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Last active September 23, 2016 03:57
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Save wiiiim/f60e06cb9988f57665c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Springboard for Corona SDK, based on widget.scrollView
local springboard = require("springboard")
local group = display.newGroup() -- root display group
local pageTotal = 3
local board -- springboard instance
local pageDots = {} -- dots at the top
local function animatePageDot() -- called each time the springboard changes page
local currentPage =
-- reset all pagedots
for i=1, pageTotal do
local dot=pageDots[i]
dot.xScale=1; dot.yScale=1
-- enlarge dot for current page[currentPage], {time=30, xScale=1.4, yScale=1.4})
-- creat page dots
local dotGroup=display.newGroup(); dotGroup.anchorX=.5; dotGroup.anchorChildren=true
dotGroup.x = 0.5*display.contentWidth; dotGroup.y = 30
for i=1, pageTotal do
local dot = display.newCircle((i-1)*50, 0, 10); dotGroup:insert(dot) -- in a real app you would use a smooth dot image, circles of this size look pixellated
-- create springboard
local boardGroup = display.newGroup(); group:insert(boardGroup)
board =, 300, 400, pageTotal, animatePageDot, {backgroundColor={.8,.8,1}, time=200})
boardGroup.x = 10
boardGroup.y = 50
-- fill the springboard with content
for i=1, pageTotal do
local rect = display.newRect((i-1)*300 + 10, 50, 280, 200); rect.anchorX = 0; rect.anchorY = 0; rect:setFillColor(.2*i, .1*i, .3*i)
board.view:insert(rect) -- insert into springboard
-- flip to initial page (default on page 1)
board:goToPage(2, 0) -- time = 0 for instant page switch (no transition)
module(..., package.seeall)
local widget = require( "widget" )
local math_abs = math.abs
local math_floor = math.floor
local system_getTimer = system.getTimer
local springboard = { }
local springboard_mt = { __index = springboard }
function, pageWidth, pageHeight, pages, onScrollComplete, params)
local touchTime, scrollView
local obj = {pageWidth=pageWidth, pageHeight=pageHeight, pages=pages, page=1, onScrollComplete=onScrollComplete}
obj.backgroundColor=(params and params.backgroundColor) or nil
obj.time=(params and params.time) or nil
local function scrollListener(event)
local phase = event.phase
if phase == "began" then
touchTime = event.time
elseif phase == "moved" and not touchTime then -- no began phase when focus is explicetly transferred to springboard with takeFocus
touchTime = event.time
elseif phase == "ended" or phase == "off" or phase == "cancelled" then
touchTime = touchTime or system_getTimer()
local motionTime = system_getTimer() - touchTime
local dist = event.xStart - event.x; local swipeDist = math_abs(dist); local nextPage
-- calculate next page index (negative or 0)
if (motionTime <= 300 and swipeDist >= 30) then
-- fast page flip
nextPage = + dist/swipeDist
-- slow controlled drag
local x, y = scrollView:getContentPosition()
nextPage = math_floor(-x/pageWidth) + ((-x%pageWidth > 0.5*pageWidth and 1) or 0) + 1
-- move to page
if nextPage >= 1 and nextPage <= pages then
-- snap to next page
scrollView:scrollToPosition({x=-(nextPage-1)*pageWidth, onComplete=onScrollComplete, time=obj.time}) = nextPage
-- out of bounds
scrollView:scrollToPosition({x=-(*pageWidth, onComplete=onScrollComplete, time=obj.time})
return true
scrollView = widget.newScrollView
top = 0,
left = 0,
width = pageWidth,
height = pageHeight,
scrollWidth = pageWidth * pages,
scrollHeight = pageHeight,
listener = scrollListener,
backgroundColor = obj.backgroundColor,
hideBackground = not obj.backgroundColor,
verticalScrollDisabled = true,
hideScrollBar = true,
obj.view = scrollView
return setmetatable(obj, springboard_mt)
function springboard:goToPage(page, time)
local options = {x = -(page-1)*self.pageWidth, onComplete = self.onScrollComplete, time=(time or self.time)}
self.view:scrollToPosition(options) = page
return springboard
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