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Created October 6, 2011 07:51
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@interface WBVector : NSObject <NSCopying> {
CGFloat _x;
CGFloat _y;
CGFloat _z;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat x;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat y;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat z;
+ (WBVector *)vectorWithX:(CGFloat)x;
+ (WBVector *)vectorWithX:(CGFloat)x Y:(CGFloat)y;
+ (WBVector *)vectorWithX:(CGFloat)x Y:(CGFloat)y Z:(CGFloat)z;
+ (CGFloat)distanceFromVector:(WBVector *)v1 vector:(WBVector *)v2;
- (WBVector *)initWithX:(CGFloat)x;
- (WBVector *)initWithX:(CGFloat)x Y:(CGFloat)y;
- (WBVector *)initWithX:(CGFloat)x Y:(CGFloat)y Z:(CGFloat)z;
- (void)add:(WBVector *)v;
- (void)sub:(WBVector *)v;
- (void)mult:(id)v;
- (void)multByFloat:(CGFloat)f;
- (void)div:(id)v;
- (void)divByFloat:(CGFloat)f;
- (void)normalize;
- (void)limit:(CGFloat)max;
- (CGFloat)dist:(WBVector *)v;
- (CGFloat)mag;
#import "WBVector.h"
@implementation WBVector
@synthesize x = _x, y = _y, z = _z;
+ (WBVector *)vectorWithX:(CGFloat)x {
return [[[WBVector alloc] initWithX:x Y:0 Z:0] autorelease];
+ (WBVector *)vectorWithX:(CGFloat)x Y:(CGFloat)y {
return [[[WBVector alloc] initWithX:x Y:y Z:0] autorelease];
+ (WBVector *)vectorWithX:(CGFloat)x Y:(CGFloat)y Z:(CGFloat)z {
return [[[WBVector alloc] initWithX:x Y:y Z:z] autorelease];
+ (CGFloat)distanceFromVector:(WBVector *)v1 vector:(WBVector *)v2 {
return [v1 dist:v2];
- (WBVector *)initWithX:(CGFloat)x Y:(CGFloat)y Z:(CGFloat)z {
_x = x;
_y = y;
_z = z;
return self;
- (WBVector *)initWithX:(CGFloat)x Y:(CGFloat)y {
return [self initWithX:x Y:y Z:0];
- (WBVector *)initWithX:(CGFloat)x {
return [self initWithX:x Y:0 Z:0];
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
return [[[WBVector alloc] initWithX:_x Y:_y Z:_z] autorelease];
// add the passed in vector to the vector
- (void)add:(WBVector *)v {
_x += v.x;
_y += v.y;
_z += v.z;
// subtract the passed in vector from the vector
- (void)sub:(WBVector *)v {
_x -= v.x;
_y -= v.y;
_z -= v.z;
// multiply the vector by the passed in vector
- (void)mult:(WBVector *)v {
_x *= v.x;
_y *= v.y;
_z *= v.z;
- (void)multByFloat:(CGFloat)f {
[self mult:[WBVector vectorWithX:f Y:f Z:f]];
// divide the vector by the passed in vector
- (void)div:(WBVector *)v {
_x /= v.x;
_y /= v.y;
_z /= v.z;
// divide the vector by the passed in float
- (void)divByFloat:(CGFloat)f {
[self div:[WBVector vectorWithX:f Y:f Z:f]];
// calculate the distance between two vectors
- (CGFloat)dist:(WBVector *)v {
CGFloat dx = v.x - _x;
CGFloat dy = v.y - _y;
CGFloat dz = v.z - _z;
return sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz);
// limit the magnitude of the vector
- (void)limit:(CGFloat)max {
if ([self mag] > max) {
[self normalize];
[self multByFloat:max];
// calculate the magnitude (distance from the origin) of the vector
- (CGFloat)mag {
return sqrt(_x*_x + _y*_y + _z*_z);
// normalize the vector (convert to a unit vector)
- (void)normalize {
CGFloat mag = [self mag];
[self divByFloat:mag];
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