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# Reference:
# install homebrew and cask
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# install virtualbox
brew cask install virtualbox
# install dockertoolbox
brew cask install dockertoolbox
# add this to your bash profile and source into current shell
eval $(docker-machine env dev)
# clone demo kubernetes
cd ~/Code
git clone
# bring up kubernetes
cd demo-kubernetes
docker-compose up
# install kubernetes
brew install kubernetes-cli
# setup ssh tunnel for kubectl which uses port 8080
docker-machine ssh default -L 8080:localhost:8080
# use kubectl to list the nodes
kubectl get nodes
# default Ready 36m
# Create demo service
kubectl run service-demo --image=geku/go-app:0.1 --port=5000
kubectl get pods -l run=service-demo
# Scale service to 3 instances
kubectl scale rc service-demo --replicas=3
kubectl get pods -l run=service-demo
# list replication controllers
kubectl get rc
# service-demo service-demo geku/go-app:0.1 run=service-demo 3 11m
# expose our service on port 80
kubectl expose rc service-demo --port=80 --target-port=5000 --type=NodePort
# This creates a load balancer and assigns our service a virtual IP where we can reach a random instance of our service.
# Additionally it maps it to a random port on our host server.
# get the node port on your host server
kubectl get -o yaml service/service-demo | grep nodePort
# this returns nodePort: 31538
# now you can curl the load balanced service multiple times and get results from the different machines
curl $(docker-machine ip default):32382/json
# {"hostname":"service-demo-qk3kf","env":["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin
curl $(docker-machine ip default):32382/json
# {"hostname":"service-demo-i1tdt","env":["PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin
# By sending multiple requests you can see that they are answered by different instances (varying hostname).
# remove all pods and the service
kubectl delete service/service-demo
kubectl delete rc/service-demo
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