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Created May 13, 2018 16:19
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{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
module FF.Options
( Cmd (..)
, CmdAction (..)
, Config (..)
, DataDir (..)
, Edit (..)
, New (..)
, Search (..)
, Shuffle (..)
, parseOptions
) where
import Control.Applicative (optional, (<|>))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time (Day)
import Options.Applicative (auto, command, execParser, flag',
fullDesc, help, helper, info, long,
metavar, option, progDesc, short,
strArgument, strOption, subparser, switch,
value, (<**>))
import FF.Storage (DocId (DocId))
import FF.Types (NoteId)
data Cmd
= CmdConfig (Maybe Config)
| CmdAction CmdAction
data CmdAction
= CmdAgenda Limit
| CmdDelete NoteId
| CmdDone NoteId
| CmdEdit Edit
| CmdNew New
| CmdPostpone NoteId
| CmdSearch Search
| CmdUnarchive NoteId
| CmdVersion Version
type Limit = Int
newtype Version = Version Bool
data Config = ConfigDataDir (Maybe DataDir) | ConfigUI (Maybe Shuffle)
data DataDir = DataDirJust FilePath | DataDirYandexDisk
data Shuffle = Shuffle | Sort
data Edit = Edit
{ editId :: NoteId
, editText :: Maybe Text
, editStart :: Maybe Day
, editEnd :: Maybe (Maybe Day)
-- ^ Nothing -- no option => no change
-- Just Nothing -- option with tobstone => clear field
-- Just value -- option with value => set field to value
deriving (Show)
data New = New
{ newText :: Text
, newStart :: Maybe Day
, newEnd :: Maybe Day
data Search = Search Text Limit
parseOptions :: IO Cmd
parseOptions = execParser $ i parser "A note taker and task tracker"
parser = subparser commands <|> pCmdAgenda
commands = mconcat
[ command "add" iCmdAdd
, command "agenda" iCmdAgenda
, command "config" iCmdConfig
, command "delete" iCmdDelete
, command "done" iCmdDone
, command "edit" iCmdEdit
, command "new" iCmdNew
, command "postpone" iCmdPostpone
, command "search" iCmdSearch
, command "unarchive" iCmdUnarchive
, command "version" iCmdVersion
iCmdAdd = i pCmdNew "add a new task or note"
iCmdAgenda = i
"show what you can do right now\
\ [default action]"
iCmdConfig = i pCmdConfig "show/edit configuration"
iCmdDelete = i pCmdDelete "delete a task"
iCmdDone = i pCmdDone "mark a task done (archive)"
iCmdEdit = i pCmdEdit "edit a task or a note"
iCmdNew = i pCmdNew "synonym for `add`"
iCmdPostpone = i pCmdPostpone "make a task start later"
iCmdSearch = i pCmdSearch "search for notes with the given text"
iCmdUnarchive = i pCmdUnarchive "restore the note from archive"
iCmdVersion = i pCmdVersion "show current version"
pCmdAgenda = CmdAction . CmdAgenda <$> limitOption
pCmdDelete = CmdAction . CmdDelete <$> idArgument
pCmdDone = CmdAction . CmdDone <$> idArgument
pCmdEdit = CmdAction . CmdEdit <$> pEdit
pCmdNew = CmdAction . CmdNew <$> pNew
pCmdPostpone = CmdAction . CmdPostpone <$> idArgument
pCmdSearch = CmdAction . CmdSearch <$> pSearch
pCmdUnarchive = CmdAction . CmdUnarchive <$> idArgument
pCmdVersion = CmdAction . CmdVersion <$> sVersion
pNew = New <$> textArgument <*> optional startOption <*> optional endOption
pEdit =
<$> idArgument
<*> optional textOption
<*> optional startOption
<*> optional maybeEndOption
pSearch = Search <$> strArgument (metavar "TEXT") <*> limitOption
idArgument = DocId <$> strArgument (metavar "ID" <> help "note id")
textArgument = strArgument (metavar "TEXT" <> help "note text")
endOption = dateOption $ long "end" <> short 'e' <> help "end date"
limitOption =
option auto $ long "limit" <> short 'l' <> help "limit" <> value 10
startOption = dateOption $ long "start" <> short 's' <> help "start date"
textOption =
strOption $ long "text" <> short 't' <> help "note text" <> metavar
maybeEndOption = Just <$> endOption <|> flag'
(long "end-clear" <> help "clear end date")
dateOption m = option auto $ metavar "DATE" <> m
pCmdConfig = CmdConfig <$> optional
(subparser $ command "dataDir" iDataDir <> command "ui" iUi)
iDataDir = i pDataDir "the database directory"
pDataDir = ConfigDataDir <$> optional (pJust <|> pYandexDisk)
pJust = DataDirJust <$> strArgument (metavar "DIR" <> help "path")
pYandexDisk =
flag' DataDirYandexDisk
$ long "yandex-disk"
<> short 'y'
<> help "detect Yandex.Disk"
iUi = i pUi "UI tweaks"
pUi = ConfigUI <$> optional
( flag' Shuffle (long "shuffle" <> help "shuffle notes in section")
<|> flag' Sort (long "sort" <> help "sort notes in section")
sVersion = Version <$> switch ( long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "version" )
i prsr desc = info (prsr <**> helper) $ fullDesc <> progDesc desc
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