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Last active December 10, 2015 22:38
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Save will0/4503110 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
coding for interviews 2013 01 03, PHP solution
class Slist {
var $data = NULL;
var $next = NULL;
function __construct($data, $next) {
$this->data = $data;
$this->next = $next;
// changes the next pointers to reverse the order of nodes in the list
// for a lasso, only the loop is reversed
static function reverse($slist) {
$prev = NULL;
while($slist !== NULL) {
$temp = $slist->next;
$slist->next = $prev;
$prev = $slist;
$slist = $temp;
return $prev;
static function _reverse_rec($slist, $prev) {
if($slist === NULL)
return $prev;
$next = $slist->next;
$slist->next = $prev;
return self::_reverse_rec($next, $slist);
static function reverse_rec($slist) {
return self::_reverse_rec($slist, NULL);
// slurps values from array into a Slist with the same traversal order
static function from_array($array) {
$array = array_reverse($array);
$slist = NULL;
foreach($array as $value) {
$slist = new Slist($value, $slist);
return $slist;
// dump values from Slist into array with same traversal order
// will fail for lassos
static function to_array($slist) {
$array = array();
while($slist !== NULL) {
$array[] = $slist->data;
$slist = $slist->next;
return $array;
// true if list is nonempty and no node in this list has a next of NULL O(N)
static function has_loop($slist) {
if($slist === NULL || $slist->next === NULL)
return FALSE;
$reversed = self::reverse($slist);
$loop = $reversed === $slist;
return $loop;
// concatenate two Slists
// prefix must not have a loop
static function concat($prefix, $suffix) {
if($prefix === NULL)
return $suffix;
$tail = $prefix;
while($tail->next !== NULL) {
$tail = $tail->next;
$tail->next = $suffix;
return $prefix;
static function remove_nfromlast($slist, $n) {
$ring = array_fill(0, $m, NULL);
while($slist !== NULL) {
$ring[$n % $m] = $slist;
$slist = $slist->next;
// destructively de-dups adjacent nodes with === data
static function uniq($slist) {
if($slist === NULL || $slist->next === NULL)
return $slist;
$runstart = $slist;
$rest = $slist->next;
while($rest !== NULL) {
if($rest->data !== $runstart->data) {
$runstart->next = $rest;
$runstart = $rest;
$rest = $rest->next;
$runstart->next = NULL;
return $slist;
// O(NlogN) expected time in-situ sort O(N^2) worst case
// undefined behavior for lassos
static function quicksort($slist) {
// eliminate trivially "sorted" lists
if($slist === NULL || $slist->next === NULL)
return $slist;
$pivot_node = $slist;
$rest = $slist->next;
$slist->next = NULL;
$lessthan = NULL;
$atleast = NULL;
// divide
while($rest !== NULL) {
$next = $rest->next;
if($pivot_node->data > $rest->data) {
$rest->next = $lessthan;
$lessthan = $rest;
} else {
$rest->next = $atleast;
$atleast = $rest;
$rest = $next;
// conquer
$lessthan = self::quicksort($lessthan);
$atleast = self::quicksort($atleast);
return self::concat($lessthan, self::concat($pivot_node, $atleast));
$a = range(1, 25);
$fwd = Slist::from_array($a);
$rev = Slist::reverse($fwd);
echo "REVERSED\n";
echo implode(' ', Slist::to_array($rev)) . "\n";
$fwd = Slist::reverse_rec($rev);
echo implode(' ', Slist::to_array($fwd)) . "\n";
echo "SHUFFLED\n";
echo implode(' ', $a) . "\n";
$slist = Slist::from_array($a);
$slist = Slist::quicksort($slist);
$b = Slist::to_array($slist);
echo "SORTED\n";
echo implode(' ', $b) . "\n";
echo "HAS LOOP? " . (Slist::has_loop($slist) ?: "works\n");
$x = new Slist(0, NULL);
$x->next = $x;
echo "HAS_LOOP? " . Slist::has_loop($x) . "\n";
$x = new Slist(1, $x);
echo "HAS_LOOP? " . Slist::has_loop($x) . "\n";
$x = Slist::from_array(range(1, 25));
$x = Slist::concat($x, $x);
echo "HAS_LOOP? " . Slist::has_loop($x) . "\n";
$x = Slist::concat(Slist::from_array(range(50,75)), $x);
echo "HAS_LOOP? " . Slist::has_loop($x) . "\n";
$c = array_merge(range(1, 25), range(1, 25, 2));
$l = Slist::from_array($c);
$l = Slist::uniq(Slist::quicksort($l));
echo "UNIQED\n" . implode(' ', Slist::to_array($l)) . "\n";
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