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Created November 14, 2010 22:55
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(ns pfad.ch1)
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
;; Compute the smallest natural number not in a given finite set of X
;; natural numbers.
;; Array based solution
;; minfree = search . checklist
;; search :: Array Int Bool -> Int
;; search = length . takeWhile id . elems
;; checklist :: [Int] -> Array Int Bool
;; checklist xs = accumArray (V) False (0,n)
;; (zip (filter (<= n) xs) (repeat True))
;; where n = length xs
(def l [8 23 9 0 12 11 1 10 13 7 41 4 14 21 5 17 3 19 2 6])
(defn checklist [xs]
(let [n (count xs)
true-map (zipmap
(filter #(<= % n) xs)
(repeat true))]
(for [i (range n)]
(get true-map i false))))
(defn search [bools]
(count (take-while identity bools)))
(defn min-free [xs]
(-> xs checklist search))
;; Divide and conquer
(defn part-by [f? xs]
[(filter f? xs)
(filter (comp not f?) xs)])
(defn min-from [a n xs]
(let [b (+ a 1 (int (/ n 2)))
[us vs] (part-by #(< % b) xs)
m (int (count us))]
(= (int 0) n) a
(= m (- b a)) (recur b (- n m) vs)
:otherwise (recur a m us))))
(defn min-free-dc [xs]
(min-from 0 (count xs) xs))
(defn rand-list [n]
(let [remove-list [(rand-int n)]]
(remove #(some #{%} remove-list)
(range 0 (inc n)))))
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