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Created September 16, 2018 21:23
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email =
name = Will Soares
alias = config --get-regexp ^alias\\.
ci = commit
ps = push
st = status -s
co = checkout
br = branch
unstage = reset HEAD --
logs = log --max-count=10 --oneline --decorate=no
rb = rebase
mbr = for-each-ref --count=10 --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/ --format="%(refname:short)"
clog = log --oneline --no-merges <last tag>..
upstream= log --oneline --no-merges ..origin/feature/fonts
autocrlf = input
editor = vim
excludesfile = /home/willsoares/.gitignore_global
rebase = true
[url "https://"]
insteadOf = git://
helper = store
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