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Created September 17, 2021 17:39
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(ns com.wsscode.fulcro3.raw-support
[oops.core :refer [oget oset! ocall oapply ocall! oapply! oget+ oset!+ ocall+ oapply+ ocall!+ oapply!+]]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.algorithms.tx-processing :as txn]
[ :as df]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.inspect.inspect-client :as inspect-client]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.raw.components :as rc]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.react.hooks :as f.hooks]
[com.wsscode.misc.coll :as coll]
[com.wsscode.pathom3.connect.operation.transit :as pcot]
[com.wsscode.transito :as transito]
[edn-query-language.core :as eql]
[goog.object :as gobj]
[promesa.core :as p]
["react" :as react]
[helix.core :as h]))
(defn prop-component? [x]
(and (map? x)
(some-> x meta ::fulcro-component)))
(def FulcroAppContext (react/createContext nil))
(defn app-provider [app & children]
(apply h/create-element
(oget FulcroAppContext "Provider")
#js {:value app}
(defn use-app []
(f.hooks/use-context FulcroAppContext))
(defn pathom-remote [request]
{:transmit! (fn transmit! [_ {::txn/keys [ast result-handler]}]
(let [ok-handler (fn [result]
(result-handler (assoc result :status-code 200))
(catch :default e
(js/console.error e "Result handler for remote failed with an exception."))))
error-handler (fn [error-result]
(result-handler (assoc error-result :status-code 500))
(catch :default e
(js/console.error e "Error handler for remote failed with an exception."))))
key (-> ast :children first :key)
entity (some-> ast :children first :query meta :pathom/entity)
ident-ent {key (conj entity key)}]
(-> (p/let [res (request
(cond-> {:pathom/ast ast}
entity (assoc :pathom/entity ident-ent)))]
(ok-handler {:transaction (eql/ast->query ast)
:body res}))
(p/catch (fn [e]
(js/console.error "Pathom Remote Error" e)
(error-handler {:error e}))))))})
(defn app-started!
"Register the application with Inspect, if it is available."
(let [networking (inspect-client/remotes app)
state* (inspect-client/state-atom app)
app-uuid (inspect-client/fulcro-app-id app)]
(swap! inspect-client/apps* assoc app-uuid app)
(inspect-client/record-history-entry! app @state*)
(swap! state* assoc inspect-client/app-uuid-key app-uuid)
(inspect-client/post-message :fulcro.inspect.client/init-app {inspect-client/app-uuid-key app-uuid
:fulcro.inspect.core/app-id (inspect-client/app-id app)
:fulcro.inspect.client/remotes (sort-by (juxt #(not= :remote %) str) (keys networking))
:fulcro.inspect.client/initial-state @state*})
(add-watch state* app-uuid #(inspect-client/db-changed! app %3 %4))))
(defn load-component!
([props options]
(if (prop-component? props)
(let [{::keys [fulcro-app fulcro-component]} (meta props)]
(load-component! fulcro-app fulcro-component props options))
(throw (ex-info "Invalid call to load-component" {}))))
([app component entity-props {::keys [entity-data]}]
(let [ident (rc/ident component entity-props)]
(df/load! app ident component
{:post-action (fn [{:keys [state load-params]}]
(let [ref (-> load-params :source-key)]
(swap! state update-in ref dissoc :ui/load-error)))
:error-action (fn [{:keys [state load-params result]}]
(let [ref (-> load-params :source-key)]
(swap! state update-in ref assoc :ui/load-error (:error result))))
:update-query (fn [query]
(cond-> query
(vary-meta assoc :pathom/entity entity-data)))}))))
(defn load-remote
[app component entity-props options]
(let [ident (rc/ident component entity-props)
load? (some-> entity-props meta ::load-remote)]
(fn []
(if load?
(load-component! app component entity-props options)))
[load? (hash ident)])))
(defn use-entity
([entity-props options]
(use-entity (use-app) entity-props options))
([app entity-props {::keys [query] :as options}]
(let [options (merge {:initialize? true
:keep-existing? true} options)
component (f.hooks/use-memo #(rc/nc query {:initial-state (fn [] entity-props)})
[(hash query) (hash entity-props)])
props (f.hooks/use-component app component options)]
(load-remote app component entity-props options)
(vary-meta props assoc ::fulcro-app app ::fulcro-component component
::entity-props entity-props ::entity-options options))))
(defn refresh! [x]
(let [{::keys [fulcro-app fulcro-component entity-props entity-options]} (meta x)]
(load-component! fulcro-app fulcro-component entity-props entity-options)))
(defn transact!
([app-or-component tx] (transact! app-or-component tx {}))
([app-or-component tx options]
(if (prop-component? app-or-component)
(let [{::keys [fulcro-app fulcro-component]} (meta app-or-component)]
(rc/transact! fulcro-app tx (coll/merge-defaults options
{:ref (rc/ident fulcro-component app-or-component)
:component fulcro-component})))
(rc/transact! app-or-component tx options))))
(defn load [props]
(vary-meta props assoc ::load-remote true))
(defn mutate-remote-entity [{:keys [ast ref]} name]
(cond-> (assoc ast :key name :dispatch-key name)
(update :params conj ref)))
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