 0:
saving = True
elif saver.collidepoint(pos) and d == 1:
saving = False
name = ''.join(str(namer) for namer in name_of_file)
for i in range(0, len(name_of_file)):
pygame.draw.rect(s, dark_purple, (15,500,75,50)), names[-1]+str(".png"))
counter += 1
d = 0
d = 0
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (100,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, black, (600,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, blue, (200,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, yellow, (300,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, green, (400,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (10,10,980,456))
pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (10,10,980,480))
pygame.draw.rect(s, magenta, (700,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (800,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, purple, (15,500,75,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (updater[-1],575, 100,20))
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (500,500,50,25))##
pygame.draw.rect(s, blue, (550,500,50,25))##
pygame.draw.rect(s, yellow, (500,525,50,25))##
pygame.draw.rect(s, green, (550,525,50,25))##
counting = 0
ratio = 100
keysdown = [""]
key = keysdown[-1]
elif redstamp.collidepoint(pos) and d == 0:
reda = True
pygame.draw.rect(s, dark_red, (500,500,50,25))
elif redstamp.collidepoint(pos) and d == 1:
reda = False
d = 0
pygame.draw.rect(s, red,(500,500,50,25))
elif bluestamp.collidepoint(pos) and d == 0:
bluea = True
pygame.draw.rect(s, dark_blue, (550,500,50,25))
elif bluestamp.collidepoint(pos) and d == 1:
bluea = False
d = 0
pygame.draw.rect(s, blue, (550,500,50,25))
elif yellowstamp.collidepoint(pos) and d == 0:
yellowa = True
pygame.draw.rect(s, dark_yellow, (500,525,50,25))
elif yellowstamp.collidepoint(pos) and d == 1:
yellowa = False
d = 0
pygame.draw.rect(s, yellow, (500,525,50,25))
elif greenstamp.collidepoint(pos) and d == 0:
greena = True
pygame.draw.rect(s, dark_green, (550,525,50,25))
elif greenstamp.collidepoint(pos) and d == 1:
greena = False
d = 0
pygame.draw.rect(s, green, (550,525,50,25))
elif h.collidepoint(pos) and d == 0:
dr = True
elif h.collidepoint(pos) and d == 1:
dr = False
d = 0
elif j.collidepoint(pos) and d == 0:
dg = True
elif j.collidepoint(pos) and d == 1:
dg = False
d = 0
elif helper.collidepoint(pos) and d == 0:
pygame.draw.rect(s, dark_magenta, (700,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (10,10,980,456))
pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (10,10,980,480))
for word in split:
if length > 900:
height += 20
length = 15
myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Calibri", 20)
label = myfont.render(word, 1, Orange)
s.blit(label, (length,height))
length += len(word) * 10 + 10
elif helper.collidepoint(pos) and d == 1:
pygame.draw.rect(s, magenta, (700,500,100,50))
pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (10,10,980,456))
pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (10,10,980,480))
height = 15
length = 15
elif reda == True and canvas.collidepoint(pos):
pos = x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (x,y,75,75))
elif bluea == True and canvas.collidepoint(pos):
pos = x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pygame.draw.rect(s,blue, (x,y,75,75))
elif yellowa == True and canvas.collidepoint(pos):
pos = x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pygame.draw.rect(s,yellow, (x,y,75,75))
elif greena == True and canvas.collidepoint(pos):
pos = x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pygame.draw.rect(s,green, (x,y,75,75))
d += 1
if d > 2:
d = 0
elif event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if f == True and canvas.collidepoint(pos):
pos = x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pygame.draw.rect(s, blue, (x,y, scale[-1],scale[-1]))
if a == True and canvas.collidepoint(pos):
pos = x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (x,y, scale[-1],scale[-1]))
if dr == True and canvas.collidepoint(pos):
pos = x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pygame.draw.rect(s, yellow, (x,y, scale[-1],scale[-1]))
if dg == True and canvas.collidepoint(pos):
pos = x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pygame.draw.rect(s, green, (x,y, scale[-1],scale[-1]))
if w == True and canvas.collidepoint(pos):
pos = x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pygame.draw.rect(s, grey, (x,y, scale[-1],scale[-1]))
if saving == True:
if counting == 1:
key = keysdown[-1]
key = chr(key)
ratio += 15
elif counting == 0:
pygame.draw.rect(s, black, (0, 555, 1000, 40))
myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Calibri", 32)
label = myfont.render(str(key), 1, white)
label1 = myfont.render("Name: ", 1, white)
s.blit(label1, (10, 560))
s.blit(label, (ratio,560))
counting = 2
if lc == True and lowerCanvas.collidepoint(pos):
if dhj == 0:
dhj += 1
Rounder = round(di[-1], 0)
pos = x,y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
pygame.draw.rect(s, pale_yellow, (0,560,1000,40))
pygame.draw.rect(s, red, (x,575, 100,20))
myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Calibri", 20)
label = myfont.render(str(Rounder)+"%", 1, green)
s.blit(label, (x + 30, 576))
if x > 900:
elif x < 0:
di.append((x *1.11)* dis/10)
ttime = time2 - time1
if round(ttime) > 2:
pygame.draw.rect(s, purple, (15,500,75,50))
time2 = time.time()
### Below is text for buttons ###
colours = ["Save","Red Brush", "Blue Brush", "Yellow Brush", "Green Brush", "Stamp", "Clear", "Helper", "Eraser"]
i = 50
for colour in colours:
myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Calibri", 18)
label = myfont.render(colour, 1, Orange)
s.blit(label, (i - len(colour) * 4,515))
i += 100
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