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Created August 28, 2014 16:23
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Fix Display of Million Dollar values
_handle = createDialog "ATM_management";
_display = findDisplay 2700;
_text = _display displayCtrl 2701;
_units = _display displayCtrl 2703;
_bankMoney = player getVariable ["bmoney", 0];
_playerMoney = player getVariable ["cmoney", 0];
if (_bankMoney > 999999) then
_bankMoney = (_bankMoney / 1000000);
_bankMoney = round (_bankMoney * (100)) / 100; //round to two decimal places
_bankMoney = format["%1 M", _bankMoney];
if (_playerMoney > 999999) then
_playerMoney = (_playerMoney / 1000000);
_playerMoney = round (_playerMoney * (100)) / 100; //round to two decimal places
_playerMoney = format["%1 M", _playerMoney];
lbClear _units;
_text ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format["<img size='1.7' image='client\icons\bank.paa'/> $%1<br/><img size='1.6' image='client\icons\money.paa'/> $%2",_bankMoney,_playerMoney];
lbSetCurSel [2703,0];
#include "dialog\player_sys.sqf";
if(isnil {player getVariable "cmoney"}) then {player setVariable["cmoney",0,true];};
if(dialog) exitwith{};
_playerDialog = createDialog "playerSettings";
_Dialog = findDisplay playersys_DIALOG;
_foodtext = _Dialog displayCtrl food_text;
_watertext = _Dialog displayCtrl water_text;
_moneytext = _Dialog displayCtrl money_text;
_mvalue = _Dialog displayCtrl money_value;
_rogue = _Dialog displayCtrl rogue_text;
_uptime = _Dialog displayCtrl uptime_text;
_groupButton = _Dialog displayCtrl groupButton;
_foodtext ctrlSettext format["%1 / 100", round(hungerLevel)];
_watertext ctrlSetText format["%1 / 100", round(thirstLevel)];
if (player getVariable "cmoney" > 999999) then
_hudNumber = ((player getVariable "cmoney") / 1000000);
_hudNumber = round (_hudnumber * (10000)) / 10000; //round to four decimal places
_moneytext ctrlSetText format["$%1 M", _hudNumber];
} else {
_moneytext ctrlSetText format["$%1", player getVariable "cmoney"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$5"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "5"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$15"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "15"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$20"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "20"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$50"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "50"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$75"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "75"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$100"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "100"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$200"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "200"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$300"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "300"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$400"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "400"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$500"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "500"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$1000"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "1000"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$2000"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "2000"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$3000"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "3000"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$4000"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "4000"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$5000"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "5000"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$10000"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "10000"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$20000"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "20000"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$30000"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "30000"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$40000"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "40000"];
_mIndex = _mvalue lbadd "$50000"; _mvalue lbSetData [(lbSize _mvalue)-1, "50000"];
// enabled groups for bluefor/opfor for sthud usage (uncomment this to undo it) - JoSchaap
// if(str(playerSide) == "west" || str(playerSide) == "east") then
// {
// _groupButton ctrlShow false;
// };
// @file Version: 1.0
// @file Name: playerHud.sqf
// @file Author: [404] Deadbeat, [GoT] JoSchaap, [KoS] Bewilderbeest
// @file Created: 11/09/2012 04:23
// @file Args:
#define hud_status_idc 3600
#define hud_vehicle_idc 3601
#define hud_activity_icon_idc 3602
#define hud_activity_textbox_idc 3603
scriptName "playerHud";
private ["_lastHealthReading", "_lastTerritoryName", "_lastTerritoryDescriptiveName", "_territoryCaptureIcon", "_activityIconOrigPos", "_activityTextboxOrigPos", "_dispUnitInfo", "_topLeftBox", "_topLeftBoxPos"];
_lastHealthReading = 100; // Used to flash the health reading when it changes
// Needed for territory system
_lastTerritoryName = "";
_lastTerritoryDescriptiveName = "";
_displayTerritoryActivity =
private ['_boldFont', '_descriptiveName', '_configEntry', '_territoryActionText', '_territoryAction', '_seconds', '_minutes'];
_boldFont = "PuristaBold";
_descriptiveName = "Unknown territory";
// Expensive lookup for the HUD, so cache it
if (_territoryName != _lastTerritoryName) then
// Look up the descriptive name of this territory
_configEntry = [["config_territory_markers", []] call getPublicVar, { _x select 0 == _territoryName }] call BIS_fnc_conditionalSelect;
_descriptiveName = (_configEntry select 0) select 1;
_lastTerritoryName = _territoryName;
_lastTerritoryDescriptiveName = _descriptiveName;
_descriptiveName = _lastTerritoryDescriptiveName;
_territoryActionText = "";
_territoryAction = _territoryActivity select 0;
switch (_territoryAction) do
case "CAPTURE":
_territoryCaptureCountdown = round (_territoryActivity select 1);
if (_territoryCaptureCountdown > 60) then
_seconds = _territoryCaptureCountdown % 60;
_territoryCaptureCountdown = (_territoryCaptureCountdown - _seconds) / 60;
_minutes = _territoryCaptureCountdown % 60;
_territoryActionText = format["Capturing territory in about <t font='%1'>%2 minutes</t>", _boldFont, _minutes + 1];
if (_territoryCaptureCountdown < 5) then
_territoryActionText = "Territory transition in progress...";
_territoryActionText = format["Capturing territory in <t font='%1'>%2 seconds</t>", _boldFont, _territoryCaptureCountdown];
case "BLOCKEDATTACKER": { _territoryActionText = "Territory capture blocked" };
case "BLOCKEDDEFENDER": { _territoryActionText = "Territory under attack" };
case "RESET": { _territoryActionText = "Territory capture started" };
_activityMessage = format ["Location: <t font='%1'>%2</t><br/>%3", _boldFont, _descriptiveName, _territoryActionText];
_topLeftIconText = format ["<img size='%1' image='territory\client\icons\territory_cap_white.paa'/>", 3 * (0.55 / (getResolution select 5))];
[_topLeftIconText, _activityMessage]
_unlimitedStamina = ["A3W_unlimitedStamina"] call isConfigOn;
while {true} do
private ["_ui","_vitals","_hudVehicle","_health","_tempString","_yOffset","_vehicle"];
1000 cutRsc ["WastelandHud","PLAIN"];
_ui = uiNameSpace getVariable "WastelandHud";
_vitals = _ui displayCtrl hud_status_idc;
_hudVehicle = _ui displayCtrl hud_vehicle_idc;
_hudActivityIcon = _ui displayCtrl hud_activity_icon_idc;
_hudActivityTextbox = _ui displayCtrl hud_activity_textbox_idc;
//Calculate Health 0 - 100
_health = ((1 - damage player) * 100) max 0;
_health = if (_health > 1) then { floor _health } else { ceil _health };
// Flash the health colour on the HUD according to it going up, down or the same
_healthTextColor = "#FFFFFF";
if (_health != _lastHealthReading) then
// Health change. Up or down?
if (_health < _lastHealthReading) then
// Gone down. Red flash
_healthTextColor = "#FF1717";
// Gone up. Green flash
_healthTextColor = "#17FF17";
// Make sure we keep a record of the health value from this iteration
_lastHealthReading = _health;
// Icons in bottom right
_str = if (_unlimitedStamina) then {
} else {
format ["%1 <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\running_man.paa'/>", 100 - ceil((getFatigue player) * 100)];
//AJ + 1 - Add Bankmoney Indicator
if (player getVariable "bmoney" > 999999) then
_hudNumber = ((player getVariable "bmoney") / 1000000);
_hudNumber = round (_hudnumber * (100)) / 100; //round to two decimal places
_str = format["%1<br/>%2 M <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\bank.paa'/>", _str, _hudnumber];
} else {
_str = format["%1<br/>%2 <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\bank.paa'/>", _str, player getVariable "bmoney"];
if (player getVariable "cmoney" > 999999) then
_hudNumber = ((player getVariable "cmoney") / 1000000);
_hudNumber = round (_hudnumber * (100)) / 100; //round to two decimal places
_str = format["%1<br/>%2 M <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\money.paa'/>", _str, _hudnumber];
} else {
_str = format["%1<br/>%2 <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\money.paa'/>", _str, player getVariable "cmoney"];
_str = format["%1<br/>%2 <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\water.paa'/>", _str, ceil (thirstLevel max 0)];
_str = format["%1<br/>%2 <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\food.paa'/>", _str, ceil (hungerLevel max 0)];
_str = format["%1<br/><t color='%2'>%3</t> <img size='0.7' image='client\icons\health.paa'/>", _str, _healthTextColor, _health];
_vitals ctrlShow alive player;
_vitals ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _str;
_vitals ctrlCommit 0;
_tempString = "";
_yOffset = 0.26;
if (isStreamFriendlyUIEnabled) then
_tempString = format ["<t color='#A0FFFFFF'>A3Wasteland %1<br/></t>", getText (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "description")];
_yOffset = 0.28;
_hudVehicle ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _tempString;
_x = safeZoneX + (safeZoneW * (1 - (0.42 / SafeZoneW)));
_y = safeZoneY + (safeZoneH * (1 - (_yOffset / SafeZoneH)));
_hudVehicle ctrlSetPosition [_x, _y, 0.4, 0.65];
if (player != vehicle player) then
_yOffset = 0.24;
_vehicle = assignedVehicle player;
_icon = switch (true) do
case (driver _vehicle == _x): { "client\icons\driver.paa" };
case (gunner _vehicle == _x): { "client\icons\gunner.paa" };
default { "client\icons\cargo.paa" };
_tempString = format ["%1 %2 <img image='%3'/><br/>", _tempString, name _x, _icon];
_yOffset = _yOffset + 0.04;
} forEach crew _vehicle;
_hudVehicle ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _tempString;
_x = safeZoneX + (safeZoneW * (1 - (0.42 / SafeZoneW)));
_y = safeZoneY + (safeZoneH * (1 - (_yOffset / SafeZoneH)));
_hudVehicle ctrlSetPosition [_x, _y, 0.4, 0.65];
_hudVehicle ctrlCommit 0;
// Territory system! Uses two new boxes in the top left of the HUD. We
// can extend the system later to encompas other activities
// This does nothing if the system is not enabled, as TERRITORY_ACTIVITY is never set
_activityIconStr = "";
_activityMessage = "";
_activityBackgroundAlpha = 0;
// Activity does not show when the map or Esc menu is open
if (!visibleMap && isNull findDisplay 49) then
// Determine activity. Currently this is territory cap only
_territoryActivity = player getVariable ["TERRITORY_ACTIVITY", []];
_territoryName = player getVariable ["TERRITORY_OCCUPATION", ""];
if (count _territoryActivity > 0 && _territoryName != "") then
_activityDetails = [] call _displayTerritoryActivity;
_activityIconStr = _activityDetails select 0;
_activityMessage = _activityDetails select 1;
// Show the UI if we have activity
if (_activityIconStr != "" && _activityMessage != "") then
if (isNil "_activityIconOrigPos" && isNil "_activityTextboxOrigPos") then
_activityIconOrigPos = ctrlPosition _hudActivityIcon;
_activityTextboxOrigPos = ctrlPosition _hudActivityTextbox;
_activityBackgroundAlpha = 0.4;
_dispUnitInfo = uiNamespace getVariable ["RscUnitInfo", displayNull];
_topLeftBox = _dispUnitInfo displayCtrl 113;
// If top left vehicle info box is displayed, move activity controls a bit to the right
if (ctrlShown _topLeftBox) then
_topLeftBoxPos = ctrlPosition _topLeftBox;
_hudActivityIcon ctrlSetPosition
(_activityIconOrigPos select 0) + (_topLeftBoxPos select 2) + (0.015 * (safezoneW min safezoneH)),
_activityIconOrigPos select 1,
_activityIconOrigPos select 2,
_activityIconOrigPos select 3
_hudActivityTextbox ctrlSetPosition
(_activityTextboxOrigPos select 0) + (_topLeftBoxPos select 2) + (0.015 * (safezoneW min safezoneH)),
_activityTextboxOrigPos select 1,
_activityTextboxOrigPos select 2,
_activityTextboxOrigPos select 3
_hudActivityIcon ctrlSetPosition _activityIconOrigPos;
_hudActivityTextbox ctrlSetPosition _activityTextboxOrigPos;
_hudActivityIcon ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0, 0, 0, _activityBackgroundAlpha];
_hudActivityIcon ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _activityIconStr;
_hudActivityIcon ctrlCommit 0;
_hudActivityTextbox ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0, 0, 0, _activityBackgroundAlpha];
_hudActivityTextbox ctrlSetStructuredText parseText _activityMessage;
_hudActivityTextbox ctrlCommit 0;
// Remove unrealistic blur effects
if (!isNil "BIS_fnc_feedback_damageBlur" && {ppEffectCommitted BIS_fnc_feedback_damageBlur}) then { ppEffectDestroy BIS_fnc_feedback_damageBlur };
if (!isNil "BIS_fnc_feedback_fatigueBlur" && {ppEffectCommitted BIS_fnc_feedback_fatigueBlur}) then { ppEffectDestroy BIS_fnc_feedback_fatigueBlur };
sleep 1;
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