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Created June 28, 2012 10:25
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#!/usr/bin/env python
Script for switching rows / columns of wells in plate. See
import omero
import omero.clients
from omero.gateway import BlitzGateway
from omero.rtypes import rint
user = 'root'
pw = 'ome'
host = 'localhost'
conn = BlitzGateway(user, pw, host=host, port=4064)
pId = 55
plate = conn.getObject("Plate", pId)
wells = []
new_plate = omero.model.PlateI() = omero.rtypes.rstring("Temporary plate")
# we're switching row & col AND moving to new plate to avoid ValidationExceptions
for well in plate.listChildren():
c = well.column
r = well.row
well._obj.column = rint(r)
well._obj.row = rint(c)
wells = conn.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnArray(wells) # Saves new Plate
# Now we can move wells back to the original Plate
for well in wells:
new_plate = well.getPlate() # get a ref to new Plate, so we can delete
well.setPlate(omero.model.PlateI(pId, False)) # Using unloaded Plate
conn.getUpdateService().saveAndReturnArray(wells) # Save Wells onto original Plate
# Finally, we can clean up by deleting our temporary plate
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