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Created July 27, 2014 00:20
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Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Module GenHandler.
Definition GenHandler (W S O A : Type) : Type := S -> A * S * list W * list O % type.
Definition ret {W S O A : Type} (a : A) : GenHandler W S O A := fun s => (a, s, [], []).
Definition bind {W S O A B : Type} (m : GenHandler W S O A) (f : A -> GenHandler W S O B) : GenHandler W S O B :=
fun s =>
let '(a, s', ws1, os1) := m s in
let '(b, s'', ws2, os2) := f a s' in
(b, s'', ws2 ++ ws1, os2 ++ os1).
Notation "'do' x <- m ; f" := (bind m (fun x => f)) (at level 60).
Definition send {W S O} (w : W) : GenHandler W S O unit := fun s => (tt, s, [w], []).
Definition output {W S O} (o : O) : GenHandler W S O unit := fun s => (tt, s, [], [o]).
Definition mod {W S O} (f : S -> S) : GenHandler W S O unit := fun s => (tt, f s, [], []).
Definition put {W S O} (s : S) : GenHandler W S O unit := fun _ => (tt, s, [], []).
Definition get {W S O} : GenHandler W S O S := fun s => (s, s, [], []).
Definition runGenHandler {W S O A} (s : S) (h : GenHandler W S O A) : A * S * list W * list O % type := h s.
Definition nop {W S O : Type} := @ret W S O _ tt.
Notation "a >> b" := (bind a (fun _ => b)) (at level 50).
Definition when {W S O A} (b : bool) (m : GenHandler W S O A) : GenHandler W S O unit :=
if b then m >> ret tt else nop.
End GenHandler.
Import GenHandler.
Definition null {A : Type} (xs : list A) : bool :=
match xs with
| [] => true
| _ => false
Section Verdi.
Variable name input msg output : Type.
Hypothesis name_eq_dec : forall a b : name, {a = b} + {a <> b}.
Variable data : name -> Type.
Definition VerdiHandler (S : Type) := (GenHandler (name * msg) S output unit).
Variable net_handlers : forall n : name, name -> msg -> VerdiHandler (data n).
Variable input_handlers : forall n : name, input -> VerdiHandler (data n).
Record VerdiPacket :=
mkPacket {
pSrc : name;
pDst : name;
pMsg : msg
Record VerdiNetwork :=
mkNetwork {
nwState : forall n : name, data n;
nwPackets : list VerdiPacket
Definition update
{A : Type} {B : A -> Type}
(A_eq_dec : forall a b : A, {a = b} + {a <> b})
(f : forall a : A, B a)
(a : A) (b : B a)
(x : A) : B x :=
match A_eq_dec a x with
| left H => eq_rect a B b x H
| right _ => f x
Inductive step : VerdiNetwork -> VerdiNetwork -> list output -> Prop :=
| S_input : forall net net' i nm u s ms os,
runGenHandler (nwState net nm) (input_handlers i) =
(u, s, ms, os) ->
net' = mkNetwork (update name_eq_dec (nwState net) nm s)
(map (fun m => mkPacket nm (fst m) (snd m)) ms ++ nwPackets net) ->
step net net' os
| S_deliver : forall net net' xs p ys u s ms os,
nwPackets net = xs ++ p :: ys ->
runGenHandler (nwState net (pDst p)) (net_handlers (pSrc p) (pMsg p)) =
(u, s, ms, os) ->
net' = mkNetwork (update name_eq_dec (nwState net) (pDst p) s)
(map (fun m => mkPacket (pDst p) (fst m) (snd m)) ms ++ xs ++ ys) ->
step net net' os.
Inductive step_star : VerdiNetwork -> VerdiNetwork -> list output -> Prop :=
| SS_refl : forall net, step_star net net []
| SS_step : forall net os1 net' os2 net'',
step net net' os1 ->
step_star net' net'' os2 ->
step_star net net'' (os2 ++ os1).
End Verdi.
Section LockServ.
Inductive Name :=
| Client : nat -> Name
| Server : Name.
Inductive Msg :=
| Lock : Msg
| Unlock : Msg
| Locked : Msg.
Definition Input := Msg.
Definition Output := Msg.
Definition name_eq_dec : forall a b : Name, {a = b} + {a <> b}.
decide equality. decide equality.
Notation ClientData := bool.
Notation ServerData := (list Name).
Definition data (n : Name) : Type :=
match n with
| Client _ => ClientData
| Server => ServerData
end % type.
Definition Handler := VerdiHandler Name Msg Output.
Definition network := VerdiNetwork Msg data.
Definition ClientNetHandler (n : nat) (m : Msg) : Handler ClientData :=
match m with
| Locked => put true >> output Locked
| _ => nop
Definition ClientIOHandler (n : nat) (m : Msg) : Handler ClientData :=
match m with
| Lock => send (Server, Lock)
| Unlock => do holding <- get ;
when holding (put false >> send (Server, Unlock))
| _ => nop
Definition ServerNetHandler (src : Name) (m : Msg) : Handler ServerData :=
do q <- get ;
match m with
| Lock => when (null q) (send (src, Locked)) >> put (q ++ [src])
| Unlock => match q with
| _ :: x :: xs => put (x :: xs) >> send (x, Locked)
| _ => put []
| _ => nop
Definition ServerIOHandler (m : Msg) : Handler ServerData := nop.
Definition NetHandler (nm src : Name) (m : Msg) : Handler (data nm).
(match nm as nm' return nm' = nm -> _ with
| Server => fun pf => _
| Client n => fun pf => _
end eq_refl).
- subst. exact (ClientNetHandler n m).
- subst. exact (ServerNetHandler src m).
Definition InputHandler (nm : Name) (i : Msg) : Handler (data nm).
(match nm as nm' return nm' = nm -> _ with
| Server => fun pf => _
| Client n => fun pf => _
end eq_refl).
- subst. exact (ClientIOHandler n i).
- subst. exact (ServerIOHandler i).
Definition locks_correct (net : network) : Prop :=
forall n,
nwState net (Client n) = true ->
exists t,
nwState net Server = Client n :: t.
Definition locks_correct_unlock (net : network) : Prop :=
forall p,
In p (nwPackets net) ->
pMsg p = Unlock ->
exists n,
pSrc p = Client n /\
(exists t, nwState net Server = Client n :: t) /\
nwState net (Client n) = false.
Definition locks_correct_locked (net : network) : Prop :=
forall p,
In p (nwPackets net) ->
pMsg p = Locked ->
exists n,
pDst p = Client n /\
(exists t, nwState net Server = Client n :: t) /\
nwState net (Client n) = false.
Definition at_most_one (m : Msg) (net : network) : Prop :=
forall p,
In p (nwPackets net) ->
pMsg p = m ->
exists xs ys,
nwPackets net = xs ++ p :: ys /\
(forall z, In z xs -> pMsg z <> m) /\
(forall z, In z ys -> pMsg z <> m).
Definition never_both (m1 m2 : Msg) (net : network) : Prop :=
forall p1 p2,
In p1 (nwPackets net) ->
In p2 (nwPackets net) ->
pMsg p1 = m1 ->
pMsg p2 = m2 ->
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