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Oracle Live SQL

SQL Exercises

Databases for Developers

  • Analytic Functions - Databases for Developers.sql
  • Creating Tables: Databases for Developers.sql
  • Introduction to SQL.sql
  • Subqueries - Databases for Developers.sql
--0. Data Setup
create table bricks (
brick_id integer,
colour varchar2(10),
shape varchar2(10),
weight integer
insert into bricks values ( 1, 'blue', 'cube', 1 );
insert into bricks values ( 2, 'blue', 'pyramid', 2 );
insert into bricks values ( 3, 'red', 'cube', 1 );
insert into bricks values ( 4, 'red', 'cube', 2 );
insert into bricks values ( 5, 'red', 'pyramid', 3 );
insert into bricks values ( 6, 'green', 'pyramid', 1 );
--1. Introduction
select count(*) from bricks;
select count(*) over () from bricks;
select b.*,
count(*) over () total_count
from bricks b;
--2. Partition By
select colour, count(*), sum ( weight )
from bricks
group by colour;
select b.*,
count(*) over (
partition by colour
) bricks_per_colour,
sum ( weight ) over (
partition by colour
) weight_per_colour
from bricks b;
Group by produces aggregate vs partition produces statistic per row
e.g. 1 row with the count vs all rows with the count
--3. Try it!
select b.*,
count(*) over (
partition by shape
) bricks_per_shape,
median ( weight ) over (
partition by shape
) median_weight_per_shape
from bricks b
order by shape, weight, brick_id;
--4. Order By
select b.*,
count(*) over (
order by brick_id
) running_total,
sum ( weight ) over (
order by brick_id
) running_weight
from bricks b;
--5. Try it!
select b.brick_id, b.weight,
round ( avg ( weight ) over (
order by brick_id
), 2 ) running_average_weight
from bricks b
order by brick_id;
--6. Partition By + Order By
select b.*,
count(*) over (
partition by colour
order by brick_id
) running_total,
sum ( weight ) over (
partition by colour
order by brick_id
) running_weight
from bricks b;
--7. Windowing Clause
select b.*,
count(*) over (
order by weight
) running_total,
sum ( weight ) over (
order by weight
) running_weight
from bricks b
order by weight;
By default the order by returns all the rows with a value less than or equal to that of the current row.
This includes values from rows after the current row.
This is not expected behaviour as running totals should not be summing future values.
select b.*,
count(*) over (
order by weight
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
) running_total,
sum ( weight ) over (
order by weight
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
) running_weight
from bricks b
order by weight;
Rows can have the same weight can result in different running totals.
Thus there has to be another unique column value to sort by to reproduce the same order.
select b.*,
count(*) over (
order by weight, brick_id
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
) running_total,
sum ( weight ) over (
order by weight, brick_id
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
) running_weight
from bricks b
order by weight, brick_id;
--8. Sliding Windows
select b.*,
sum ( weight ) over (
order by weight
rows between 1 preceding and current row
) running_row_weight,
sum ( weight ) over (
order by weight
range between 1 preceding and current row
) running_value_weight
from bricks b
order by weight, brick_id;
aka "moving weight" sum
select b.*,
sum ( weight ) over (
order by weight
rows between 1 preceding and 1 following
) sliding_row_window,
sum ( weight ) over (
order by weight
range between 1 preceding and 1 following
) sliding_value_window
from bricks b
order by weight;
select b.*,
count (*) over (
order by weight
range between 2 preceding and 1 preceding
) count_weight_2_lower_than_current,
count (*) over (
order by weight
range between 1 following and 2 following
) count_weight_2_greater_than_current
from bricks b
order by weight;
--9. Try It!
select b.*,
min ( colour ) over (
order by brick_id
rows between 2 preceding and 1 preceding
) first_colour_two_prev,
count (*) over (
order by weight
range between current row and 1 following
) count_values_this_and_next
from bricks b
order by weight;
--10. Filtering Analytic Functions
select colour from bricks
group by colour
having count(*) >= 2;
select colour from bricks
where count(*) over ( partition by colour ) >= 2;
--this produces an error as oracle db will first filter the query
--with the where clause and then apply the partition
the solution is to use a subquery so that the partition occurs before the filter
select * from (
select b.*,
count(*) over ( partition by colour ) colour_count
from bricks b
where colour_count >= 2;
--11. Try It!
with totals as (
select b.*,
sum ( weight ) over (
partition by shape
) weight_per_shape,
sum ( weight ) over (
order by brick_id, weight
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
) running_weight_by_id
from bricks b
select * from totals
where weight_per_shape > 4
and running_weight_by_id > 4
order by brick_id
--12. More Analytic Functions
select brick_id, weight,
row_number() over ( order by weight ) rn,
rank() over ( order by weight ) rk,
dense_rank() over ( order by weight ) dr
from bricks;
Rank - Rows with the same value in the order by have the same rank. The next row after a tie has the value N, where N is its position in the data set.
Dense_rank - Rows with the same value in the order by have the same rank, but there are no gaps in the ranks
Row_number - each row has a new value
select b.*,
lag ( shape ) over ( order by brick_id ) prev_shape,
lead ( shape ) over ( order by brick_id ) next_shape
from bricks b;
-get prior or next value
select b.*,
first_value ( weight ) over (
order by brick_id
) first_weight_by_id,
last_value ( weight ) over (
order by brick_id
) last_weight_by_id
from bricks b;
-get first/last value
-recall default windowing clause stops at the current row.
-need explicit "unbounded following"
select b.*,
first_value ( weight ) over (
order by brick_id
) first_weight_by_id,
last_value ( weight ) over (
order by brick_id
range between current row and unbounded following
) last_weight_by_id
from bricks b;
--1. Creating a Table
create table toys (
toy_name varchar2(100),
weight number
--2. Viewing Table Information
select table_name, iot_name, iot_type, external,
partitioned, temporary, cluster_name
from user_tables;
--3. Try It!
create table bricks (
colour varchar2(10),
shape varchar2(10)
select table_name
from user_tables
where table_name = 'BRICKS';
--4. Table Organization
create table toys_heap (
toy_name varchar2(100)
) organization heap;
select table_name, iot_name, iot_type, external,
partitioned, temporary, cluster_name
from user_tables
where table_name = 'TOYS_HEAP';
--5. Index-Organized Tables
create table toys_iot (
toy_id integer primary key,
toy_name varchar2(100)
) organization index;
select table_name, iot_type
from user_tables
where table_name = 'TOYS_IOT';
--6. Try It!
create table bricks_iot (
bricks_id integer primary key
) organization index;
select table_name, iot_type
from user_tables
where table_name = 'BRICKS_IOT';
--7. External Tables
create or replace directory toy_dir as '/path/to/file';
create table toys_ext (
toy_name varchar2(100)
) organization external (
default directory tmp
location ('toys.csv')
--8. Temporary Tables
create global temporary table toys_gtt (
toy_name varchar2(100)
create private temporary table ora$ptt_toys (
toy_name varchar2(100)
select table_name, temporary
from user_tables
where table_name in ( 'TOYS_GTT', 'ORA$PTT_TOYS' );
--9. Partitioning Tables
create table toys_range (
toy_name varchar2(100)
) partition by range ( toy_name ) (
partition p0 values less than ('b'),
partition p1 values less than ('c')
create table toys_list (
toy_name varchar2(100)
) partition by list ( toy_name ) (
partition p0 values ('Sir Stripypants'),
partition p1 values ('Miss Snuggles')
create table toys_hash (
toy_name varchar2(100)
) partition by hash ( toy_name ) partitions 4;
create table toys_part_iot (
toy_id integer primary key,
toy_name varchar2(100)
) organization index
partition by hash ( toy_id ) partitions 4;
select table_name, partitioned
from user_tables
where table_name in ( 'TOYS_HASH', 'TOYS_LIST', 'TOYS_RANGE', 'TOYS_PART_IOT' );
select table_name, partition_name
from user_tab_partitions;
--10. Try It!
create table bricks_hash (
brick_id integer
) partition by hash ( brick_id ) partitions 8;
select table_name, partitioned
from user_tables
where table_name = 'BRICKS_HASH';
--11. Table Clusters
create cluster toy_cluster (
toy_name varchar2(100)
create table toys_cluster_tab (
toy_name varchar2(100)
) cluster toy_cluster ( toy_name );
create table toy_owners_cluster_tab (
owner varchar2(20),
toy_name varchar2(100)
) cluster toy_cluster ( toy_name );
select cluster_name from user_clusters;
select table_name, cluster_name
from user_tables
where table_name in ( 'TOYS_CLUSTER_TAB', 'TOY_OWNERS_CLUSTER_TAB' );
--12. Dropping Tables
select table_name
from user_tables
where table_name = 'TOYS_HEAP';
drop table toys_heap;
select table_name
from user_tables
where table_name = 'TOYS_HEAP';
--13. Try It!
drop table toys ;
select table_name
from user_tables
where table_name = 'TOYS';
--1. Creating Tables
create table DEPARTMENTS (
deptno number,
name varchar2(50) not null,
location varchar2(50),
constraint pk_departments primary key (deptno)
create table EMPLOYEES (
empno number,
name varchar2(50) not null,
job varchar2(50),
manager number,
hiredate date,
salary number(7,2),
commission number(7,2),
deptno number,
constraint pk_employees primary key (empno),
constraint fk_employees_deptno foreign key (deptno)
references DEPARTMENTS (deptno)
--2. Creating Triggers
create or replace trigger DEPARTMENTS_BIU
before insert or update on DEPARTMENTS
for each row
if inserting and :new.deptno is null then
:new.deptno := to_number(sys_guid(),
end if;
create or replace trigger EMPLOYEES_BIU
before insert or update on EMPLOYEES
for each row
if inserting and :new.empno is null then
:new.empno := to_number(sys_guid(),
end if;
--3. Inserting Data
insert into departments (name, location) values
('Finance','New York');
insert into departments (name, location) values
('Development','San Jose');
select * from departments;
insert into EMPLOYEES
(name, job, salary, deptno)
('Sam Smith','Programmer',
(select deptno
from departments
where name = 'Development'));
insert into EMPLOYEES
(name, job, salary, deptno)
('Mara Martin','Analyst',
(select deptno
from departments
where name = 'Finance'));
insert into EMPLOYEES
(name, job, salary, deptno)
('Yun Yates','Analyst',
(select deptno
from departments
where name = 'Development'));
--4. Indexing Columns
select table_name "Table",
index_name "Index",
column_name "Column",
column_position "Position"
from user_ind_columns
where table_name = 'EMPLOYEES' or
table_name = 'DEPARTMENTS'
order by table_name, column_name, column_position
create index employee_dept_no_fk_idx
on employees (deptno)
create unique index employee_ename_idx
on employees (name)
--5. Querying Data
select * from employees;
select employee, department,
from departments d, employees e
where d.deptno = e.deptno(+)
order by;
select employee,
(select name
from departments d
where d.deptno = e.deptno) department,
from employees e
order by;
--6. Adding Columns
alter table EMPLOYEES
add country_code varchar2(2);
--7. Querying the Oracle Data Dictionary
select table_name, tablespace_name, status
from user_tables
where table_Name = 'EMPLOYEES';
select column_id, column_name , data_type
from user_tab_columns
where table_Name = 'EMPLOYEES'
order by column_id;
--8. Updating Data
update employees
set country_code = 'US';
update employees
set commission = 2000
where name = 'Sam Smith';
select name, country_code, salary, commission
from employees
order by name;
--9. Aggregate Queries
count(*) employee_count,
sum(salary) total_salary,
sum(commission) total_commission,
min(salary + nvl(commission,0)) min_compensation,
max(salary + nvl(commission,0)) max_compensation
from employees;
--10. Compressing Data
alter table EMPLOYEES compress for oltp;
alter table DEPARTMENTS compress for oltp;
--11. Deleting Data
delete from employees
where name = 'Sam Smith';
--12. Dropping Tables
drop table departments cascade constraints;
drop table employees cascade constraints;
--13. Un-dropping Tables
select object_name,
from recyclebin;
flashback table DEPARTMENTS to before drop;
flashback table EMPLOYEES to before drop;
select count(*) departments
from departments;
select count(*) employees
from employees;
--0. Data Setup
create table bricks (
brick_id integer,
colour varchar2(10)
create table colours (
colour_name varchar2(10),
minimum_bricks_needed integer
insert into colours values ( 'blue', 2 );
insert into colours values ( 'green', 3 );
insert into colours values ( 'red', 2 );
insert into colours values ( 'orange', 1);
insert into colours values ( 'yellow', 1 );
insert into colours values ( 'purple', 1 );
insert into bricks values ( 1, 'blue' );
insert into bricks values ( 2, 'blue' );
insert into bricks values ( 3, 'blue' );
insert into bricks values ( 4, 'green' );
insert into bricks values ( 5, 'green' );
insert into bricks values ( 6, 'red' );
insert into bricks values ( 7, 'red' );
insert into bricks values ( 8, 'red' );
insert into bricks values ( 9, null );
--1. Introduction
select * from bricks;
select * from colours;
--2. Inline Views
select * from (
select * from bricks
select * from (
select colour, count(*) c
from bricks
group by colour
) brick_counts
-which colours meet the minimum?
select * from (
select colour, count(*) c
from bricks
group by colour
) brick_counts
join colours
on brick_counts.colour = colours.colour_name
and brick_counts.c < colours.minimum_bricks_needed
--3. Try it!
select * from (
select colour, min(brick_id) as min_brick_id, max(brick_id) as max_brick_id
from bricks
group by colour
) brick_colours
--4. Nested Subqueries
select * from colours c
where c.colour_name in (
select b.colour from bricks b
-select the bricks with colours
select * from colours c
where exists (
select null from bricks b
where b.colour = c.colour_name
select * from colours c
where c.colour_name in (
select b.colour from bricks b
where b.brick_id < 5
-select bricks with colours and id less than 5
select * from colours c
where exists (
select null from bricks b
where b.colour = c.colour_name
and b.brick_id < 5
--5. Correlated vs. Uncorrelated
select * from colours
where exists (
select null from bricks
-correlated subquery = joins to table from parent query
-uncorrelated = does not join to table from parent query
-exists returns only rows from parent query
-different than in
-exists subquery can select anything as it is irrelevant
-to find all colours with at least 1 brick of the same colour, join in subquery needed
select * from colours
where exists (
select 1 from bricks
select * from colours c
where not exists (
select null from bricks b
where b.colour = c.colour_name
-find all colours without a brick
select * from colours c
where c.colour_name not in (
select b.colour from bricks b
-no data returned as there is a brick with a null colour
select * from colours c
where c.colour_name not in (
'red', 'green', 'blue',
'orange', 'yellow', 'purple',
-true NOT IN requires ALL parent table rows to return false
-recall null cannot return true/false
-null returns unknown
-use NOT EXISTS or where to ignore null in subquery
select * from colours c
where c.colour_name not in (
select b.colour from bricks b
where b.colour is not null
--7.Try it!
select * from bricks b
where b.colour in (
select colour_name
from colours c
where c.minimum_bricks_needed = 2
--8. Scalar Subqueries
select colour_name, (
select count(*)
from bricks b
where b.colour = c.colour_name
group by b.colour
) brick_counts
from colours c;
-scalar subqueries return only 1 col and max 1 row
-count # of bricks by colour
-nulls are returned
select colour_name, nvl ( (
select count(*)
from bricks b
where b.colour = c.colour_name
group by b.colour
), 0 ) brick_counts
from colours c;
-to show zero instead of null, use NVL or coalesce
select colour_name, coalesce ( (
select count(*)
from bricks b
where b.colour = c.colour_name
group by b.colour
), 0 ) brick_counts
from colours c;
select c.colour_name, (
select count(*)
from bricks b
group by colour
) brick_counts
from colours c;
-this query returns 4 counts which will not work for a scalar
-need to join bricks with colours in subquery (i.e. correlate)
-HAVING can use scalar instead of join
select colour, count(*) count
from bricks b
group by colour
having count(*) < (
select c.minimum_bricks_needed
from colours c
where c.colour_name = b.colour
--9. Try it!
select c.colour_name, (
select min(brick_id)
from bricks b
where b.colour = c.colour_name
group by colour
) min_brick_id
from colours c
where c.colour_name is not null;
--10. Common Table Expressions
with brick_colour_counts as (
select colour, count(*)
from bricks
group by colour
select * from brick_colour_counts ;
--11. CTEs: Reusable Subqueries
select c.colour_name,
c.minimum_bricks_needed, (
select avg ( count(*) )
from bricks b
group by b.colour
) mean_bricks_per_colour
from colours c
where c.minimum_bricks_needed < (
select count(*) c
from bricks b
where b.colour = c.colour_name
group by b.colour
-group by colour appears twice
-assign name with CTE e.g. brick_counts bc
with brick_counts as (
select b.colour, count(*) c
from bricks b
group by b.colour
select c.colour_name,
c.minimum_bricks_needed, (
select avg ( bc.c )
from brick_counts bc
) mean_bricks_per_colour
from colours c
where c.minimum_bricks_needed < (
select bc.c
from brick_counts bc
where bc.colour = c.colour_name
--12. Literate SQL
select brick_id
from bricks
where colour in ('red', 'blue');
select colour
from bricks
group by colour
having count (*) < (
select avg ( colour_count )
from (
select colour, count (*) colour_count
from bricks
group by colour
Count the bricks by colour
Take the average of these counts
Return those rows where the value in step 1 is greater than in step 2
-step 1 is at the bottom
-solution is to use CTE
with brick_counts as (
-- 1. Count the bricks by colour
select b.colour, count(*) c
from bricks b
group by b.colour
), average_bricks_per_colour as (
-- 2. Take the average of these counts
select avg ( c ) average_count
from brick_counts
select * from brick_counts bc
join average_bricks_per_colour ac
-- 3. Return those rows where the value in step 1 is less than in step 2
on bc.c < average_count;
--13. Testing Subqueries
with brick_counts as (
select b.colour, count(*) count
from bricks b
group by b.colour
), average_bricks_per_colour as (
select avg ( count ) average_count
from brick_counts
select * from brick_counts bc;
--much more robust than inline views
--14. Try it!
--count how many rows there are in colours
with colour_count as (
select count(*) as count
from colours c
select * from colour_count;
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