Distance to nearest vowel
Write a function that takes a string as argument. Each character in the string will be a letter. The function should return a sequence containing the distances from each corresponding letter in the string to the nearest vowel in the string.
For example:
(nearest-vowels "aeiou") ;=> [0 0 0 0 0] ;; if the letter is a vowel, the distance is 0
(nearest-vowels "babbb") ;=> [1 0 1 2 3]
(nearest-vowels "babbba") ;=> [1 0 1 2 1 0]
- All input strings will contain at least one vowel and all letters.
- Vowels are a, e, i, o, and u.
(defn isVowel? [c] ((set "aiueo") c))
(defn vowel_positions [letters]
(keep-indexed #(when (isVowel? %2) %1) letters))
(defn findvowel [idx pos]
(reduce min (map #(Math/abs (- idx %)) pos)))
;; Slow but readable, Quadratic ish, nLetters * nVowels approach, nearest_vowels.
(defn nearest-vowels [letters]
(let [vpos (vowel_positions letters)]
(map #(findvowel % vpos) (range (count letters)))))
(defn updown [[start stop]]
(let [up (range (+ 1 (- stop start)))]
(drop-last (map min up (reverse up)))))
;; * Linear ish, nearest_vowelz.
(defn nearest-vowelz [letters]
(let [vowel_pos (vowel_positions letters)
first_pos (first vowel_pos)
last_pos (last vowel_pos)
left (map #(- first_pos %) (range first_pos))
middle (mapcat updown (partition 2 1 vowel_pos))
right (range (- (count letters) last_pos))]
(concat left middle right)))
;;The idea is to break the problem into the following steps:
(nearest-vowelz "cdefghijkabc")
;;- Find the vowel positions: (2 6 9)
;;- Solve for the left part, on the left side of 2: (2 1)
;;- Solve for the pairs of vowels in the middle: ((2 6) (6 9))
;; * Fill the range between these pair of vowels with symmetrical up and down sequence.
;; * For example for those two pairs ((0 1 2 1 0) (0 1 1 0))
;; * Concatenating middle, skip duplicates (0 1 2 1 0 (1 1 0))
;;- Solve for the right, after 9 : (0 1 2)
;;- Concatenate them all
(2 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 2)
;; Handling random generated letters up to million under a sec
(def timed (let [n 1000000
s (gen/generate (gen/vector gen/char-alpha) n)]
(time (doall (nearest-vowelz s)))))
;;"Elapsed time: 515.240426 msecs"
Same logic in scala
def vowel_pos(letters: String) = {
letters.zipWithIndex.flatMap {
case (c, idx) if "aiueo".contains(c) => idx :: Nil
case _ => Nil
def updown(start:Int, stop:Int) = {
val range = (start to stop)
case (a,b) => Math.min(a,b) - start
} init
def leftOf(start:Int) = (0 to start).toList.tail.reverse
def rightOf(start:Int, to:Int) = (0 to (to - start)).init.toList
def nearestVowel(letters: String) = {
val vowels = vowel_pos(letters)
val middle = vowels.sliding(2,1).flatMap {
case Vector(a,b) => updown(a,b)
leftOf(vowels(0)) ::: middle ::: rightOf(vowels.last, letters.length)