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Created January 7, 2020 04:21
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#define library and main variable
import MySQLdb
from urllib2 import urlopen
import urllib2
import requests
import time
import json
def push_notifikasi(wilayah,stasiun,tanggal,jam,ch,status,state):
tanggal_jam = str(tanggal) + " " + str(jam)
data = {
# kalau mau push ke 1 orang lihat tokennya ex:"c82HgPXsWNo:APA91bFc9oCDyNkW0IceYHlETfKM47VeaXsd_C1vNiby9QGkGqu06hY-GFRFbNv3Rh6WvrhNf1hrSFAVoKrJ7YOlIr8movNU6jUYiTENi_e37pcKoiOVMcfBYBqLpN5W-WiHnnvfqGZi" lihat di database user
"to": "/topics/bbws",
"data": {
kiriman = json.dumps(data)
resp ='', headers=headers, data=kiriman)
print resp
def insertdb(lat, lon, stasiun, id_stasiun, status, ch, wilayah, tanggal, jam, state):
conn_mysql = MySQLdb.connect("","fewsm","bsolo99","fewsm")
cursor = conn_mysql.cursor()
sql ="""INSERT INTO notifikasi(
lat, lon, stasiun, id_stasiun, status, bagian, lokasi, pelapor_id, pelapor, type, tma, debit, tanggal, jam, push_status
"%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s", "%s")"""%(
lat, lon, stasiun, id_stasiun, status, wilayah, stasiun, '0', 'system', '1', ch, '0', tanggal, jam, '0')
print "success"
print "error"
print sql
#try :
conn_mysql = MySQLdb.connect("","fewsm","bsolo99","fewsm")
cursor = conn_mysql.cursor()
sql ="""UPDATE tb_info_siaga
SET tanggal=concat("%s"," ","%s"), status='%s', nilai='%s'
WHERE id_stas='%s' and type = '1'"""%(
tanggal, jam, status, ch, id_stasiun
print "success"
print sql
print "error"
print sql
#except Exception as e: print(e)
def klasifikasi(rain, ll, stasiun, id_stasiun, wilayah, tanggal, jam):
lon = (ll.split(","))[1]
lat = (ll.split(","))[0]
if wilayah == 1 :
wilayah = "Hulu"
elif wilayah == 2 :
wilayah = "Madiun"
elif wilayah == 3 :
wilayah = "Hilir"
wilayah = "Hilir"
print "lon : " + str(lon)
print "lat : " + str(lat)
print "id_stasiun : " + str(id_stasiun)
print "wilayah : " + str(wilayah)
#cek data status sebelumnya (pantau 12 kebelakang)
sql = """SELECT status FROM fewsm.notifikasi where id_stasiun = "%s" and TIMESTAMP(tanggal, jam) >= DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 24 HOUR) order by tanggal desc, jam desc limit 1;""" %(id_stasiun)
conn_mysql = MySQLdb.connect("","fewsm","bsolo99","fewsm")
cursor = conn_mysql.cursor()
result = cursor.fetchall()
old_status = (result[0])[0]
print "old_status : " + str(old_status)
if float(rain) >= 20:
print 'hujan sangat lebat'
status = 'hujan sangat lebat'
if status != old_status :
state = 3
insertdb(lat, lon, stasiun, id_stasiun, status, rain, wilayah, tanggal, jam, state)
else :
print "status sama dengan sebelumnya"
elif float(rain) >= 10 and float(rain) < 20:
print 'hujan lebat'
status = 'hujan lebat'
if status != old_status :
state = 2
insertdb(lat, lon, stasiun, id_stasiun, status, rain, wilayah, tanggal, jam, state)
else :
print "status sama dengan sebelumnya"
elif float(rain) >= 5 and float(rain) < 10:
print 'hujan sedang'
status = 'hujan sedang'
if status != old_status :
state = 1
insertdb(lat, lon, stasiun, id_stasiun, status, rain, wilayah, tanggal, jam, state)
else :
print "status sama dengan sebelumnya"
else : # default, could also just omit condition or 'if True'
print 'normal'
status = 'normal'
state = 0
def data_stas(stasiun, tippingfactor, ll, id_stasiun, wilayah):
sql = """SELECT max(SamplingDate), max(SamplingTime), sum(Rain) as rain, date_format(TIMESTAMP(samplingdate, samplingtime), '%Y-%m-%d %H') as jaman FROM """ + stasiun + """ where TIMESTAMP(samplingdate, samplingtime) >= DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 24 HOUR) group by jaman order by SamplingDate desc, SamplingTime desc;"""
conn_mysql = MySQLdb.connect("","remote","remote","ffws")
cursor = conn_mysql.cursor()
result = cursor.fetchall()
for data in result:
klasifikasi(str(data[2]), ll, stasiun, id_stasiun, wilayah, str(data[0]), str(data[1]))
print "no data"
## rain_agr = 0
## try:
## for data in result :
## try:
## rain = float(data[2]) * float(tippingfactor)
## except:
## rain = 0
## rain_agr = rain_agr + rain
## #print "data : " + str(data[2])
## #print "rain : " + str(rain)
## print "rain_agr : " + str(rain_agr)
## print "tippingfactor : " + str(tippingfactor)
## print "tanggal : " + str(data[0])
## print "jam : " + str(data[1])
## print "stasiun : " + str(stasiun)
## klasifikasi(rain_agr, ll, stasiun, id_stasiun, wilayah, str(data[0]), str(data[1]))
## except:
## print "no data in 1 hour"
sql = """SELECT AgentID, AgentType, AgentName, TippingFactor, ll, wilayah from agent where AgentType = 1 and ews_mute = 0;"""
conn_mysql = MySQLdb.connect("","remote","remote","ffws")
cursor = conn_mysql.cursor()
result = cursor.fetchall()
for res in result :
stas = (res[2].replace(" ","_")).lower()
tipfac = res[3]
ll = res[4]
id_stasiun = res[0]
wilayah = res[5]
data_stas(stas, tipfac, ll, id_stasiun, wilayah)
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