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Last active October 12, 2017 14:00
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CFPB Wagtail Admin UX Notes

CFPB Wagtail Admin UX Notes

General UI

  • Lots of interface elements would be more usable if they were larger/higher contrast, for example sorting indicators, help text, add module buttons
  • Is there a way to sort the order of items in the Explorer flyout menu? Long lists would be less confusing if they were alphabetical.
  • The lists of all pages of a certain template have been very useful when I’m trying to review how we use certain design elements, or to get a sense of how often we use a template. It would be great if those links were more prominent, looked more clearly like links, and were available in more places than just the template selector for a new page
  • When you move a page, there’s a confirmation screen with a yes button but no cancel button. I can hit the back button on my browser and the move won’t go through, but it’s strange not to have a cancel button.

Streamfield block UI

  • The add block button is completely hidden unless you mouse over the block above where you want to add one, and then even once they’re revealed, they’re not very noticeable until you’ve actually moused over one. I spend a distracting amount of time just moving my mouse around to make sure I get the button to show up.
  • The dropdown styling is nearly identical to text input fields, which can make it difficult to scan through a complex set of fields to find what I want, and overall the dropdowns don’t look very actionable.
  • Tableblocks with more than 4 rows scroll. When inputting a long table, this can make it very cumbersome to review the contents to be sure it’s all correct. While I can see the value in not displaying the full length of a long table while editing the rest of the page, it would be nice to have some kind of expand/collapse so I have the option of reviewing all the table contents at once.
  • The link insertion process for rich text fields is very easy to use. Inserting links into blocks with separate link fields (which is many of them) is a painful process if you don’t already have the correct URL available to paste in. It would be great to have that rich text link functionality available for the separate link fields as well. [Is this a problem specific to us somehow? Or would anyone using separated URL fields have the same issue?]

Logging in, account & password management

  • It would be very useful to see what my role is and what permissions are associated with that role in my account settings. The text describing the items available is also the tiny low-contrast text style
  • Add a max width to the input fields for username and password? The enormous fields for resetting a forgotten password are especially jarring
  • The password validator accepts characters like {};’ in a password, but doesn’t recognize them as special characters for the purposes of fulfilling the password requirements, apparently only the special characters from number keys. [is that something a superadmin here would have control over?]
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