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Created November 24, 2023 01:01
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open import Agda.Builtin.Equality using (_≡_; refl)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; _+_; suc)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim; ⊥)
open import Data.Unit.Base using (⊤; tt)
open import Agda.Primitive
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Fin hiding (suc; strengthen) renaming (_+_ to _Fin+_)
open import Data.Vec
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
-- A notion of model of STLC
-- A Theory for STLC
-- A Syntax (of closed terms) for STLC
record Theory {l k : Level} : Set (lsuc (l ⊔ k)) where
-- Terms
Tm : Set k
-- Types
Ty : Set l
-- A typing relation
-- Let's go PHOAS
V : Ty -> Set k
_∈_ : Tm -> Ty -> Set (l ⊔ k)
-- A representation of False, required if I wish to prove consistency as a logic.
False : Ty
False-uninhabit : M -> ¬ (M ∈ False)
Base : Ty
base : Tm
app : Tm -> Tm -> Tm
lam : (A : Ty) -> (V A -> Tm) -> Tm
Fun : Ty -> Ty -> Ty
-- Semantic typing of open terms
Fun-I : {A B} ->
{f : V A -> Tm} ->
((x : V A) -> ((f x) ∈ B)) ->
((lam A f) ∈ (Fun A B))
Fun-E : {M N A B} ->
(M ∈ (Fun A B)) -> (N ∈ A) ->
(app M N) ∈ B
Base-I :
base ∈ Base
var : {A} -> V A -> Tm
Var : {A} ->
(x : V A) ->
(var x) ∈ A
reflect : {e A} -> (e ∈ A) -> V A
-- should have some equations here if I care about, you know, terms
_≡lc_ : {e e' A} -> (e ∈ A) -> (e' ∈ A) -> Set (l ⊔ k)
-- equations are actually only about well-typed terms, or derivations, or ..
-- representations of terms?
Fun-β : {e A B} {f : V A -> Tm} ->
(Df : ((x : V A) -> ((f x) ∈ B))) ->
(Da : (e ∈ A)) ->
(Fun-E (Fun-I Df) Da) ≡lc (Df (reflect Da))
Fun-η : {e A B} ->
(Df : (e ∈ Fun A B)) ->
Df ≡lc (Fun-I (λ x -> Fun-E Df (Var x)))
-- How do we work with this syntax?
-- Well, for an arbirary model...
module Test {l k : Level} (model : Theory {l} {k}) where
open Theory (model)
-- (model._∈_) model.base model.Base
-- well-typed unit
example1 : base ∈ Base
example1 = Base-I
-- the Base -> Base function
example2 : (lam Base (λ x -> var x)) ∈ (Fun Base Base)
example2 = Fun-I (λ x -> (Var x))
-- application of it
example3 : (app (lam Base (λ x -> (var x))) base) ∈ Base
example3 = Fun-E (Fun-I (λ x -> (Var x))) Base-I
-- Let's build some models.
module Model where
-- I'll represent types as syntactic types...
data STLC-Type : Set where
STLC-False : STLC-Type
STLC-Base : STLC-Type
STLC-Fun : STLC-Type -> STLC-Type -> STLC-Type
-- And well-typed terms as terms of the corresponding Agda type
El : STLC-Type -> Set
El STLC-False =
El STLC-Base =
El (STLC-Fun A B) = El A -> El B
open Theory {{...}}
-- M is a model of the Theory
M : Theory
-- terms don't matter; only derivations do
-- this is kind of weird.. but kind of not?
M .Tm =
M .Ty = STLC-Type
M .V A = El A
-- the typing relation is interpreted in the reader monad for the Agda
-- interpretation of the syntactic type.
M ._∈_ e A = El A
M .False = STLC-False
M .False-uninhabit _ x = x
M .Base = STLC-Base
M .base = tt
M .Base-I = tt
M .Fun = STLC-Fun
M .lam A f = tt
M .app e1 e2 = tt
-- Function introduction introduces an Agda function
-- This is a little strange... the argument is already closed, but the fauxAS
-- expects an argument that might be open?
-- AH! Actually, after changing the rule to require a closed argument, it
-- expects an argument that isn't open (up to equivalence)
-- This seems necessary to validate β/η
M .Fun-I f arg = (f arg)
-- Function elimination applies the underlying Agda function
M .Fun-E Df Darg = Df Darg
M .var m = tt
M .Var = λ x -> x
M .reflect = λ x -> x
-- syntactic equality is propositional equality, and validates β/η
M ._≡lc_ = _≡_
M .Fun-β Df Da = refl
M .Fun-η Df = refl
-- Now we compile some of our examples to Agda using this model
module TestAgda = Test M
test1 :
-- example requires the environment of the (0) free variables
test1 = TestAgda.example1
test2 :
test2 = TestAgda.example2 tt
-- inital model
module Initial where
---- well-bound syntax
--data Syn : (n : ℕ) -> Set where
-- `base : {n} -> Syn n
-- `lam : {n} -> (Syn (ℕ.suc n)) -> Syn n
-- `app : {n} -> Syn n -> Syn n -> Syn n
-- `var : {n} -> Fin n -> Syn n
-- Using well-bound syntax seems to complicated things
-- syntax
data Syn : Set where
`base : Syn
`lam : Syn -> Syn
`app : Syn -> Syn -> Syn
`var : {n : ℕ} -> (Fin n) -> Syn
data `Type : Set where
`False : `Type
`Base : `Type
`Fun : `Type -> `Type -> `Type
SEnv = Vec `Type
shift :-> Syn -> Syn
shift n `base = `base
shift ℕ.zero (`lam e) = `lam e
shift (suc n) (`lam e) = `lam (shift n e)
shift n (`app e e') = `app (shift n e) (shift n e')
shift n (`var x) = `var ((fromℕ n) Fin+ x)
data _⊢_::_ : {n} -> SEnv n -> Syn -> `Type -> Set where
IVar : {A} {n : ℕ} {Γ : SEnv n} ->
(m : Fin n) ->
(A ≡ (lookup Γ m)) ->
Γ ⊢ `var m :: A
IFun-I : {n} {Γ : SEnv n} {e A B} ->
(A ∷ Γ) ⊢ e :: B ->
Γ ⊢ `lam e :: `Fun A B
IFun-E : {n} {Γ : SEnv n} {A B e1 e2} ->
Γ ⊢ e1 :: `Fun A B ->
Γ ⊢ e2 :: A ->
Γ ⊢ `app e1 e2 :: B
IBase-I : {n} {Γ : SEnv n} ->
Γ ⊢ `base :: `Base
IWeakenL : {n} {Γ : SEnv n} {e A B} ->
Γ ⊢ e :: B ->
(A ∷ Γ) ⊢ (shift 1 e) :: B
WeakenL : {n m e B} {Γ : SEnv n} {Γ' : SEnv m} ->
(Γ ⊢ e :: B) ->
-- Needs to be
-- Γ ⊢ (shift m e) :: B ->
-- But then I can't actually finish the model.
-- So NB: Something is Wrong
((Γ' ++ Γ) ⊢ e :: B)
WeakenL (IVar m x) = {!!}
WeakenL (IFun-I D) = {!!}
WeakenL (IFun-E D D₁) = {!!}
WeakenL IBase-I = {!!}
WeakenL (IWeakenL D) = {!!}
WeakenR : {n m e B} {Γ : SEnv n} {Γ' : SEnv m} ->
(Γ ⊢ e :: B) ->
((Γ ++ Γ') ⊢ e :: B)
close : Syn -> Syn -> Syn
isubst : {n} {Γ : SEnv n} {A e B e'} -> ((A ∷ Γ) ⊢ e :: B) -> (Γ ⊢ e' :: A) -> Γ ⊢ (close e e') :: A
data _i≡s_ : {n} {Γ : SEnv n} {e e' A} -> (Γ ⊢ e :: A) -> (Γ ⊢ e' :: A) -> Set where
: {Df Darg} ->
(IFun-E (IFun-I Df) Darg) i≡s (isubst Df Darg)
consistent : {M} -> [] ⊢ M :: `False ->
-- Ah. Good point; have to use a semantic model to show that.
consistent (IFun-E D D₁) = {!!}
open Theory {{...}}
-- I is the initial model of the Theory
I : Theory
I .Tm = Syn
I .Ty = `Type
I .V A = Σ Syn λ e -> Σ ℕ λ n -> Σ (SEnv n) λ Γ -> Γ ⊢ e :: A
I ._∈_ e A = Σ ℕ λ n -> Σ (SEnv n) λ Γ -> Γ ⊢ e :: A
I .False = `False
I .False-uninhabit M (n , Γ , D) = {!!}
I .Base = `Base
I .base = `base
I .Base-I = 0 , ([] , IBase-I)
I .var (fst , snd) = fst
I .Var (e , n , Γ , D) = n , (Γ , D)
I .reflect {e = e} D = (e , D)
I .app = `app
I .lam A f = `lam (f (`var (fromℕ 0) , 1 , (A ∷ [] , IVar (fromℕ 0) refl)))
I .Fun = `Fun
I .Fun-I {A = A} Df = let x = (`var (fromℕ 0) , 1 , (A ∷ [] , IVar (fromℕ 0) refl)) in
(proj₁ (Df x)) , ((proj₁ (proj₂ (Df x))) ,
-- This weaken in particular seems wrong; it produces weaker derivations
-- than I intend. See test2 below.
-- On the other hand, it needs to be weakened, since we're introduce the
-- new variable x, which is not in the environment for the interpretation
-- of Df.
-- Perahps if the interpretation didn't fix an environment, but worked up
-- to permutations of environments, this would be easier, and I wouldn't
-- require explicit weakening rules?
IFun-I (WeakenL (proj₂ (proj₂ (Df x)))))
I .Fun-E (n , Γf , Df) (m , Γarg , Darg) = (m + n) , ((Γarg ++ Γf) ,
-- (IFun-E (WeakenL Df) (WeakenR Darg)))
IFun-E {!!} {!!})
I ._≡lc_ (n , Γ , D1) (m , Γ' , D2) = (WeakenL D1) i≡s (WeakenR D2)
I .Fun-β Df (m , Γarg , Da) = {!!}
I .Fun-η = {!!}
-- Now we compile some of our examples to Agda using this model
module TestAgda = Test I
test1 : [] ⊢ `base :: `Base
test1 = (proj₂ (proj₂ TestAgda.example1))
-- This derivation is unnecessarily weakened by the interpretation of Fun-I
test2 : (`Base ∷ []) ⊢ (`app (`lam (`var (fromℕ 0))) `base) :: `Base
test2 = IFun-E (proj₂ (proj₂ TestAgda.example2)) (WeakenL test1)
strengthen : {n} {Γ : SEnv n} {A B e} ->
(A ∷ Γ) ⊢ (shift 1 e) :: B ->
Γ ⊢ e :: B
strengthen-lam : {n} {Γ : SEnv n} {A B e} ->
(A ∷ Γ) ⊢ `lam (shift 1 e) :: B ->
Γ ⊢ `lam e :: B
-- test2' : [] ⊢ (`app (`lam (`var (fromℕ 0))) `base) :: `Base
-- test2' = (IFun-E (proj₂ (proj₂ TestAgda.example2)) test1)
--test2' : [] ⊢ (`app (`lam (`var (fromℕ 0))) `base) :: `Base
--test2' = IFun-E (IFun-I (IVar (fromℕ 0) refl)) IBase-I
--test3 :
---- example4 requires the environment of the (1) free variable
--test3 = TestAgda.example4 (tt , tt)
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