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Created February 25, 2015 05:46
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Example of ill-typed term
Require Import List.
Require Import String.
Open Scope string_scope.
Definition var := string.
Inductive Expr : Set :=
| EConst (* The one and only constant *)
| EVar (v : var) (* Variables *)
| EApp (e1 : Expr) (e2 : Expr) (* Application, e1 applied to e2 *)
| EAbs (x : var) (body : Expr). (* Abstraction, \x -> body *)
(* Here we define the types for the simply typed lambda calculus *)
Inductive SimpleType :=
| TUnit
| TFun (arg : SimpleType) (res : SimpleType).
(* Here we define what a type environment is *)
(* Simply a mapping from variables to types *)
Definition Env := var -> option SimpleType.
(* Here is how we extend a typing environment with another variable binding *)
Definition extend (env : Env) x t :=
fun y => if string_dec x y then Some t else env y.
(* What it means for a lambda expression to be well typed *)
(* These are the type rules for STLC *)
(* You will frequently see them in the literature with horizontal lines *)
Inductive WellTyped : Env -> Expr -> SimpleType -> Prop :=
| WtConst :
forall env,
WellTyped env EConst TUnit
| WtVar :
forall env x t,
env x = Some t ->
WellTyped env (EVar x) t
| WtAbs :
forall env x t exp t',
WellTyped (extend env x t) exp t' ->
WellTyped env (EAbs x exp) (TFun t t')
| WtApp :
forall env f arg t t',
WellTyped env arg t ->
WellTyped env f (TFun t t') ->
WellTyped env (EApp f arg) t'.
Definition bad : Expr := (EAbs "x" (EApp (EVar "x") (EVar "x"))).
Fixpoint size_of_type (t : SimpleType) : nat :=
match t with
| TUnit => 1
| TFun t1 t2 => size_of_type t1 + size_of_type t2
Require Import Omega.
Lemma size_of_type_positive :
forall t,
size_of_type t > 0.
induction t.
- auto.
- simpl. omega.
Lemma no_infinite_types :
forall t1 t2,
t1 <> TFun t1 t2.
unfold not.
assert (size_of_type t1 = size_of_type (TFun t1 t2)) by now rewrite H at 1.
simpl in *.
assert (size_of_type t2 > 0) by auto using size_of_type_positive.
Theorem bad_ill_typed :
forall tau Gamma,
~ WellTyped Gamma bad tau.
unfold not.
inversion H; subst; clear H.
inversion H4; subst; clear H4.
inversion H5; subst; clear H5.
inversion H2; subst; clear H2.
unfold extend in *. simpl in H1, H3.
inversion H1; subst; clear H1.
inversion H3; clear H3.
eapply no_infinite_types; eauto.
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