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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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Dart meetup notes

What is Dart?

Dart is a language and SDK created by Google for writing cross-browser maintainable JavaScript. It is also a working spec of the W3C - they're going to standardize it as a 2nd language that should be implemented by the browser. As a heavily smalltalk-inspired language with classical inheritance, it is much easier to write than today's JavaScript. It has test tools, type checking, and all the other niceties of a real programming language that wasn't designed in 10 days.

Why do I care?

Because it compiles to JavaScript, and thus can be used today to write front-end applications. Angular has Dart support, though most other MVC front-end libraries do not as of now.

Should we use it at Sqwiggle?

Not right now. We've already solved most of the problems it fixes.

What good came of Will going to this meetup?

  • potential new client
  • contact with an AWESOME JavaScript developer
  • invitation to come back and speak in another couple of months
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