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// Variables used by Scriptable. | |
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit. | |
// icon-color: deep-gray; icon-glyph: magic; | |
// Licence: Robert Koch-Institut (RKI), dl-de/by-2-0 | |
// | |
// ------------- | |
// Configuration | |
// ------------- | |
// whether a second graph with old data (-7 days) should be draw for comparison | |
const drawOldData = true; | |
// whether to shorten big numbers, e. g. 10.256 becomes 10,2k | |
const shortenBigNumbers = true; | |
// --------------------------- | |
// do not edit after this line | |
// --------------------------- | |
const DAY_IN_MICROSECONDS = 86400000; | |
const lineWeight = 2; | |
const vertLineWeight = .5; | |
const accentColor1 = new Color( '#33cc33', 1 ); | |
const accentColor2 = Color.lightGray(); | |
const apiUrl = ( location ) => `https://services7.arcgis.com/mOBPykOjAyBO2ZKk/arcgis/rest/services/RKI_Landkreisdaten/FeatureServer/0/query?where=1%3D1&outFields=GEN,cases,deaths,cases7_per_100k,cases7_bl_per_100k,BL,county&geometry=${ location.longitude.toFixed( 3 ) }%2C${ location.latitude.toFixed( 3 ) }&geometryType=esriGeometryPoint&inSR=4326&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelWithin&returnGeometry=false&outSR=4326&f=json`; | |
const widgetHeight = 338; | |
const widgetWidth = 720; | |
const graphLow = 280; | |
const graphHeight = 160; | |
const spaceBetweenDays = 44.5; | |
const saveIncidenceLatLon = ( location ) => { | |
let fm = FileManager.iCloud(); | |
let path = fm.joinPath( fm.documentsDirectory(), 'covid19latlon.json' ); | |
fm.writeString( path, JSON.stringify( location ) ); | |
}; | |
const getSavedIncidenceLatLon = () => { | |
let fm = FileManager.iCloud(); | |
let path = fm.joinPath( fm.documentsDirectory(), 'covid19latlon.json' ); | |
let data = fm.readString( path ); | |
return JSON.parse( data ); | |
}; | |
let drawContext = new DrawContext(); | |
drawContext.size = new Size( widgetWidth, widgetHeight ); | |
drawContext.opaque = false; | |
let widget = await createWidget(); | |
widget.setPadding( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); | |
widget.backgroundImage = ( drawContext.getImage() ); | |
await widget.presentMedium(); | |
Script.setWidget( widget ); | |
Script.complete(); | |
async function createWidget( items ) { | |
let location; | |
if ( args.widgetParameter ) { | |
console.log( 'get fixed lat/lon' ); | |
const fixedCoordinates = args.widgetParameter.split( ',' ).map( parseFloat ); | |
location = { | |
latitude: fixedCoordinates[ 0 ], | |
longitude: fixedCoordinates[ 1 ] | |
}; | |
} | |
else { | |
Location.setAccuracyToThreeKilometers(); | |
try { | |
location = await Location.current(); | |
console.log( 'get current lat/lon' ); | |
saveIncidenceLatLon( location ); | |
} | |
catch ( e ) { | |
console.log( 'using saved lat/lon' ); | |
location = getSavedIncidenceLatLon(); | |
} | |
} | |
const locationData = await new Request( apiUrl( location ) ).loadJSON(); | |
if ( ! locationData || ! locationData.features || ! locationData.features.length ) { | |
const errorList = new ListWidget(); | |
errorList.backgroundColor = new Color( '#191a1d', 1 ); | |
errorList.addText( 'Keine Ergebnisse für den aktuellen Ort gefunden.' ); | |
return errorList; | |
} | |
const attr = locationData.features[ 0 ].attributes; | |
const cityName = attr.GEN; | |
const county = attr.county; | |
const list = new ListWidget(); | |
const date = new Date(); | |
date.setTime( date.getTime() - 23 * DAY_IN_MICROSECONDS ); | |
const minDate = ( '0' + ( date.getMonth() + 1 ) ).slice( -2 ) + '-' + ( '0' + date.getDate() ).slice( -2 ) + '-' + date.getFullYear(); | |
const apiUrlData = `https://services7.arcgis.com/mOBPykOjAyBO2ZKk/ArcGIS/rest/services/Covid19_RKI_Sums/FeatureServer/0/query?where=Landkreis+LIKE+%27%25${ encodeURIComponent( county ) }%25%27+AND+Meldedatum+%3E+%27${ encodeURIComponent( minDate ) }%27&objectIds=&time=&resultType=none&outFields=*&returnIdsOnly=false&returnUniqueIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=false&returnDistinctValues=false&cacheHint=false&orderByFields=Meldedatum&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&having=&resultOffset=&resultRecordCount=&sqlFormat=none&f=json&token=`; | |
date.setTime( ( date.getTime() + 7 * DAY_IN_MICROSECONDS ) ); | |
const cityData = await new Request( apiUrlData ).loadJSON(); | |
if ( ! cityData || ! cityData.features || ! cityData.features.length ) { | |
const errorList = new ListWidget(); | |
errorList.backgroundColor = new Color( '#191a1d', 1 ); | |
errorList.addText( 'Keine Statistik gefunden.' ); | |
return errorList; | |
} | |
list.backgroundColor = new Color( '#191a1d', 1 ); | |
drawContext.setTextColor( Color.white() ); | |
drawContext.setFont( Font.mediumSystemFont( 26 ) ); | |
drawContext.drawText( '🦠 Statistik'.toUpperCase() + ' ' + cityName, new Point( 25, 25 ) ); | |
drawContext.setTextAlignedCenter(); | |
let data = {}; | |
let oldData = {}; | |
for ( const dataset of cityData.features ) { | |
if ( drawOldData && dataset.attributes.Meldedatum < date.getTime() ) { | |
// get old data | |
if ( typeof oldData[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ] === 'undefined' ) { | |
oldData[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ] = { | |
Meldedatum: dataset.attributes.Meldedatum, | |
AnzahlFall: 0, | |
}; | |
} | |
oldData[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ].AnzahlFall += parseInt( dataset.attributes.AnzahlFall ); | |
} | |
else if ( dataset.attributes.Meldedatum >= date.getTime() ) { | |
// get old data | |
if ( drawOldData && dataset.attributes.Meldedatum < date.getTime() + 8 * DAY_IN_MICROSECONDS ) { | |
if ( typeof oldData[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ] === 'undefined' ) { | |
oldData[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ] = { | |
Meldedatum: dataset.attributes.Meldedatum, | |
AnzahlFall: 0, | |
}; | |
} | |
oldData[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ].AnzahlFall += parseInt( dataset.attributes.AnzahlFall ); | |
} | |
// get current data | |
if ( typeof data[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ] === 'undefined' ) { | |
data[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ] = { | |
Meldedatum: dataset.attributes.Meldedatum, | |
AnzahlFall: 0, | |
}; | |
} | |
data[ dataset.attributes.Meldedatum ].AnzahlFall += parseInt( dataset.attributes.AnzahlFall ); | |
} | |
} | |
// get minimal value of current and old data | |
const currentDataData = Object.values( data ); | |
const oldDataData = Object.values( oldData ); | |
let currentMin, currentMax, oldMin, oldMax; | |
for ( let i = 0; i < currentDataData.length; i++ ) { | |
let aux = currentDataData[ i ].AnzahlFall; | |
currentMin = ( aux < currentMin || currentMin == undefined ? aux : currentMin ); | |
currentMax = ( aux > currentMax || currentMax == undefined ? aux : currentMax ); | |
} | |
for ( let i = 0; i < oldDataData.length; i++ ) { | |
let aux = oldDataData[ i ].AnzahlFall; | |
oldMin = ( aux < oldMin || oldMin == undefined ? aux : oldMin ); | |
oldMax = ( aux > oldMax || oldMax == undefined ? aux : oldMax ); | |
} | |
const min = currentMin <= oldMin ? currentMin : oldMin; | |
const max = currentMax >= oldMax ? currentMax : oldMax; | |
if ( drawOldData ) { | |
drawChart( oldDataData, 'old', min, max ); | |
} | |
drawChart( currentDataData, 'current', min, max ); | |
return list; | |
} | |
function drawChart( dataArray, chartType, min, max ) { | |
let diff = max - min; | |
const highestIndex = dataArray.length - 1; | |
for ( let i = 0, j = highestIndex; i < dataArray.length; i++, j-- ) { | |
const day = ( new Date( dataArray[ i ].Meldedatum ) ).getDate(); | |
const dayOfWeek = ( new Date( dataArray[ i ].Meldedatum ) ).getDay(); | |
const cases = dataArray[ i ].AnzahlFall; | |
const delta = ( cases - min ) / diff; | |
if ( i < highestIndex ) { | |
const nextCases = dataArray[ i + 1 ].AnzahlFall; | |
const nextDelta = ( nextCases - min ) / diff; | |
const point1 = new Point( spaceBetweenDays * i + 50, graphLow - ( graphHeight * delta ) ); | |
const point2 = new Point( spaceBetweenDays * ( i + 1 ) + 50, graphLow - ( graphHeight * nextDelta ) ); | |
if ( chartType === 'current' ) { | |
drawLine( point1, point2, lineWeight, accentColor1 ); | |
} | |
else { | |
drawLine( point1, point2, 1, accentColor2 ); | |
} | |
} | |
// Vertical Line | |
if ( chartType === 'current' ) { | |
const point1 = new Point( spaceBetweenDays * i + 50, graphLow - ( graphHeight * delta ) ); | |
const point2 = new Point( spaceBetweenDays * i + 50, graphLow ); | |
drawLine( point1, point2, vertLineWeight, accentColor2 ); | |
let dayColor; | |
if ( dayOfWeek == 0 || dayOfWeek == 6 ) { | |
dayColor = accentColor2; | |
} | |
else { | |
dayColor = Color.white(); | |
} | |
const casesRect = new Rect( spaceBetweenDays * i, ( graphLow - 40 ) - ( graphHeight * delta ), 100, 23 ); | |
const dayRect = new Rect( spaceBetweenDays * i + 27, graphLow + 10, 50, 23 ); | |
drawTextR( formatNumber( cases ), casesRect, dayColor, Font.systemFont( 22 ) ); | |
drawTextR( day, dayRect, dayColor, Font.systemFont( 22 ) ); | |
} | |
} | |
return min; | |
} | |
function drawTextR( text, rect, color, font ) { | |
drawContext.setFont( font ); | |
drawContext.setTextColor( color ); | |
drawContext.drawTextInRect( new String( text ).toString(), rect ); | |
} | |
function drawLine( point1, point2, width, color ) { | |
const path = new Path(); | |
path.move( point1 ); | |
path.addLine( point2 ); | |
drawContext.addPath( path ); | |
drawContext.setStrokeColor( color ); | |
drawContext.setLineWidth( width ); | |
drawContext.strokePath(); | |
} | |
function formatNumber( number ) { | |
let tooBig = false; | |
if ( shortenBigNumbers && number > 999 ) { | |
tooBig = true; | |
} | |
// replace dot by comma | |
number = number.toString().replace( '.', ',' ); | |
// add thousands separator | |
number = number.replace( /\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, '.' ); | |
if ( tooBig ) { | |
const thousandsSeparatorPosition = number.indexOf( '.' ); | |
number = number.replace( '.', ',' ); | |
number = number.substring( 0, thousandsSeparatorPosition + 2 ) + 'k'; | |
} | |
return number; | |
} |
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