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Created January 10, 2009 03:43
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(ns rabbitmq
(:import (com.rabbitmq.client ConnectionParameters
(defstruct connection-info
:username :password :virtual-host :heartbeat :host :port)
(defn connect [info]
(let [connection (.newConnection (ConnectionFactory.
(doto (ConnectionParameters.)
(.setUsername (info :username))
(.setPassword (info :password))
(.setVirtualHost (info :virtual-host))
(.setRequestedHeartBeat (info :heartbeat))))
(info :host)
(info :port))
channel (.createChannel connection)]
[connection channel]))
(defn disconnect [connection channel]
(.close channel)
(.close connection))
(defn deliver [consumer channel]
(let [delivery (.nextDelivery consumer)]
(.basicAck channel (.. delivery getEnvelope getDeliveryTag) false)
(def default-connection (struct-map connection-info
:username "guest"
:password "guest"
:virtual-host "/"
:heartbeat 0
:host "localhost"
:port 5672))
(defn produce []
(let [[conn channel] (connect default-connection)]
(.queueDeclare channel "SimpleQueue")
(.basicPublish channel "" "SimpleQueue" nil (.getBytes (str "the time is")))
(disconnect conn channel)))
(defn consume []
(let [[conn channel] (connect default-connection)
consumer (QueueingConsumer. channel)]
(.queueDeclare channel "SimpleQueue")
(.basicConsume channel "SimpleQueue" consumer)
(prn "Message: " (String. (.getBody (deliver consumer channel))))))
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