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Last active January 16, 2020 05:37
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Install packages typically needed by the BBMC data analysts (
#' This code checks the user's installed packages against the packages listed in
#' These packages are necessary for most of the analyses run by the OUHSC BBMC (
#' CRAN packages are installed only if they're not already; then they're updated if available.
#' GitHub packages are installed regardless if they're already installed.
#' If anyone encounters a package that should be on there, please add it to
#' There are two identical versions of this file. If in doubt, use the first option.
#' 1. Stand-alone GitHub Gist:
#' 2. R package on GitHub repo:
#' To run this function on your local machine with the following three lines of code:
#' if( !base::requireNamespace("devtools") ) utils::install.packages("devtools")
#' devtools::source_gist("2c5e7459b88ec28b9e8fa0c695b15ee3", filename="package-janitor-bbmc.R")
#' package_janitor_remote("")
#' @name package_janitor_remote
#' @export
#' @title checks the user's installed packages against the packages listed in a CSV.
#' @description CRAN packages are installed only if they're not already; then they're updated if available.
#' GitHub packages are installed regardless if they're already installed.
#' These packages are necessary for most of the analyses run by the OUHSC BBMC (
#' We use
#' The undecorated version of this csv (which is better for computers, but harder for humans) is
#' @param url_package_dependencies path to a csv containing the packages. See the description. Required.
#' @param cran_repo path to a CRAN mirror.
#' @param update_packages should package be updated first.
#' @param dependencies Passed to the `dependencies` parameter of [`utils::install.packages()`]). Set to `NA` to avoid 'Suggests'.
#' @param check_xml_linux display a message about the xml Linux package.
#' @param check_libcurl_linux display a message about the libcurl Linux package.
#' @param check_openssl_linux display a message about the openssl Linux package.
#' @param verbose print messages to the console (or wherever messages are being directed).
#' @importFrom utils installed.packages
#' @author Will Beasley
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # This path works if the working directory is the root of the repo:
#' #
#' package_janitor_remote("./utility/package-dependency-list.csv")
#' # Internet URLs are also accepted.
#' # Caution, this one takes at least 5 minutes.
#' url <- paste0(
#' "",
#' "master/utility/package-dependency-list.csv"
#' )
#' package_janitor_remote(url)
#' }
package_janitor_remote <- function(
cran_repo = "",
update_packages = TRUE,
dependencies = TRUE,
check_xml_linux = (R.Version()$os == "linux-gnu"),
check_libcurl_linux = (R.Version()$os == "linux-gnu"),
check_openssl_linux = (R.Version()$os == "linux-gnu"),
verbose = TRUE
) {
# if( !file.exists(url_package_dependencies) )
# base::stop("The path `", url_package_dependencies, "` was not found. Make sure the working directory is set to the root of the repository.")
# ---- load-sources ------------------------------------------------------------
# ---- load-packages -----------------------------------------------------------
# ---- declare-globals ---------------------------------------------------------
required_columns <- c("package_name", "on_cran", "install", "github_username", "description")
# ---- load-data ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (verbose)
message("package_janitor is loading the list of package dependencies.")
if (!base::requireNamespace("checkmate"))
utils::install.packages("checkmate", repos = cran_repo) # nocov
checkmate::assert_character(url_package_dependencies, min.chars = 1, len=1)
ds_packages <- utils::read.csv(
file = url_package_dependencies,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# ---- tweak-data --------------------------------------------------------------
missing_columns <- base::setdiff(required_columns, colnames(ds_packages))
if( length(missing_columns) > 0 )
stop(paste("The data.frame of the required packages is missing the following columns:", missing_columns))
ds_install_from_cran <- ds_packages[ds_packages$install & ds_packages$on_cran, ]
ds_install_from_github <- ds_packages[ds_packages$install & !ds_packages$on_cran & !$github_username) & nchar(ds_packages$github_username)>0, ]
# ---- cran-packages -----------------------------------------------------------
if (verbose)
message("package_janitor is updating the existing packages from CRAN.")
if (update_packages)
utils::update.packages(ask = FALSE, checkBuilt = TRUE, repos = cran_repo) # nocov
# ---- install-devtools --------------------------------------------------------
if (verbose)
message("package_janitor is installing the the `devtools` and `httr` packages from CRAN if necessary.")
if (!base::requireNamespace("httr"))
utils::install.packages("httr", repos = cran_repo) # nocov
if (!base::requireNamespace("devtools"))
utils::install.packages("devtools", repos = cran_repo) # nocov
# ---- install-cran-packages ---------------------------------------------------
if (verbose)
message("package_janitor is installing the CRAN packages:")
for (package_name in ds_install_from_cran$package_name) {
if (package_name == "devtools") {
if (verbose) # nocov
message("\nThe `devtools` package does not need to be in the list of package dependencies. It's updated automatically.") # nocov
} else if (package_name == "httr") {
if (verbose) # nocov
message("\nThe `httr` package does not need to be in the list of package dependencies. It's updated automatically.") # nocov
} else {
available <- base::requireNamespace(package_name, quietly = TRUE) # Checks if it's available
if (!available) {
if (verbose) message("\nInstalling `", package_name, "` from CRAN, including its dependencies.")
utils::install.packages(package_name, dependencies = dependencies, repos = cran_repo)
} else if (update_packages) {
if (verbose) message("\n`", package_name, "` exists, and verifying it's dependencies are installed too.")
# Make sure all their dependencies are installed & up-to-date
need_to_install <- remotes::package_deps(package_name, dependencies = dependencies)$package
if (verbose)
message("Package `", package_name, "` has ", length(need_to_install), " dependencies: ", paste(need_to_install, collapse = ", "), ".")
remotes::update_packages(need_to_install, repos = cran_repo)
rm(ds_install_from_cran, package_name)
if (verbose)
# ----check-linux-xml ---------------------------------------------------------
if (check_xml_linux) {
xml_results <- length(base::system2("locate", "r-cran-xml", stdout = TRUE))
xml_missing <- (xml_results == 0L)
if (xml_missing)
"This Linux machine is possibly missing the 'r-cran-xml' library. ",
"Consider running `sudo apt-get install r-cran-xml` ",
"or the equivalent for your distribution."
base::rm(xml_results, xml_missing)
# ---- check-linux-libcurl -----------------------------------------------------
if (check_libcurl_linux) {
libcurl_results <- length(base::system2("locate", "libcurl4", stdout = TRUE))
libcurl_missing <- (libcurl_results == 0L)
if (libcurl_missing)
"This Linux machine is possibly missing the 'libcurl' library. ",
"Consider running `sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev` ",
"or the equivalent for your distribution."
base::rm(libcurl_results, libcurl_missing)
# ---- check-linux-openssl -----------------------------------------------------
if (check_openssl_linux) {
openssl_results <- length(base::system2("locate", "libssl-dev", stdout = TRUE))
openssl_missing <- (openssl_results == 0L)
if (openssl_missing)
"This Linux machine is possibly missing the 'libssl' library. ",
"Consider running `sudo apt-get install libssl-dev` ",
"or the equivalent for your distribution."
base::rm(openssl_results, openssl_missing)
#---- install-github-packages -------------------------------------------------
if (verbose)
message("\npackage_janitor is installing the GitHub packages:")
for (i in base::seq_len(base::nrow(ds_install_from_github))) {
package_name <- ds_install_from_github$package_name[i]
if (verbose) message("Installing `", package_name, "` from GitHub, (not including its dependencies).")
username <- ds_install_from_github$github_username[i]
repository_name <- paste0(username, "/", package_name)
devtools::install_github(repo = repository_name)
base::rm(package_name, username, repository_name)
base::rm(ds_install_from_github, i)
# ---- notify-tinytex ---------------------------------------------------------
if (any(installed.packages() == "tinytex")) {
# This comparison is copied from tinytex:::is_tinytex().
if (!(gsub("^[.]", "", tolower(basename(tinytex::tinytex_root()))) == "tinytex"))
tinytex::install_tinytex() # nocov
# message("If you haven't already, install the TeX part of tinytex with `tinytex::install_tinytex()`.")
# ---- return ---------------------------------------------------------
if (verbose)
message("package_janitor is complete.")
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