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Created June 15, 2018 17:12
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#lang racket/base
(for-template (only-in racket/base let-values #%plain-lambda))
(module+ test
(require chk))
;; Tools for manipulating ASTs in Racket.
;; While In Theory (TM), we ought to be able to rely on hygiene and never worry
;; about binding when doing crazy macro magic, this is just not true.
;; So here are some tools for working with syntax objects when you can't rely on
;; hygiene and need to do it yourself.
;; A pattern for making these tools aware of binding:
;; open recursive binding parsers:
;; Racket plain-lambda parser
(define (plain-lambda-reconstructor xs _ es)
#`(#%plain-lambda (#,@xs) #,@es))
;; ... if I only I had a maybe type
(define (plain-lambda-parser syn f)
(syntax-parse syn
#:literals (#%plain-lambda)
[(#%plain-lambda (x) e)
(list (list #'x) '() (list #'e) plain-lambda-reconstructor)]
[_ (f syn f)]))
(module+ test
(define matches1?
#:when (plain-lambda-parser #'binder (lambda _ #f))
[_ #f]))
#:t (matches1? #`(#%plain-lambda (x) x))
#:! #:t (matches1? #`(lambda (x) x))))
(define (lambda-reconstructor xs _ es)
#`(lambda #,xs #,@es))
(define (lambda-parser syn f)
(syntax-parse syn
#:literals (lambda)
[(lambda (x ...) e ...)
(list (attribute x) '() (attribute e) lambda-reconstructor)]
[_ (f syn f)]))
;; The current binding parser
(define current-binder-parser
;; Expects a syntax object and a recursive binder-parser (f), returns:
;; EITHER: #f, if it doesn't match
;; OR: a list containing:
;; - a list of ids
;; - a list of sub expressions in which ids are unbound
;; - a list of sub expressions in which ids are bound
;; - a reconstructor, which expects the (possibly modified) ids, unbounds
;; exprs, and bound exprs and returns a syntax object representing the binding
;; form of the same kind originally parsed.
(lambda _ #f)
;; hide current-binder-parser's open recursive nature
(lambda (f)
(let ([old-f (current-binder-parser)])
[(syn) (f syn old-f)]
[(syn old-f) (f syn old-f)])))))
(module+ test
(define matches2?
#:when ((current-binder-parser) #'binder)
[_ #f]))
(parameterize ([current-binder-parser plain-lambda-parser])
#:t (matches2? #`(#%plain-lambda (x) x))
#:! #:t (matches2? #`(lambda (x) x)))
(parameterize ([current-binder-parser lambda-parser])
#:t (matches2? #`(#%plain-lambda (x) x))
#:t (matches2? #`(lambda (x) x))))))
;; Alpha equality
(define current-bound-vars (make-parameter (immutable-free-id-set)))
(define (id=? x y)
(and (identifier? x) (identifier? y)
(equal? (syntax->datum x) (syntax->datum y))))
;; Syntax equality, up to alpha equivalence.
;; Is aware of binding forms, and can be made to break hygiene by replacing id=?
;; with datum=?
(define (stx=? e1 e2)
[(id=? e1 e2)]
[(and (number? (syntax-e e1)) (number? (syntax-e e2)))
(= (syntax-e e1) (syntax-e e2))]
[(and (stx-pair? e1) (stx-pair? e2))
(syntax-parse (list e1 e2)
[(binder1 binder2)
#:when ((current-binder-parser) #'binder1)
#:when ((current-binder-parser) #'binder2)
(match (cons ((current-binder-parser) #'binder1)
((current-binder-parser) #'binder2))
[(cons (list xs1 ues1 bes1 r1)
(list xs2 ues2 bes2 r2))
;; short-circuit
(= (length xs1) (length xs2))
(= (length ues1) (length ues2))
(= (length bes1) (length bes2))
(andmap stx=? ues1 ues2)
(andmap stx=? bes1 (map (lambda (syn) (subst* xs1 xs2 syn)) bes2)))])]
(= (length (syntax->list e1)) (length (syntax->list e2)))
(andmap stx=? (syntax->list e1) (syntax->list e2)))])]
[else #f]))
(module+ test
#:t (stx=? #'5 #'5)
#:! #:t (stx=? #'5 #'4)
#:! #:t (stx=? #'(lambda (x) x) #'(lambda (y) x))
#:! #:t (stx=? #'(lambda (x) x) #'(lambda (y) y)))
(parameterize ([current-binder-parser lambda-parser])
(chk #:t (stx=? #'(lambda (x) x) #'(lambda (y) y)))))
;; Generic AST substitution
;; Replace the nodes stx=? to e2 by e1 in syn, unless e2 is a bound variable in bvs
;; Relies on current-binder-parser to detect binding forms
(define (subst e1 e2 syn)
(let subst ([syn syn])
(syntax-parse syn
#:when (and (stx=? #'e e2)
(or (not (identifier? #'e))
(not (free-id-set-member? (current-bound-vars) #'e))))
; something wrong with hygiene, so need this explicit case
; o.w., λ binders get substed
#:when ((current-binder-parser) #'binder)
(match ((current-binder-parser) #'binder)
[(list xs ues bes r)
(r xs
(map subst ues)
(parameterize ([current-bound-vars (for/fold ([bvs (current-bound-vars)])
([x xs])
(free-id-set-add bvs x))])
(map subst bes)))])]
[(e ...)
(datum->syntax syn (map subst (attribute e)))]
[_ syn])))
;; find for ASTs
;; returns the node stx=? to e0 in syn, if it exists.
;; otherwise, returns #f
(define (find-in e0 stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[e #:when (stx=? #'e e0) #'e]
[(e ...)
(for/first ([e (syntax->list #'(e ...))]
#:when (find-in e0 e))
(find-in e0 e))]
[_ #f]))
;; takes a list of values and a list of identifiers, in dependency order, and substitutes them into syn.
;; TODO PERF: reverse
(define (subst* v-ls x-ls syn)
(for/fold ([syn syn])
([v (reverse v-ls)]
[x (reverse x-ls)])
(subst v x syn)))
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