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Last active July 8, 2017 05:13
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(ns common-spec.coerce
(:refer-clojure :exclude [def])
(:require [clojure.spec.alpha :as s]
[clojure.walk :as walk])
(:import (java.util UUID)))
(s/def ::coerce-fn
(s/fspec :args (s/cat :x string?) :ret any?))
(defonce ^:private registry-ref (atom {}))
(defn- parse-long [x] (Long/parseLong x))
(defmulti sym->coercer identity)
(defmethod sym->coercer `int? [_] parse-long)
(defmethod sym->coercer `nat-int? [_] parse-long)
(defmethod sym->coercer `pos-int? [_] parse-long)
(defmethod sym->coercer `neg-int? [_] parse-long)
(defmethod sym->coercer `bigdec? [_] #(bigdec %))
(defmethod sym->coercer `inst? [_] clojure.instant/read-instant-timestamp)
(defmethod sym->coercer `uuid? [_] #(UUID/fromString %))
(defmethod sym->coercer `keyword? [_] keyword)
(defmethod sym->coercer :default [_] identity)
(s/fdef sym->coercer
:args (s/cat :sym symbol?)
:ret ::coerce-fn)
(defn- safe-form [spec]
(s/form spec)
(catch Exception _ nil)))
(defn- form->spec [and-spec]
(if (and (seq? and-spec)
(= (first and-spec) `s/and))
(second and-spec)
(defn- accept-keyword [x]
(if (qualified-keyword? x) x))
(defn spec->coerce-sym [spec]
"Determine the main spec symbol from a spec form."
(let [f (safe-form spec)]
(let [spec-def (form->spec f)]
(if (qualified-keyword? spec-def)
(recur spec-def)
(defn infer-coercion [k]
"Infer a coercer function from a given spec."
(sym->coercer (spec->coerce-sym k)))
(s/fdef infer-coercion
:args (s/cat :k qualified-keyword?)
:ret ::coerce-fn)
(defn parent-coercer [k]
"Look up for the parent coercer using the spec hierarchy."
(or (-> (s/get-spec k) accept-keyword)
(-> (form->spec (safe-form k)) accept-keyword)))
(s/fdef parent-coercer
:args (s/cat :k qualified-keyword?)
:ret (s/nilable ::coerce-fn))
(defn find-registry-coerce [k]
(if-let [c (get @registry-ref k)]
(when-let [parent (-> (parent-coercer k) accept-keyword)]
(recur parent))))
(defn coerce-fn [k]
"Get the coercing function from a given key. First it tries to lookup the coercion
on the registry, otherwise try to infer from the specs. In case nothing is found, identity function is returned."
(or (find-registry-coerce k)
(infer-coercion k)))
(s/fdef coerce-fn
:args (s/cat :k qualified-keyword?)
:ret ::coerce-fn)
(defn coerce [k x]
"Coerce a value x using coercer k. This function will first try to use
a coercer from the registry, otherwise it will try to infer a coercer from
the spec with the same name. Coercion will only be tried if x is a string.
Returns original value in case a coercer can't be found."
(if-let [coerce-fn (coerce-fn k)]
(if (string? x)
(coerce-fn x)
(s/fdef coerce
:args (s/cat :k qualified-keyword? :x any?)
:ret any?)
(defn ^:skip-wiki def-impl [k coerce-fn]
(assert (and (ident? k) (namespace k)) "k must be namespaced keyword")
(swap! registry-ref assoc k coerce-fn)
(s/fdef def-impl
:args (s/cat :k qualified-keyword?
:coercion ::coerce-fn)
:ret any?)
(defmacro def
"Given a namespace-qualified keyword, and a coerce function, makes an entry in the
registry mapping k to the coerce function."
[k coercion]
`(def-impl '~k ~coercion))
(s/fdef def
:args (s/cat :k qualified-keyword?
:coercion any?)
:ret qualified-keyword?)
(defn coerce-structure [x]
"Recursively coerce map values on a structure."
(walk/prewalk (fn [x]
(if (map? x)
(with-meta (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (coerce k v)])) x)
(meta x))
(s/fdef coerce-structure
:args (s/cat :x any?)
:ret any?)
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