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Last active June 16, 2019 20:49
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Langevin Dynamics simulating methane using ANI1x and plotting H-C-H angles
from openmmtools.constants import kB
from simtk import unit
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
from IPython.display import SVG
from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
from rdkit.Chem import rdFMCS
import copy
import random, math
import os
import mdtraj as md
import nglview
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# temperature, mass, and related constants
temperature = 300 * unit.kelvin
kT = kB * temperature
mass = (12.0 * unit.dalton)
sigma_v = np.sqrt(kB * temperature / mass)
# openmm units
mass_unit = unit.dalton
distance_unit = unit.nanometer
time_unit = unit.femtosecond
energy_unit = unit.kilojoule_per_mole
speed_unit = distance_unit / time_unit
force_unit = unit.kilojoule_per_mole / unit.nanometer
# ANI-1 units and conversion factors
ani_distance_unit = unit.angstrom
hartree_to_kJ_mol = 2625.499638
ani_energy_unit = hartree_to_kJ_mol * unit.kilojoule_per_mole # simtk.unit doesn't have hartree?
nm_to_angstroms = (1.0 * distance_unit) / (1.0 * ani_distance_unit)
# use torchani to sample methane
# TODO: modify this to be an instance method of a Molecule class instead of a function sitting in main...
import torchani
import torch
device = torch.device('cpu')
model = torchani.models.ANI1x()
def ANI1ccx_force(x):
x : numpy array, unit'd
F : numpy array, unit'd
force, with units of kJ/mol/nm attached
assert(type(x) == unit.Quantity)
x_in_nm = x.value_in_unit(unit.nanometer)
coordinates = torch.tensor([x_in_nm],
requires_grad=True, device=device, dtype=torch.float32)
# convert from nm to angstroms
coordinates_in_angstroms = coordinates * nm_to_angstroms
_, energy_in_hartree = model((species, coordinates_in_angstroms))
# convert energy from hartrees to kJ/mol
energy_in_kJ_mol = energy_in_hartree * hartree_to_kJ_mol
# derivative of E (in kJ/mol) w.r.t. coordinates (in nm)
derivative = torch.autograd.grad((energy_in_kJ_mol).sum(), coordinates)[0]
F_in_openmm_unit = - np.array(derivative)[0]
return F_in_openmm_unit * (unit.kilojoule_per_mole / unit.nanometer)
def langevin(x0,
stepsize=1 * unit.femtosecond,
temperature=300 * unit.kelvin,
"""Unadjusted Langevin dynamics.
x0 : array of floats, unit'd (distance unit)
initial configuration
force : callable, accepts a unit'd array and returns a unit'd array
assumes input is in units of distance
output is in units of energy / distance
n_steps : integer
number of Langevin steps
stepsize : float > 0, in units of time
finite timestep parameter
collision_rate : float > 0, in units of 1/time
controls the rate of interaction with the heat bath
temperature : float > 0, in units of temperature
progress_bar : bool
use tqdm to show progress bar
traj : [n_steps + 1 x dim] array of floats, unit'd
trajectory of samples generated by Langevin dynamics
Assumes all particles have equal mass for convenience
(Hardcoded to 12 daltons, ignores the global variable `mass`!)
# x,v are input using units
v0 = np.random.randn(len(x0),3) * sigma_v
assert(type(x0) == unit.Quantity)
assert(type(v0) == unit.Quantity)
assert(type(stepsize) == unit.Quantity)
assert(type(collision_rate) == unit.Quantity)
assert(type(temperature) == unit.Quantity)
# convert initial state numpy arrays with correct attached units
x = np.array(x0.value_in_unit(distance_unit)) * distance_unit
v = np.array(v0.value_in_unit(speed_unit)) * speed_unit
# traj is accumulated as a list of arrays with attached units
traj = [x]
# defining particles to have uniform masses
mass = 12.0 * unit.dalton # TODO: allow non-uniform masses?
# dimensionless scalars
a = np.exp(- collision_rate * stepsize)
b = np.sqrt(1 - np.exp(-2 * collision_rate * stepsize))
# compute force on initial configuration
F = force(x)
trange = range(n_steps)
trange = tqdm(trange)
for _ in trange:
# v
v += (stepsize * 0.5) * F / mass
# r
x += (stepsize * 0.5) * v
# o
v = (a * v) + (b * sigma_v * np.random.randn(*x.shape))
# r
x += (stepsize * 0.5) * v
F = force(x)
# v
v += (stepsize * 0.5) * F / mass
norm_F = np.linalg.norm(F)
# report gradient norm
trange.set_postfix({'|force|': norm_F})
# check positions and forces are finite
if (not np.isfinite(x).all()) or (not np.isfinite(norm_F)):
print("Numerical instability encountered!")
return traj
return traj, x
# run langevin dynamics using ANI1x and methane
atom_list = 'CHHHH'
x = np.array([[0.03192167, 0.00638559, 0.01301679],
[-0.83140486, 0.39370209, -0.26395324],
[-0.66518241, -0.84461308, 0.20759389],
[0.45554739, 0.54289633, 0.81170881],
[0.66091919, -0.16799635, -0.91037834]])
x_in_angstroms = x * unit.angstrom
# initial conditions: coordinates from example were given in units of angstroms
species = model.species_to_tensor(atom_list).to(device).unsqueeze(0)
x0 = x_in_angstroms
trajectory, x_in_nm = langevin(x0, ANI1ccx_force, n_steps=50000, stepsize=2*unit.femtosecond, temperature=temperature, progress_bar=True)
# generating mdtraj traj object
pdb_file = open('methane.pdb', 'w+')
s = ('''
ATOM 1 C 1 0.257 -0.363 0.000 1.00 0.00
ATOM 2 H 1 0.257 0.727 0.000 1.00 0.00
ATOM 3 H 1 0.771 -0.727 0.890 1.00 0.00
ATOM 4 H 1 0.771 -0.727 -0.890 1.00 0.00
ATOM 5 H 1 -0.771 -0.727 0.000 1.00 0.00
TER 6 1
topology = md.load('methane.pdb').topology
traj_in_nm = [(x /10)/ unit.angstrom for x in trajectory]
ani_traj = md.Trajectory(traj_in_nm, topology)
ani_traj = ani_traj.superpose(ani_traj[0]) # RMSD align onto first frame
view = nglview.show_mdtraj(ani_traj)
# compute angles
l = md.compute_angles(ani_traj, np.array([[1, 0, 2]], np.int32))
plt.hist(l[1::] * 180/np.pi,linewidth=0.5, bins=np.linspace(90, 130, 60), alpha=0.5)
print('Mean: {}'.format(np.mean(l)* 180/np.pi))
l = md.compute_angles(ani_traj, np.array([[1, 0, 3]], np.int32))
plt.hist(l[1::] * 180/np.pi,linewidth=0.5, bins=np.linspace(90, 130, 60), alpha=0.5)
print('Mean: {}'.format(np.mean(l)* 180/np.pi))
l = md.compute_angles(ani_traj, np.array([[1, 0, 4]], np.int32))
plt.hist(l[1::] * 180/np.pi,linewidth=0.5, bins=np.linspace(90, 130, 60), alpha=0.5)
print('Mean: {}'.format(np.mean(l)* 180/np.pi))
ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1)
plt.title('H-C-H angle in degree')
plt.savefig('angles_vs_iterations.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')
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