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Last active December 8, 2017 15:55
Memegenerator dashing job
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
#Id of the widget
id = "businesscat"
#What meme to show
meme = "Business-Cat"
#The Memegenerator API
server = ""
SCHEDULER.every '5m', :first_in => 0 do |job|
#The uri getting the instances of the meme that have been popular the last 7 days
uri = URI("#{server}/Instances_Select_ByPopular?languageCode=en&pageIndex=0&pageSize=12&urlName=#{meme}&days=30")
res = Net::HTTP.get(uri)
#Marshal the json into an object
j = JSON.parse(res)
#We want a random result
instances = j["result"].shuffle
imageUrl = instances[0]["instanceImageUrl"]
#Send the meme to the image widget
send_event(id, { image: "#{imageUrl}" })
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Looks like is down..not sure if it will come back up. But quick question on integrating this with BigImage...

Can you confirm the correct code to place in the dashboard.erb file is:

  <div data-id="businesscat" data-view="BigImage" </div>

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Skeyelab commented Dec 8, 2017

This does still work, but you will need an API key:

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