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Last active June 15, 2016 23:47
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Start up your technohipster instance

First create a security group called technohipster with the following ports open to the world:

TCP 22, 443, 8080
UDP 1194

Now launch your instance using a fresh 12.04 ubuntu image ec2-run-instances ami-b53012dc -k YOUR_KEYPAIR -g technohipster --instance-type t1.micro

Let's name it so we can find it easily in our AWS console (replacing i-99999999 with your instance ID) ec2-create-tags i-99999999 -tag "Name=technohipster"

Lets ssh to the new instance ssh -i ~/path/to/YOUR_KEYPAIR ubuntu@IP_ADDRESS

Bootstrap docker on your instance

Check the docker install page for the latest instructions, but here is what we did.

# update dependencies for docker
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-`uname -r`

# install docker
$ curl -s | sudo sh

Once docker is up, install dockvpn

CID=$(sudo docker run -d -privileged -p 1194:1194/udp -p 443:443/tcp jpetazzo/openvpn)
sudo docker run -t -i -p 8080:8080 -volumes-from $CID jpetazzo/openvpn serveconfig

On your local machine, visit the URL it gives you adding the --no-check-certificate and -O technohipster.ovpn to download your client config.

wget --no-check-certificate -O technohipster.ovpn
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