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Last active September 28, 2021 09:20
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OMERO script for searching based on Size Z/CT, Channel Names, Excitation Wavelength, Objective Model, Magnification or Lens NA.The script finds images and Tags them with a new "Search Results" tag.
This script searches for Images, using database queries queries generated
from a number of parameters.
import omero.scripts as scripts
from omero.gateway import BlitzGateway
from omero.rtypes import *
from datetime import datetime
def searchImages(conn, scriptParams):
Here we build our hql query and get the results from the queryService
# Script has defaults for some parameters, so we know these are filled
minSizeC = scriptParams["Min_Channel_Count"]
minSizeZ = scriptParams["Min_Size_Z"]
minSizeT = scriptParams["Min_Size_T"]
# For others, we check if specified
channelNames = "Channel_Names" in scriptParams and scriptParams["Channel_Names"] or []
nominalMagnification = "Magnification" in scriptParams and scriptParams["Magnification"] or None
lensNA = "Lens_NA" in scriptParams and scriptParams["Lens_NA"] or None
excitationWave = "Excitation_Wavelength" in scriptParams and scriptParams["Excitation_Wavelength"] or None
objectiveModel = "Objective_Model" in scriptParams and scriptParams["Objective_Model"] or None
qs = conn.getQueryService()
params = omero.sys.Parameters() = {}
clauses = []
query = "select i from Image i left outer join i.pixels as pixels"
if minSizeZ > 1 or minSizeC > 1 or minSizeT > 1:
# We have already joined pixels
if minSizeZ > 1:["sizeZ"] = rint(minSizeZ)
if minSizeC > 1:["sizeC"] = rint(minSizeC)
if minSizeT > 1:["sizeT"] = rint(minSizeT)
if len(channelNames) > 0 or excitationWave is not None:
query = query + " left outer join pixels.channels as c join c.logicalChannel as lc"
if len(channelNames) > 0:["cNames"] = wrap(channelNames)
clauses.append(" in (:cNames)")
if excitationWave is not None:["exWave"] = wrap(excitationWave)
if nominalMagnification is not None or lensNA is not None or objectiveModel is not None:
query += " join i.objectiveSettings as objS join objS.objective as ob"
if nominalMagnification is not None:["nomMag"] = rint(nominalMagnification)
if lensNA is not None:["lensNA"] = rdouble(lensNA)
if objectiveModel is not None:["objectiveModel"] = wrap(objectiveModel)
query = query + " where " + " and ".join(clauses)
print("Searh parameters map:", unwrap(
imgs = qs.findAllByQuery(query, params)
return imgs
def tagImages(conn, imageIds, searchDesc=None):
Creates a new 'search results' Tag with timestamp and links to the images
now =
tagText = "Search Results %s %s:%s:%s" % (, now.hour, now.minute, now.second)
tag = omero.model.TagAnnotationI()
if searchDesc is not None:
newLinks = []
for iid in imageIds:
link = omero.model.ImageAnnotationLinkI()
link.setParent(omero.model.ImageI(iid, False))
link.child = tag
return tagText
def metadataSearch(conn, scriptParams):
Here we do the main work of the script, performing search and
tagging the resulting images. Returns a message for the user.
searchParams = ["%s: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in scriptParams.items()]
searchDesc = "\n".join(searchParams)
# Do the search...
imageResults = searchImages(conn, scriptParams)
imgIds = [ for i in imageResults]
imgIds = list(set(imgIds)) # remove any duplicates
print("Result Image IDs: ", imgIds)
tagText = tagImages(conn, imgIds, searchDesc)
return "%s Images found. Tagged with '%s'" % (len(imgIds), tagText)
def runScript():
The main entry point of the script, as called by the client via the
scripting service, passing the required parameters.
client = scripts.client('', """This script searches for Images,
using database queries generated from a number of parameters.""",
scripts.Int("Min_Size_Z", grouping="1", default=1, min=1,
description="Find images with this number of Z-planes or more"),
scripts.Int("Min_Size_T", grouping="2", default=1, min=1,
description="Find images with this number of time-points or more"),
scripts.Int("Min_Channel_Count", grouping="3", default=1, min=1,
description="Find images with this number of channels or more"),
scripts.List("Channel_Names", grouping="4",
description="Find images containing channels with these names"),
scripts.Int("Excitation_Wavelength", grouping="4.1",
description="Find images with channels of this excitation wavelength"),
scripts.String("Objective_Model", grouping="5",
description="Save individual channels as separate images"),
scripts.Int("Magnification", grouping="5.1",
description="Find images with this Nominal Magnification"),
scripts.String("Lens_NA", grouping="5.2",
description="Find images with this Lens NA value"),
authors = ["William Moore", "OME Team"],
institutions = ["University of Dundee"],
contact = "",
scriptParams = {}
conn = BlitzGateway(client_obj=client)
# process the list of args above.
for key in client.getInputKeys():
if client.getInput(key):
scriptParams[key] = client.getInput(key, unwrap=True)
# call the main script - returns a message
message = metadataSearch(conn, scriptParams)
client.setOutput("Message", rstring(message))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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