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Last active October 12, 2023 13:01
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Artifact ux conclusion
# The three options that we were talking about.
# Partitions values will continue to be strings, so they'll be coerced into strings
# Option A - Simplest
# This is the closest to the original proposal.
# 1) Declare an instance of Artifact
# | 2) give it a name
# | project&domain added at registration time
# ↓ ↓
my_artifact = Artifact(name="my_data", partitions=["a", "b"], with_time_partition=True)
# ↑ 4) ↳ existence of time partition declared separately (optional)
# 3) specify partition keys only (optional)
# 5) Calling the object in the signature will
@task # ↓ bind partition values
def base_t2_orig(b_value: str) -> Annotated[pd.DataFrame, my_artifact(b=Inputs.b_value)]:
df = ... # ↳ Object that will raise error if the .value
return df # is not an input
# We believe this option is the simplest because it
# - requires the minimum amount of code change to existing code. Annotations on functions won't change anything
# downstream at all, the signature doesn't change, caching doesn't change.
# - Partition values are known at run-time but before the task is actually run. Just using the inputs.
# This is a fact that we can potentially leverage in the future
# Cons:
# - Partition values are strings, specifying values like this means Flyte will pick how to transform your inputs
# into strings. This may be a problem for dates.
# - Ketan had some additional concern around input bindings being spread out... will confirm.
# Option B - More explicit
# Instantiate and then wrap the result when returning
# 1) Before instantiating the Artifact, declare the Python type that the Artifact will be used to track
# | 2) Give it a name and partition keys as per Option A
# ↓ ↓
my_artifact = Artifact[pd.DataFrame](name="", partitions=["a", "b"])
@task # 3) Continue to annotate the return type with the artifact instance
def base_t2_orig(b_value: str) -> Annotated[pd.DataFrame, my_artifact]:
df = ...
# 4) When returning, wrap the object - the type should match the [] above
# | 5) and provide partition values as kwargs
# ↓ ↓
return my_artifact(df, a="a_value", b=b_value+"2")
# This is a more powerful variant of the first option because it allows users to specify partition values at runtime
# and this form factor can also be used to add generic and queryable metadata to the artifact in the near future.
# Also, downstream tasks continue to not need to change.
# Cons:
# - The return statement may look weird. You return the result of a function call, not the object itself.
# - Not sure if this Option works for returning from workflows (since there's no compute, it's compile time code)
# (ie, what will run the +"2")
# Option C - Most explicit
# I think maybe save this implementation for last as it's the most complicated and will require the most changes.
# This example also shows a workflow because it's a bit more complicated.
# 1) Start by subclassing and specifying the generic type
class MyData(Artifact[pd.DataFrame]):
partitions = ["a", "b"]
# 2) There is no Annotated here, the subclass is returned directly
@workflow # ↓
def upstream_wf(input_a: datetime) -> typing.Tuple[int, MyData]: # but multiple outputs should continue to work
int_result = some_task()
df_result = some_task_2()
str_result = some_task_3()
# 3) When returning, instantiate the subclass and provide partition values as kwargs
# ↓
return int_result, MyData(df_result, a="constant str okay", b=Inputs.input_a).set_additional_metadata(...) # ???
# ↑
# 4) Note that here if we had done b=str_result it won't work, not without
# a lot of additional work, because it's a workflow. But using a string value
# in the return from a task would've worked. If we get this working for workflows
# we can also support set_additional_metadata. It behaves basically like additional
# bindings on the workflow end-node.
def downstream_wf(input_d: pd.DataFrame):
def downstream_wf_2(input_d: MyData):
def parent_wf():
int_result, df_result = upstream_wf(
# 5) Note the call patterns here, for downstream tasks/workflows taking the original type, you need to
# ↓ dereference the artifact_value
# 6) But you don't need to if the input in the subclass itself.
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fgerzer commented Oct 9, 2023

I have the same rating as @fg91 (3 > 2 > 1). Being very explicit (and (3) achieves this very intuitively) has great advantages.

My main concern with (3) was that we'd need to change downstream tasks, but with .artifact_value being available in a workflow, these changes are minimal and integration should be easy.

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wild-endeavor commented Oct 9, 2023

@fg91 @fgerzer thank you for the input! I assume there's no objection to our doing 1 first, then 2 and 3... 1 is the easiest to do which will allow us to iterate on the rest of the platform. But we will make sure option 3 is fully supported before we call this feature shipped.

@elibixby what do you think? look okay?

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wild-endeavor commented Oct 10, 2023

How does this look like when the artifact that is returned is not derived from the inputs?

It won't work. It can either be derived from inputs, or be a static constant. But this is just true for the first option? And the tradeoff of the first option is that it's power is limited, but it's also minimally invasive, and the final partition values can be known before the task kicks off. Maybe this might be useful in the future for something maybe not.

Do you mean users' existing tasks and workflows or flyte itself?

Yeah existing code will, unless you use option C. Then you'd have to update type hints on downstream tasks.


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@elibixby what do you think? look okay?

My preference is also 3 > 2 > 1. but 3 still feels slightly weird to me.

It still feels strange to me the the user defined metadata is untyped, and referred to by string name. As I understand it the main obstacle to arbitrary dataclasses as metadata is that there's a fixed set of types which can be used in the schema for the Artifact table, (just string and datetime currently but potentially expanding in the future).

If so lets encapsulate those type restrictions using a new Metadata class, and then use that metadata class to create an artifact (so canonically an artifact is metadata + data).

class MyMetadata(Metadata):
   a: str
   b: datetime

def upstream_workflow(input_a: datetime) -> ??:
     return Artifact(data=df_result, metadata=MyMetadata(a="constant str okay", b=input_a))

NB: Why does it needs to be Inputs.input_a rather than just input_a? Is this related to not wanting artifacts to be in the critical path? if we keep metadata separate does that fix this problem (as above?)

If an Artifact is data + metadata, then an Artifact type annotation should describe the usage of that metadata. It feels nice to me to keep this usage separate from the definition of the metadata schema. But still tied together through the field references.

MyTableConfig =  TableConfig(partition=[MyMetadata.a, MyMetadata.b])

def upstream_workflow(input_a: datetime) -> Artifact[pd.DataFrame, MyTableConfig]:
     return Artifact(data=df_result, metadata=MyData(a="constant str okay", b=input_a))

WDYT about this syntax?

@fg91 @fgerzer thank you for the input! I assume there's no objection to our doing 1 first, then 2 and 3... 1 is the easiest to do which will allow us to iterate on the rest of the platform. But we will make sure option 3 is fully supported before we call this feature shipped.

I would caution against any implementation plan that results in multiple ways of accomplishing this. Will just multiply the confusion of users trying to learn how to use this feature.

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fg91 commented Oct 11, 2023

I would caution against any implementation plan that results in multiple ways of accomplishing this. Will just multiply the confusion of users trying to learn how to use this feature.

Yes I agree with this concern, I think it's good when libraries offer one single way of doing things.

1 is the easiest to do which will allow us to iterate on the rest of the platform.

I understand that option 3 is a lot more complex to implement. Do you think it would be realistic to come up with a single syntax and then implement only a subset of the functionality to make the initial complexity similar to that of option 1?

def foo(input_a: datetime) -> typing.Tuple[int, MyData]:  # but multiple outputs should continue to work
    return int_result, MyData(df_result

# vs

def foo(input_a: datetime) -> typing.Tuple[int, MyData]:  # but multiple outputs should continue to work
    return int_result, MyData(df_result

Is it correct that option 3 (or similar) would be a lot easier to implement if initially one needs to instantiate the artifact in a task and not in a workflow?
Or are there any other limitations one could introduce initially to make the complexity of option 3 similar to option 1 but already nail down a single syntax?

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fg91 commented Oct 11, 2023

NB: Why does it needs to be Inputs.input_a rather than just input_a? Is this related to not wanting artifacts to be in the critical path? if we keep metadata separate does that fix this problem (as above?)

Is there a way to not derive the artifact from the input at all? E.g. inputs are hyper parameters and data, output is a trained model?

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NB: Why does it needs to be Inputs.input_a rather than just input_a? Is this related to not wanting artifacts to be in the critical path? if we keep metadata separate does that fix this problem (as above?)

Is there a way to not derive the artifact from the input at all? E.g. inputs are hyper parameters and data, output is a trained model?

This was actually functionality I requested. It feels like the metadata system will be of pretty limited utility unless users can tack additional stuff on it.

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