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Last active January 11, 2023 23:43
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Pandoc Latex Filter
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pandocfilters as pf
def latex(s):
return pf.RawBlock('latex', s)
def inlatex(s):
return pf.RawInline('latex', s)
def tbl_caption(s):
return pf.Para([inlatex(r'\caption{')] + s + [inlatex('}')])
def tbl_alignment(s):
aligns = {
"AlignDefault": 'l',
"AlignLeft": 'l',
"AlignCenter": 'c',
"AlignRight": 'r',
return ''.join([aligns[e['t']] for e in s])
def tbl_headers(s):
result = s[0][0]['c'][:]
# Build the columns. Note how the every column value is bold.
# We are still missing "\textbf{" for the first column
# and a "}" for the last column.
for i in range(1, len(s)):
result.append(inlatex(r'} & \textbf{'))
# Don't forget to close the last column's "\textbf{" before newline
result.append(inlatex(r'} \\ \hline'))
# Put the missing "\textbf{" in front of the list
result.insert(0, inlatex(r'\textbf{'))
# Preprend the command to set the row color in front of everything
result.insert(0, inlatex(r'\rowcolor{grey} '))
return pf.Para(result)
def tbl_contents(s):
result = []
for row in s:
para = []
for col in row:
para.append(inlatex(' & '))
result[-1] = inlatex(r' \\ \hline' '\n')
return pf.Para(result)
def do_filter(k, v, f, m):
if k == "Table":
# Ensure every alignment characters is surrounded by a pipes.
# Get the string of the alignment characters
# and split into an array for every characters.
split_alignment = [c for c in tbl_alignment(v[1])]
# Join this list into a single string with pipe symbols
# between them, plus pipes at start and end.
# This results in a boxed table.
new_alignment = "|" + "|".join(split_alignment) + "|"
return [latex(r'\begin{table}[h]'),
latex(r'\begin{tabular}{%s} \hline' % new_alignment),
# Put the caption after the tabular so it appears under table.
if __name__ == "__main__":
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