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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Sample code for executing link
package main
import (
// "wiless/gocmm"
// "reflect"
// "wiless/gocomm/cdma"
var N int
var USERS int
func init() {
N = 20
fmt.Printf("\n No of Args %d ", flag.NArg())
if flag.NArg() == 0 {
fmt.Printf("\n Defaults : Using a frame of %d bits with %d users \n", N, USERS)
} else {
N, _ = strconv.Atoi(flag.Args()[0])
USERS, _ = strconv.Atoi(flag.Args()[1])
fmt.Printf("\n Using a frame of %d bits with %d users \n", N, USERS)
func main() {
t := time.Now()
bsrc := new(sources.BitSource)
// testmodem1 := sources.BitSource
testmodem2 := modem.NewModem(2)
demodem := modem.NewModem(2)
var chem channel.ChannelEmulator
chem.SetNoise(0, 2)
// var newwire chipset.Wire
var wire1, wire2, wire3 chipset.Wire
var chip1, chip2, chip3 chipset.Chip
var chip4 chipset.Chip
bitch := (bsrc.PinByName("bitOut").Channel.(gocomm.BitChannel))
// var bitch gocomm.BitChannel
// fmt.Printf("\n TYPE OF CHannel is %v", reflect.TypeOf(bitch))
chip1 = bsrc
chip2 = testmodem2
chip3 = demodem
chip4 = chem
wire1.Join(chip1, chip2)
wire2.Join(chip2, chip4)
wire3.Join(chip4, chip3)
go bsrc.GenBit(bitch)
var success bool
var outpin string
outpin = chip1.PinByID(chip1.ModuleByName("GenBit").OutPins[0]).Name
success, outpin = wire1.ConnectPins(outpin, "modulate")
success, outpin = wire2.ConnectPins(outpin, "awgn")
success, outpin = wire3.ConnectPins(outpin, "demodulate")
if success {
pin := wire3.DestinationChip.PinByName(outpin)
//< This waits till done is returned from all the USER's channel from the SinkData
// for i := 0; i < USERS; i++ {
// <-done[i]
// }
fmt.Println("\n", time.Now())
fmt.Printf("\nTime Elaspsed %v \n", time.Since(t))
func Sink(pin chipset.PinInfo) {
fmt.Printf("\n=======================\n Will Sink DataOut from Pin %v", pin)
count := 1
switch pin.DataType.Name() {
case "BitChannel":
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
// fmt.Printf("\n Status of Channel %d = %#v ", i, pin.Channel)
ddata := <-pin.Channel.(gocomm.BitChannel)
// fmt.Printf(" SPECIAL MESSAGE %s", ddata.Message)
if ddata.Message == "" {
fmt.Printf("\nPin : %s - Read Bit %d = %v ", pin.Name, i, ddata.Ch)
} else {
fmt.Printf("\nPin : %s - Read Bit %d = %v : %s", pin.Name, i, ddata.Ch, ddata.Message)
count = ddata.MaxExpected
// ddata := choutData.Ch
// max = choutData.MaxExpected
// fmt.Printf(" %d %d", uint8(real(ddata)), uint8(imag(ddata)))
// fmt.Printf("\n %d @ max Symbols limit = %d %s ", i, max, choutData.Message)
case "Complex128Channel":
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
ddata := <-pin.Channel.(gocomm.Complex128Channel)
// fmt.Printf(" SPECIAL MESSAGE %s", ddata.Message)
if ddata.Message == "" {
fmt.Printf("\nPin : %s - Read Complex %d = %v ", pin.Name, i, ddata.Ch)
} else {
fmt.Printf("\nPin : %s - Read Complex %d = %v : %s", pin.Name, i, ddata.Ch, ddata.Message)
count = ddata.MaxExpected
// ddata := choutData.Ch
// max = choutData.MaxExpected
// fmt.Printf(" %d %d", uint8(real(ddata)), uint8(imag(ddata)))
// fmt.Printf("\n %d @ max Symbols limit = %d %s ", i, max, choutData.Message)
fmt.Printf("\n Unknown Data type")
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