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Created April 4, 2023 10:16
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import argparse
import os
import sys
import omero.clients
from omero.cli import cli_login
from omero.rtypes import rstring, rlong
from omero.gateway import BlitzGateway
MANAGED_REPO_PATH = "/data/OMERO/ManagedRepository/"
def get_files_for_fileset(fs_path):
filepaths = []
for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(fs_path):
for name in files:
# print(os.path.join(path, name))
# If we want to ignore chunks...
if ".z" in name or ".xml" in name:
filepaths.append(os.path.join(path, name))
return filepaths
def create_fileset(conn, files):
"""Create a new Fileset from local files."""
fileset = omero.model.FilesetI()
for f in files:
fpath, fname, fsize, sha1 = f
orig = create_original_file(conn, fpath, fname, fsize, sha1)
entry = omero.model.FilesetEntryI()
entry.setClientPath(rstring(os.path.join(fpath, fname)))
# print(dir(entry))
return fileset
def create_original_file(conn, path, name, fileSize, shaHast):
updateService = conn.getUpdateService()
# create original file, set name, path, mimetype
originalFile = omero.model.OriginalFileI()
# if mimetype:
# originalFile.mimetype = rstring(mimetype)
# set sha1
chk = omero.model.ChecksumAlgorithmI()
originalFile = updateService.saveAndReturnObject(originalFile, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
return originalFile
def getHash(localPath):
with open(localPath, 'rb') as fileHandle:
import hashlib
hash_sha1 = hashlib.sha1
import sha
hash_sha1 =
h = hash_sha1()
shaHast = h.hexdigest()
return shaHast
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('fileset_id', type=int, help='Fileset to replace')
parser.add_argument('files_path', help="Full path to directory. E.g. /data/ManagedRepository/path/to/plate.zarr")
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
# This is the path to a symlink e.g. from Tonsil2.zarr
# root_dir = "/data/OMERO/ManagedRepository/demo_52/Blitz-0-Ice.ThreadPool.Server-11/2023-03/31/10-49-23.116/Tonsil2.zarr"
root_dir = args.files_path
managed_repo_dir = root_dir.replace(MANAGED_REPO_PATH, "")
with cli_login() as cli:
conn = BlitzGateway(client_obj=cli._client)
source_fileset = conn.getObject("Fileset", args.fileset_id)
if source_fileset is None:
print ('source Fileset id not found: %s' % args.fileset_id)
# Create a new Fileset, using files in the root_dir
file_paths = []
prefix = source_fileset.templatePrefix
print("templatePrefix", prefix)
for file_path in get_files_for_fileset(root_dir):
fpath, fname = os.path.split(file_path)
# remove absolute path - just need relative path INSIDE ManagedRepo
fpath = fpath.replace(MANAGED_REPO_PATH, "")
# NB: extra slash!
fpath = fpath + "/"
fsize = os.path.getsize(file_path)
fhash = getHash(file_path)
print(fpath, fname, fsize, fhash)
file_paths.append([fpath, fname, fsize, fhash])
new_fileset = create_fileset(conn, file_paths)
new_fileset.templatePrefix = omero.rtypes.rstring(prefix)
update = conn.getUpdateService()
new_fileset = update.saveAndReturnObject(new_fileset)
print("Created new_fileset",
for image in source_fileset.copyImages():
img = image._obj
img.fileset = omero.model.FilesetI(, False)
conn.getUpdateService().saveObject(img, conn.SERVICE_OPTS)
# Print the HQL updates we need to update each Pixels to new Fileset file
pid = image.getPixelsId()
print(f"UPDATE pixels SET name = '.zattrs', path = '{managed_repo_dir}' where id = {pid};")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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