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Created December 4, 2017 15:13
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(:require-macros [cljs.core.async.macros :refer [go]])
(:require [ :as om]
[om.dom :as dom]
[goog.object :as gobj]
[goog.functions :as gfunc]
[cljs.core.async :refer [<!]]
[ :as style]
[com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p]
[com.wsscode.pathom.graphql :as gql]
[ :as pfn]
[fulcro-css.css :as css]
[fulcro.client.core :as fulcro]
[fulcro.client.mutations :as mutations :include-macros true]
[ :as fetch]
[com.wsscode.common.local-storage :as local-storage]
[clojure.string :as str]
[clojure.spec.alpha :as s]))
(s/def (s/keys :opt []))
(s/def (s/or :persistent string? :temp om/tempid?))
(s/def (s/and string? #(-> % count (> 0))))
(s/def (s/coll-of
(s/def (s/and :g.user/graph-node))
(s/def (s/keys :req []))
(s/def (s/keys :opt []))
(s/def string?)
(s/def string?)
(s/def (s/coll-of
(s/def (s/coll-of :c.repository/graph-node))
(s/def :c.repository/graph-node (s/keys :opt [:c.repository/id :c.repository/name :c.repository/github :c.repository/groups]))
(s/def :c.repository/id string?)
(s/def :c.repository/name string?)
(s/def :c.repository/github (s/and :g.repository/graph-node))
(s/def :c.repository/groups (s/coll-of
(s/def :g.repository/graph-node (s/keys :opt [:g.repository/id :g.repository/name :g.repository/url :g.repository/owner :g.repository/viewer-has-starred]))
(s/def :g.repository/id string?)
(s/def :g.repository/name string?)
(s/def :g.repository/url string?)
(s/def :g.repository/viewer-has-starred boolean?)
(s/def :g.repository/owner (s/and :g.user/graph-node))
(s/def :g.repository/contacts-repo (s/and :c.repository/graph-node))
(s/def :g.user/graph-node
(s/keys :opt [:g.user/id :g.user/name :g.user/login :g.user/avatar-url :g.user/company :g.user/viewer-is-following :g.user/contact :g.user/starred-repositories]))
(s/def :g.user/id string?)
(s/def :g.user/name string?)
(s/def :g.user/login string?)
(s/def :g.user/avatar-url string?)
(s/def :g.user/company string?)
(s/def :g.user/viewer-is-following boolean?)
(s/def :g.user/contact (s/and
(s/def :g.user/starred-repositories (s/coll-of :g.repository/graph-node))
(defn get-token []
(if-let [token (local-storage/get "wsscode-github-token")]
(let [token (js/prompt "Please enter github token:")]
(local-storage/set! "wsscode-github-token" token)
(defn pd [f]
(fn [e]
(.preventDefault e)
(f e)))
(defn call-computed [props fname & args]
(if-let [f (om/get-computed props fname)]
(apply f args)))
(declare AddUserForm GroupView)
(defmethod mutations/mutate `add-to-group-on-contact [{:keys [ast]} _ params]
(assoc ast :params (assoc params ::gql/mutate-join [{:contacts-contact [:id]}
{:groups-group [:id]}]))})
(defmethod mutations/mutate `create-contact [{:keys [state ast]} _ { [id group-id github] :as contact}]
(assoc ast :params (select-keys contact []))
(fn []
(let [ref [:Contact/by-id id]
group-ref [:Group/by-id group-id]
new-user (fulcro/get-initial-state AddUserForm {})]
(swap! state (comp #(update-in % (conj group-ref conj ref)
#(assoc-in % (conj ref [:github.user/by-login github])
#(assoc-in % [:github.user/by-login github] {:g.user/login github})
#(assoc-in % [:Contact/by-id ( new-user)] new-user)
#(assoc-in % (conj group-ref :ui/new-contact) [:Contact/by-id ( new-user)])))))})
(defn vector-remove [v item]
(filterv (complement #{item}) v))
(defmethod mutations/mutate `delete-contact [{:keys [state ast]} _ {cid gid}]
(assoc ast
:params {:id cid}
:children (:children (om/query->ast [:id])))
(fn []
(swap! state (comp #(update % :Contact/by-id dissoc cid)
#(update-in % [:Group/by-id gid] vector-remove [:Contact/by-id cid]))))})
(defmethod mutations/mutate `create-group [{:keys [state ast ref]} _ { [id] :as group}]
(assoc ast :params (select-keys group []))
(fn []
(let [group-ref [:Group/by-id id]]
(swap! state (comp #(update-in % (conj ref :app/all-groups) conj group-ref)
#(assoc-in % group-ref group)))))})
(defmethod mutations/mutate `update-group [{:keys [state ast]} _ { [id] :as group}]
(assoc ast :params (-> (select-keys group [])
(assoc ::gql/mutate-join [:id])))
(fn []
(let [group-ref [:Group/by-id id]]
(swap! state assoc-in group-ref group)))})
(defmethod mutations/mutate `select-group [{:keys [state reconciler ref]} _ {:keys []}]
(fn []
(if-not (get-in @state [:Group/by-id id :ui/new-contact])
(let [new-user (fulcro/get-initial-state AddUserForm {})
contact-ref [:Contact/by-id ( new-user)]]
(swap! state (comp #(assoc-in % [:Group/by-id id :ui/new-contact] contact-ref)
#(assoc-in % contact-ref new-user)))))
(fetch/load reconciler [:Group/by-id id] GroupView)
(swap! state assoc-in (conj ref :app/selected-group) [:Group/by-id id]))})
(defn not-found [x default]
(if (= x
default x))
(om/defui ^:once GithubUserView
static om/IQuery
(query [_] [:g.user/login :g.user/avatar-url :g.user/company :g.user/name])
static om/Ident
(ident [_ props] [:github.user/by-login (:g.user/login props)])
static css/CSS
(local-rules [_] [[:.container {:text-align "center"}]
[:.avatar {:width "100px" :height "100px"}]])
(include-children [_] [])
(render [this]
(let [{:g.user/keys [avatar-url login company name]} (om/props this)
css (css/get-classnames GithubUserView)]
(if (= ::p/not-found login)
(dom/div #js {:className (:container css)}
"Not found")
(dom/div #js {:className (:container css)}
(dom/div nil
(dom/a #js {:href (str "" login)
:target "_blank"}
(dom/img #js {:className (:avatar css)
:src avatar-url})))
(dom/div nil login)
(dom/div nil name)
(dom/div nil
(if-let [[_ c] (some->> company (re-find #"^@(.+)"))]
(dom/a #js {:href (str "" c)
:target "_blank"} company)
(def github-user-view (om/factory GithubUserView))
(om/defui ^:once Contact
static fulcro/InitialAppState
(initial-state [_ _] {})
static om/IQuery
(query [_] [
{ (om/get-query GithubUserView)}])
static om/Ident
(ident [_ props] [:Contact/by-id ( props)])
static css/CSS
(local-rules [_] [])
(include-children [_] [GithubUserView])
(render [this]
(let [{ [id github-user github] :as props} (om/props this)
css (css/get-classnames Contact)]
(dom/div nil
(if (= ::p/not-found (:g.user/login github-user))
(dom/div nil (str "Not found " github))
(github-user-view github-user))
(dom/a #js {:href "#"
:onClick (pd #(call-computed props :on-delete id))} "Remove")))))
(def contact (om/factory Contact))
(defmethod mutations/mutate `verify-gh-user-validity [{:keys [state]} _ {:keys [ref github]}]
(fn []
(let [errors (get-in @state [:github.user/by-login github ::pfn/graphql-errors])]
(swap! state assoc-in (conj ref :ui/github-valid?) (not (seq errors)))))})
(defn check-github-validity [comp github]
(om/transact! comp [`(~'fulcro/load ~{:remote :github
:ident [:github.user/by-login github]
:query [:g.user/avatar-url
{::pfn/graphql-errors [:type]}]
:refresh [:ui/github-valid?]
:post-mutation `verify-gh-user-validity
:post-mutation-params {:ref (om/get-ident comp)
:github github}})]))
(def check-github-validity-debounced (gfunc/debounce check-github-validity 800))
(om/defui ^:once AddUserForm
static fulcro/InitialAppState
(initial-state [this _] { (om/tempid) ""
:ui/github-valid? false})
static om/IQuery
(query [_] [ :ui/github-valid?])
static om/Ident
(ident [_ props] [:Contact/by-id ( props)])
static css/CSS
(local-rules [_] [])
(include-children [_] [])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys []
:ui/keys [github-valid?]
:as props} (om/props this)
{ [id]} (om/get-computed props)
css (css/get-classnames AddUserForm)]
(dom/form #js {:className "form-row align-items-center"
:onSubmit (fn [e]
(.preventDefault e)
(om/transact! this [`(create-contact ~(assoc props id))
(fetch/load this [:github.user/by-login github] GithubUserView {:remote :github
:refresh []})
(fn []
(om/transact! this [`(add-to-group-on-contact {:contacts-contact-id ~( props)
:groups-group-id ~id})]))
(dom/div #js {:className "col-auto"}
(dom/input #js {:type "text"
:value github
:placeholder "Github user name"
:className (cond-> "form-control"
(and (s/valid? github)
(not github-valid?))
(str " is-invalid"))
:onChange #(do
(check-github-validity-debounced this (.. % -target -value))
(mutations/set-value! this :ui/github-valid? false)
(mutations/set-string! this :event %))}))
(dom/div #js {:className "col-auto"}
(dom/button #js {:className "btn btn-primary"
:disabled (not (and github-valid? (s/valid? props)))
:type "submit"}
(def add-user-form (om/factory AddUserForm))
(om/defui ^:once GroupView
static fulcro/InitialAppState
(initial-state [_ _] {})
static om/IQuery
(query [_] [ :ui/fetch-state
{:ui/new-contact (om/get-query AddUserForm)}
{ (om/get-query Contact)}])
static om/Ident
(ident [_ props] [:Group/by-id ( props)])
static css/CSS
(local-rules [_] [[:.contacts {:display "grid"
:grid-template-columns "repeat(5, 1fr)"
:justify-items "center"
:grid-gap "26px"}]
[:.title {:cursor "pointer"}]])
(include-children [_] [Contact AddUserForm])
(render [this]
(let [{ [id name contacts]
:ui/keys [fetch-state new-contact]
:as props} (om/props this)
css (css/get-classnames GroupView)]
(dom/div nil
(dom/h1 #js {:className (:title css)}
(dom/a #js {:onClick #(if-not (fetch/loading? fetch-state)
(if-let [new-name (js/prompt "New group name" name)]
(om/transact! this [`(update-group ~(assoc props new-name))])))}
(str name)))
(add-user-form (om/computed new-contact { id}))
(if (fetch/loading? fetch-state)
(dom/div #js {:className (:contacts css)}
(->> contacts
(map #(om/computed % {:on-delete
(fn [cid]
(om/transact! this [`(delete-contact { ~cid ~id})]))}))
(map contact)))))))
(def group-view (om/factory GroupView))
(om/defui ^:once GroupMenuItem
static fulcro/InitialAppState
(initial-state [_ _] { (om/tempid) ""})
static om/IQuery
(query [_] [])
static om/Ident
(ident [_ props] [:Group/by-id ( props)])
static css/CSS
(local-rules [_] [[:.container {:cursor "pointer"}]
[:.selected {:background "#ccc"}]])
(include-children [_] [])
(render [this]
(let [{ [name] :as props} (om/props this)
{:keys [event/on-select ui/selected?]} (om/get-computed props)
css (css/get-classnames GroupMenuItem)]
(dom/div #js {:onClick #(on-select props)
:className (cond-> (:container css)
selected? (str " " (:selected css)))} name))))
(def group-menu-item (om/factory GroupMenuItem))
(om/defui ^:once Contacts
static fulcro/InitialAppState
(initial-state [_ _] {:app/all-groups []})
static om/IQuery
(query [_] [{:app/all-groups (om/get-query GroupMenuItem)}
{:app/selected-group (om/get-query GroupView)}])
static om/Ident
(ident [_ props] [:contact-app/instance "main"])
static css/CSS
(local-rules [_] [[:.container {:display "grid"
:grid-template-columns "auto 1fr"
:grid-gap "20px"}]
[ {:padding "10px"}]
[ {:flex "1"}]])
(include-children [_] [GroupMenuItem GroupView])
static css/Global
(global-rules [_] [[:body {:background style/color-white}]
[:.flex-expand {:flex "1"}]])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [app/all-groups app/selected-group]} (om/props this)
css (css/get-classnames Contacts)]
(dom/div #js {:className (:container css)}
(dom/div #js {:className (:group-menu css)}
(dom/button #js {:className "btn btn-primary"
:onClick #(if-let [name (js/prompt "New group name")]
(om/transact! this [`(create-group { ~(om/tempid) ~name})]))}
"New Group")
(dom/br nil)
(dom/br nil)
(map (comp group-menu-item
#(om/computed % {:ui/selected? (= ( selected-group) ( %))
:event/on-select (fn [group] (om/transact! this [`(select-group ~group)]))}))
(sort-by all-groups)))
(dom/div #js {:className (:group-view css)}
(if selected-group
(group-view selected-group)
"No group selected"))))))
(def contacts-ui (om/factory Contacts))
(om/defui ^:once Root
static fulcro/InitialAppState
(initial-state [_ _] {:ui/react-key (random-uuid)
:app/contacts (fulcro/get-initial-state Contacts {})})
static om/IQuery
(query [_] [{:app/contacts (om/get-query Contacts)}
static css/CSS
(local-rules [_] [])
(include-children [_] [Contacts])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [ui/react-key app/contacts]} (om/props this)]
(dom/div #js {:key react-key}
(contacts-ui contacts)))))
(defmulti attr-handler p/key-dispatch)
(defmethod attr-handler :default [_] ::p/continue)
(defmethod attr-handler [{:keys [::p/entity] :as env}]
(let [github (gobj/get entity "github")]
(pfn/join-remote (assoc env ::pfn/join-root [:user/by-login github] ::pfn/remote :github))))
(defmethod attr-handler :g.user/contact [{:keys [::p/entity] :as env}]
(let [github (gobj/get entity "login")]
(pfn/join-remote (assoc env ::pfn/join-root [:Contact/by-github github] ::pfn/remote :remote))))
(defmethod attr-handler ::pfn/graphql-errors [env] (pfn/gql-error-reader env))
(defn elide-mm-attrs [method]
(fn [q]
(let [without (-> method methods keys set (disj :default))]
(-> q om/query->ast (p/elide-ast-nodes without) om/ast->query))))
(defn gql-network [url app]
(pfn/graphql-network #::pfn{:url url
:gql-process-query (elide-mm-attrs attr-handler)
:gql-process-env (fn [env]
(assoc env ::pfn/app @app
::p/process-reader #(conj % attr-handler)))}))
(defonce app (atom nil))
(defonce start-app
(reset! app
:started-callback (fn [{:keys [reconciler]}]
(fetch/load reconciler :app/all-groups GroupMenuItem {:target [:contact-app/instance "main" :app/all-groups]}))
:networking {:remote (-> (gql-network "" app)
:github (-> (gql-network (str "" (get-token)) app)
(defn init []
(swap! app fulcro/mount Root "app-container"))
(css/upsert-css "demo-contacts" Root)
(defn log-state []
(->> @app :reconciler :config :state deref
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