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Files accompanying A Transparent Ad-Blocking VPN via SoftEther + Privoxy
# rules.before
# Rules that should be run before the ufw command line added rules. Custom
# rules should be added to one of these chains:
# ufw-before-input
# ufw-before-output
# ufw-before-forward
# Forward http traffic through Privoxy
-A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -m multiport --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
# Forward all VPN traffic through public interface.
# Use this in a dynamic IP setting
# Use this in a static IP setting
-A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s -j SNAT --to-source
# tell ufw to process the lines
# Don't delete these required lines, otherwise there will be errors
:ufw-before-input - [0:0]
:ufw-before-output - [0:0]
:ufw-before-forward - [0:0]
:ufw-not-local - [0:0]
# End required lines
# NAT rules
-A ufw-before-input -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-output -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-forward -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-forward -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
# allow all on loopback
-A ufw-before-input -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-output -o lo -j ACCEPT
# quickly process packets for which we already have a connection
-A ufw-before-input -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-output -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# drop INVALID packets (logs these in loglevel medium and higher)
-A ufw-before-input -m state --state INVALID -j ufw-logging-deny
-A ufw-before-input -m state --state INVALID -j DROP
# ok icmp codes
-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type source-quench -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem -j ACCEPT
-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT
# allow dhcp client to work
-A ufw-before-input -p udp --sport 67 --dport 68 -j ACCEPT
# ufw-not-local
-A ufw-before-input -j ufw-not-local
-A ufw-not-local -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j RETURN
-A ufw-not-local -m addrtype --dst-type MULTICAST -j RETURN
-A ufw-not-local -m addrtype --dst-type BROADCAST -j RETURN
# all other non-local packets are dropped
-A ufw-not-local -m limit --limit 3/min --limit-burst 10 -j ufw-logging-deny
-A ufw-not-local -j DROP
# allow MULTICAST mDNS for service discovery (be sure the MULTICAST line above
# is uncommented)
-A ufw-before-input -p udp -d --dport 5353 -j ACCEPT
# allow MULTICAST UPnP for service discovery (be sure the MULTICAST line above
# is uncommented)
-A ufw-before-input -p udp -d --dport 1900 -j ACCEPT
# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processed
# /etc/privoxy/config
confdir /etc/privoxy
# 2.5. actionsfile
# =================
# Specifies:
# The actions file(s) to use
# Type of value:
# Complete file name, relative to confdir
# Default values:
# match-all.action # Actions that are applied to all sites and maybe overruled later on.
# default.action # Main actions file
# user.action # User customizations
# Effect if unset:
# No actions are taken at all. More or less neutral proxying.
# Notes:
# Multiple actionsfile lines are permitted, and are in fact
# recommended!
# The default values are default.action, which is the "main"
# actions file maintained by the developers, and user.action,
# where you can make your personal additions.
# Actions files contain all the per site and per URL
# configuration for ad blocking, cookie management, privacy
# considerations, etc.
actionsfile match-all.action # Actions that are applied to all sites and maybe overruled later on.
actionsfile default.action # Main actions file
actionsfile user.action # User customizations
actionsfile ab2p.system.action
actionsfile ab2p.action
# 2.6. filterfile
# ================
# Specifies:
# The filter file(s) to use
# Type of value:
# File name, relative to confdir
# Default value:
# default.filter (Unix) or default.filter.txt (Windows)
# Effect if unset:
# No textual content filtering takes place, i.e. all +filter{name}
# actions in the actions files are turned neutral.
# Notes:
# Multiple filterfile lines are permitted.
# The filter files contain content modification rules that use
# regular expressions. These rules permit powerful changes on
# the content of Web pages, and optionally the headers as well,
# e.g., you could try to disable your favorite JavaScript
# annoyances, re-write the actual displayed text, or just have
# some fun playing buzzword bingo with web pages.
# The +filter{name} actions rely on the relevant filter (name)
# to be defined in a filter file!
# A pre-defined filter file called default.filter that contains
# a number of useful filters for common problems is included in
# the distribution. See the section on the filter action for a
# list.
# It is recommended to place any locally adapted filters into a
# separate file, such as user.filter.
filterfile default.filter
filterfile user.filter # User customizations
filterfile ab2p.system.filter
filterfile ab2p.filter
# ===============================
# This section of the config file controls the security-relevant
# aspects of Privoxy's configuration.
# 4.1. listen-address
# ====================
# Specifies:
# The address and TCP port on which Privoxy will listen for
# client requests.
# Type of value:
# [IP-Address]:Port
# [Hostname]:Port
# Default value:
# Effect if unset:
# Bind to (IPv4 localhost), port 8118. This is
# suitable and recommended for home users who run Privoxy on the
# same machine as their browser.
# Notes:
# You will need to configure your browser(s) to this proxy
# address and port.
# If you already have another service running on port 8118, or
# if you want to serve requests from other machines (e.g. on
# your local network) as well, you will need to override the
# default.
# You can use this statement multiple times to make Privoxy
# listen on more ports or more IP addresses. Suitable if your
# operating system does not support sharing IPv6 and IPv4
# protocols on the same socket.
# If a hostname is used instead of an IP address, Privoxy will
# try to resolve it to an IP address and if there are multiple,
# use the first one returned.
# If the address for the hostname isn't already known on the
# system (for example because it's in /etc/hostname), this may
# result in DNS traffic.
# If the specified address isn't available on the system, or if
# the hostname can't be resolved, Privoxy will fail to start.
# IPv6 addresses containing colons have to be quoted by
# brackets. They can only be used if Privoxy has been compiled
# with IPv6 support. If you aren't sure if your version supports
# it, have a look at
# Some operating systems will prefer IPv6 to IPv4 addresses even
# if the system has no IPv6 connectivity which is usually not
# expected by the user. Some even rely on DNS to resolve
# localhost which mean the "localhost" address used may not
# actually be local.
# It is therefore recommended to explicitly configure the
# intended IP address instead of relying on the operating
# system, unless there's a strong reason not to.
# If you leave out the address, Privoxy will bind to all IPv4
# interfaces (addresses) on your machine and may become
# reachable from the Internet and/or the local network. Be aware
# that some GNU/Linux distributions modify that behaviour
# without updating the documentation. Check for non-standard
# patches if your Privoxy version behaves differently.
# If you configure Privoxy to be reachable from the network,
# consider using access control lists (ACL's, see below), and/or
# a firewall.
# If you open Privoxy to untrusted users, you will also want to
# make sure that the following actions are disabled:
# enable-edit-actions and enable-remote-toggle
# Example:
# Suppose you are running Privoxy on a machine which has the
# address on your local private network
# ( and has another outside connection with a
# different address. You want it to serve requests from inside
# only:
# listen-address
# Suppose you are running Privoxy on an IPv6-capable machine and
# you want it to listen on the IPv6 address of the loopback
# device:
# listen-address [::1]:8118
listen-address $PRIVATE_IP:8118
# 4.2. toggle
# ============
# Specifies:
# Initial state of "toggle" status
# Type of value:
# 1 or 0
# Default value:
# 1
# Effect if unset:
# Act as if toggled on
# Notes:
# If set to 0, Privoxy will start in "toggled off" mode, i.e.
# mostly behave like a normal, content-neutral proxy with both
# ad blocking and content filtering disabled. See
# enable-remote-toggle below.
toggle 1
# 4.3. enable-remote-toggle
# ==========================
# Specifies:
# Whether or not the web-based toggle feature may be used
# Type of value:
# 0 or 1
# Default value:
# 0
# Effect if unset:
# The web-based toggle feature is disabled.
# Notes:
# When toggled off, Privoxy mostly acts like a normal,
# content-neutral proxy, i.e. doesn't block ads or filter
# content.
# Access to the toggle feature can not be controlled separately
# by "ACLs" or HTTP authentication, so that everybody who can
# access Privoxy (see "ACLs" and listen-address above) can
# toggle it for all users. So this option is not recommended for
# multi-user environments with untrusted users.
# Note that malicious client side code (e.g Java) is also
# capable of using this option.
# As a lot of Privoxy users don't read documentation, this
# feature is disabled by default.
# Note that you must have compiled Privoxy with support for this
# feature, otherwise this option has no effect.
enable-remote-toggle 1
# 4.4. enable-remote-http-toggle
# ===============================
# Specifies:
# Whether or not Privoxy recognizes special HTTP headers to
# change its behaviour.
# Type of value:
# 0 or 1
# Default value:
# 0
# Effect if unset:
# Privoxy ignores special HTTP headers.
# Notes:
# When toggled on, the client can change Privoxy's behaviour by
# setting special HTTP headers. Currently the only supported
# special header is "X-Filter: No", to disable filtering for the
# ongoing request, even if it is enabled in one of the action
# files.
# This feature is disabled by default. If you are using Privoxy
# in a environment with trusted clients, you may enable this
# feature at your discretion. Note that malicious client side
# code (e.g Java) is also capable of using this feature.
# This option will be removed in future releases as it has been
# obsoleted by the more general header taggers.
enable-remote-http-toggle 0
# 4.5. enable-edit-actions
# =========================
# Specifies:
# Whether or not the web-based actions file editor may be used
# Type of value:
# 0 or 1
# Default value:
# 0
# Effect if unset:
# The web-based actions file editor is disabled.
# Notes:
# Access to the editor can not be controlled separately by
# "ACLs" or HTTP authentication, so that everybody who can
# access Privoxy (see "ACLs" and listen-address above) can
# modify its configuration for all users.
# This option is not recommended for environments with untrusted
# users and as a lot of Privoxy users don't read documentation,
# this feature is disabled by default.
# Note that malicious client side code (e.g Java) is also
# capable of using the actions editor and you shouldn't enable
# this options unless you understand the consequences and are
# sure your browser is configured correctly.
# Note that you must have compiled Privoxy with support for this
# feature, otherwise this option has no effect.
enable-edit-actions 1
# 4.6. enforce-blocks
# ====================
# Specifies:
# Whether the user is allowed to ignore blocks and can "go there
# anyway".
# Type of value:
# 0 or 1
# Default value:
# 0
# Effect if unset:
# Blocks are not enforced.
# Notes:
# Privoxy is mainly used to block and filter requests as a
# service to the user, for example to block ads and other junk
# that clogs the pipes. Privoxy's configuration isn't perfect
# and sometimes innocent pages are blocked. In this situation it
# makes sense to allow the user to enforce the request and have
# Privoxy ignore the block.
# In the default configuration Privoxy's "Blocked" page contains
# a "go there anyway" link to adds a special string (the force
# prefix) to the request URL. If that link is used, Privoxy will
# detect the force prefix, remove it again and let the request
# pass.
# Of course Privoxy can also be used to enforce a network
# policy. In that case the user obviously should not be able to
# bypass any blocks, and that's what the "enforce-blocks" option
# is for. If it's enabled, Privoxy hides the "go there anyway"
# link. If the user adds the force prefix by hand, it will not
# be accepted and the circumvention attempt is logged.
# Examples:
# enforce-blocks 1
enforce-blocks 0
# 4.9. enable-proxy-authentication-forwarding
# ============================================
# Specifies:
# Whether or not proxy authentication through Privoxy should
# work.
# Type of value:
# 0 or 1
# Default value:
# 0
# Effect if unset:
# Proxy authentication headers are removed.
# Notes:
# Privoxy itself does not support proxy authentication, but can
# allow clients to authenticate against Privoxy's parent proxy.
# By default Privoxy (3.0.21 and later) don't do that and remove
# Proxy-Authorization headers in requests and Proxy-Authenticate
# headers in responses to make it harder for malicious sites to
# trick inexperienced users into providing login information.
# If this option is enabled the headers are forwarded.
# Enabling this option is not recommended if there is no parent
# proxy that requires authentication or if the local network
# between Privoxy and the parent proxy isn't trustworthy. If
# proxy authentication is only required for some requests, it is
# recommended to use a client header filter to remove the
# authentication headers for requests where they aren't needed.
enable-proxy-authentication-forwarding 0
# 5.3. forwarded-connect-retries
# ===============================
# Specifies:
# How often Privoxy retries if a forwarded connection request
# fails.
# Type of value:
# Number of retries.
# Default value:
# 0
# Effect if unset:
# Connections forwarded through other proxies are treated like
# direct connections and no retry attempts are made.
# Notes:
# forwarded-connect-retries is mainly interesting for socks4a
# connections, where Privoxy can't detect why the connections
# failed. The connection might have failed because of a DNS
# timeout in which case a retry makes sense, but it might also
# have failed because the server doesn't exist or isn't
# reachable. In this case the retry will just delay the
# appearance of Privoxy's error message.
# Note that in the context of this option, "forwarded
# connections" includes all connections that Privoxy forwards
# through other proxies. This option is not limited to the HTTP
# CONNECT method.
# Only use this option, if you are getting lots of
# forwarding-related error messages that go away when you try
# again manually. Start with a small value and check Privoxy's
# logfile from time to time, to see how many retries are usually
# needed.
# Examples:
# forwarded-connect-retries 1
forwarded-connect-retries 0
# =================
# 6.1. accept-intercepted-requests
# =================================
# Specifies:
# Whether intercepted requests should be treated as valid.
# Type of value:
# 0 or 1
# Default value:
# 0
# Effect if unset:
# Only proxy requests are accepted, intercepted requests are
# treated as invalid.
# Notes:
# If you don't trust your clients and want to force them to use
# Privoxy, enable this option and configure your packet filter
# to redirect outgoing HTTP connections into Privoxy.
# Note that intercepting encrypted connections (HTTPS) isn't
# supported.
# Make sure that Privoxy's own requests aren't redirected as
# well. Additionally take care that Privoxy can't intentionally
# connect to itself, otherwise you could run into redirection
# loops if Privoxy's listening port is reachable by the outside
# or an attacker has access to the pages you visit.
# Examples:
# accept-intercepted-requests 1
accept-intercepted-requests 1
# 6.2. allow-cgi-request-crunching
# =================================
# Specifies:
# Whether requests to Privoxy's CGI pages can be blocked or
# redirected.
# Type of value:
# 0 or 1
# Default value:
# 0
# Effect if unset:
# Privoxy ignores block and redirect actions for its CGI pages.
# Notes:
# By default Privoxy ignores block or redirect actions for its
# CGI pages. Intercepting these requests can be useful in
# multi-user setups to implement fine-grained access control,
# but it can also render the complete web interface useless and
# make debugging problems painful if done without care.
# Don't enable this option unless you're sure that you really
# need it.
# Examples:
# allow-cgi-request-crunching 1
allow-cgi-request-crunching 0
# 6.3. split-large-forms
# =======================
# Specifies:
# Whether the CGI interface should stay compatible with broken
# HTTP clients.
# Type of value:
# 0 or 1
# Default value:
# 0
# Effect if unset:
# The CGI form generate long GET URLs.
# Notes:
# Privoxy's CGI forms can lead to rather long URLs. This isn't a
# problem as far as the HTTP standard is concerned, but it can
# confuse clients with arbitrary URL length limitations.
# Enabling split-large-forms causes Privoxy to divide big forms
# into smaller ones to keep the URL length down. It makes
# editing a lot less convenient and you can no longer submit all
# changes at once, but at least it works around this browser
# bug.
# If you don't notice any editing problems, there is no reason
# to enable this option, but if one of the submit buttons
# appears to be broken, you should give it a try.
# Examples:
# split-large-forms 1
split-large-forms 0
# 6.4. keep-alive-timeout
# ========================
# Specifies:
# Number of seconds after which an open connection will no
# longer be reused.
# Type of value:
# Time in seconds.
# Default value:
# None
# Effect if unset:
# Connections are not kept alive.
# Notes:
# This option allows clients to keep the connection to Privoxy
# alive. If the server supports it, Privoxy will keep the
# connection to the server alive as well. Under certain
# circumstances this may result in speed-ups.
# By default, Privoxy will close the connection to the server if
# the client connection gets closed, or if the specified timeout
# has been reached without a new request coming in. This
# behaviour can be changed with the connection-sharing option.
# This option has no effect if Privoxy has been compiled without
# keep-alive support.
# Note that a timeout of five seconds as used in the default
# configuration file significantly decreases the number of
# connections that will be reused. The value is used because
# some browsers limit the number of connections they open to a
# single host and apply the same limit to proxies. This can
# result in a single website "grabbing" all the connections the
# browser allows, which means connections to other websites
# can't be opened until the connections currently in use time
# out.
# Several users have reported this as a Privoxy bug, so the
# default value has been reduced. Consider increasing it to 300
# seconds or even more if you think your browser can handle it.
# If your browser appears to be hanging, it probably can't.
# Examples:
# keep-alive-timeout 300
keep-alive-timeout 300
# 6.5. tolerate-pipelining
# =========================
# Specifies:
# Whether or not pipelined requests should be served.
# Type of value:
# 0 or 1.
# Default value:
# None
# Effect if unset:
# If Privoxy receives more than one request at once, it
# terminates the client connection after serving the first one.
# Notes:
# Privoxy currently doesn't pipeline outgoing requests, thus
# allowing pipelining on the client connection is not guaranteed
# to improve the performance.
# By default Privoxy tries to discourage clients from pipelining
# by discarding aggressively pipelined requests, which forces
# the client to resend them through a new connection.
# This option lets Privoxy tolerate pipelining. Whether or not
# that improves performance mainly depends on the client
# configuration.
# If you are seeing problems with pages not properly loading,
# disabling this option could work around the problem.
# Examples:
# tolerate-pipelining 1
tolerate-pipelining 1
# 6.6. default-server-timeout
# ============================
# Specifies:
# Assumed server-side keep-alive timeout if not specified by the
# server.
# Type of value:
# Time in seconds.
# Default value:
# None
# Effect if unset:
# Connections for which the server didn't specify the keep-alive
# timeout are not reused.
# Notes:
# Enabling this option significantly increases the number of
# connections that are reused, provided the keep-alive-timeout
# option is also enabled.
# While it also increases the number of connections problems
# when Privoxy tries to reuse a connection that already has been
# closed on the server side, or is closed while Privoxy is
# trying to reuse it, this should only be a problem if it
# happens for the first request sent by the client. If it
# happens for requests on reused client connections, Privoxy
# will simply close the connection and the client is supposed to
# retry the request without bothering the user.
# Enabling this option is therefore only recommended if the
# connection-sharing option is disabled.
# It is an error to specify a value larger than the
# keep-alive-timeout value.
# This option has no effect if Privoxy has been compiled without
# keep-alive support.
# Examples:
# default-server-timeout 60
default-server-timeout 60
# 6.7. connection-sharing
# ========================
# Specifies:
# Whether or not outgoing connections that have been kept alive
# should be shared between different incoming connections.
# Type of value:
# 0 or 1
# Default value:
# None
# Effect if unset:
# Connections are not shared.
# Notes:
# This option has no effect if Privoxy has been compiled without
# keep-alive support, or if it's disabled.
# Notes:
# Note that reusing connections doesn't necessary cause
# speedups. There are also a few privacy implications you should
# be aware of.
# If this option is effective, outgoing connections are shared
# between clients (if there are more than one) and closing the
# browser that initiated the outgoing connection does no longer
# affect the connection between Privoxy and the server unless
# the client's request hasn't been completed yet.
# If the outgoing connection is idle, it will not be closed
# until either Privoxy's or the server's timeout is reached.
# While it's open, the server knows that the system running
# Privoxy is still there.
# If there are more than one client (maybe even belonging to
# multiple users), they will be able to reuse each others
# connections. This is potentially dangerous in case of
# authentication schemes like NTLM where only the connection is
# authenticated, instead of requiring authentication for each
# request.
# If there is only a single client, and if said client can keep
# connections alive on its own, enabling this option has next to
# no effect. If the client doesn't support connection
# keep-alive, enabling this option may make sense as it allows
# Privoxy to keep outgoing connections alive even if the client
# itself doesn't support it.
# You should also be aware that enabling this option increases
# the likelihood of getting the "No server or forwarder data"
# error message, especially if you are using a slow connection
# to the Internet.
# This option should only be used by experienced users who
# understand the risks and can weight them against the benefits.
# Examples:
# connection-sharing 1
#connection-sharing 1
# 6.8. socket-timeout
# ====================
# Specifies:
# Number of seconds after which a socket times out if no data is
# received.
# Type of value:
# Time in seconds.
# Default value:
# None
# Effect if unset:
# A default value of 300 seconds is used.
# Notes:
# The default is quite high and you probably want to reduce it.
# If you aren't using an occasionally slow proxy like Tor,
# reducing it to a few seconds should be fine.
# Examples:
# socket-timeout 300
socket-timeout 10
# 6.9. max-client-connections
# ============================
# Specifies:
# Maximum number of client connections that will be served.
# Type of value:
# Positive number.
# Default value:
# 128
# Effect if unset:
# Connections are served until a resource limit is reached.
# Notes:
# Privoxy creates one thread (or process) for every incoming
# client connection that isn't rejected based on the access
# control settings.
# If the system is powerful enough, Privoxy can theoretically
# deal with several hundred (or thousand) connections at the
# same time, but some operating systems enforce resource limits
# by shutting down offending processes and their default limits
# may be below the ones Privoxy would require under heavy load.
# Configuring Privoxy to enforce a connection limit below the
# thread or process limit used by the operating system makes
# sure this doesn't happen. Simply increasing the operating
# system's limit would work too, but if Privoxy isn't the only
# application running on the system, you may actually want to
# limit the resources used by Privoxy.
# If Privoxy is only used by a single trusted user, limiting the
# number of client connections is probably unnecessary. If there
# are multiple possibly untrusted users you probably still want
# to additionally use a packet filter to limit the maximal
# number of incoming connections per client. Otherwise a
# malicious user could intentionally create a high number of
# connections to prevent other users from using Privoxy.
# Obviously using this option only makes sense if you choose a
# limit below the one enforced by the operating system.
# One most POSIX-compliant systems Privoxy can't properly deal
# with more than FD_SETSIZE file descriptors at the same time
# and has to reject connections if the limit is reached. This
# will likely change in a future version, but currently this
# limit can't be increased without recompiling Privoxy with a
# different FD_SETSIZE limit.
# Examples:
# max-client-connections 256
max-client-connections 4096
# 6.11. enable-compression
# =========================
# Specifies:
# Whether or not buffered content is compressed before delivery.
# Type of value:
# 0 or 1
# Default value:
# 0
# Effect if unset:
# Privoxy does not compress buffered content.
# Effect if set:
# Privoxy compresses buffered content before delivering it to
# the client, provided the client supports it.
# Notes:
# This directive is only supported if Privoxy has been compiled
# with FEATURE_COMPRESSION, which should not to be confused with
# Compressing buffered content is mainly useful if Privoxy and
# the client are running on different systems. If they are
# running on the same system, enabling compression is likely to
# slow things down. If you didn't measure otherwise, you should
# assume that it does and keep this option disabled.
# Privoxy will not compress buffered content below a certain
# length.
enable-compression 1
# 6.12. compression-level
# ========================
# Specifies:
# The compression level that is passed to the zlib library when
# compressing buffered content.
# Type of value:
# Positive number ranging from 0 to 9.
# Default value:
# 1
# Notes:
# Compressing the data more takes usually longer than
# compressing it less or not compressing it at all. Which level
# is best depends on the connection between Privoxy and the
# client. If you can't be bothered to benchmark it for yourself,
# you should stick with the default and keep compression
# disabled.
# If compression is disabled, the compression level is
# irrelevant.
# Examples:
# # Best speed (compared to the other levels)
# compression-level 1
# # Best compression
# compression-level 9
# # No compression. Only useful for testing as the added header
# # slightly increases the amount of data that has to be sent.
# # If your benchmark shows that using this compression level
# # is superior to using no compression at all, the benchmark
# # is likely to be flawed.
# compression-level 0
compression-level 9
# option definitions common to all supported networks...
option domain-name "xxx";
option domain-name-servers,;
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
# Use this to enble / disable dynamic dns updates globally.
ddns-update-style none;
# No service will be given on this subnet, but declaring it helps the
# DHCP server to understand the network topology.
subnet $PUBLIC_IP netmask {
subnet $PRIVATE_IP netmask {
# This is a very basic subnet declaration.
subnet netmask {
option subnet-mask;
option routers;
# Unit override for softethervpn-server.service
Before=dhcpd4@tap_soft.service network@tap_soft.service
Requires=dhcpd4@tap_soft.service network@tap_soft.service
# Unit override for softethervpn-server.service
title=SoftEther VPN
description=SoftEther VPN
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>AdBlock VPN</string>
<string>Setups a VPN with transparent http proxy for compression
and adblocking, and a global http(s) proxy to attempt to block
other ads and compress other content over https.</string>
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