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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Making Galaxy Zoo: Hubble images for GOODS full-depth imaging (snippet)
def make_jpeg(gal,color_scheme='bviz',field='s',desaturate=False,show_img=True,load_from_mosaic=False,mosaics=None):
ascales,anonlinearity,npix_final,apedestal = get_image_defaults(color_scheme=color_scheme)
input_oid = gal['UID_MOSAIC_Z']
id_str = 'g%s' % input_oid
#print '----------------- %s --------------------' % id_str
# Get the amount by which we need to resize the image
# Consider all bands
a_pix = max(gal['A_IMAGE_Z'], gal['A_IMAGE_I'], gal['A_IMAGE_V'], gal['A_IMAGE_B'])
kron_r = max(gal['KRON_RADIUS_Z'], gal['KRON_RADIUS_I'], gal['KRON_RADIUS_V'], gal['KRON_RADIUS_B'])
obj_size_pix = a_pix * kron_r
# Scale in HST pixel size
img_size_hstpix = 3.5 * obj_size_pix
# Sanity checks -- don't zoom in or out too far
img_size_hstpix = max(img_size_hstpix, 120.)
img_size_hstpix = min(img_size_hstpix, 1000.)
resize_factor = npix_final / img_size_hstpix
# Print re-sizing parameters to screen
print '%s -- Semi-major axis [pix]: %f\n Kron radius [pix]: %f\n Image size [pix]: %f\n Resize factor: %f' % (id_str,a_pix, kron_r*a_pix, img_size_hstpix, resize_factor)
# Load FITS data from original GOODS mosaics
if load_from_mosaic:
if mosaics is None:
osect = gal['OSECT_Z']
# Note: this will work w/gzipped mosaic files, but is MUCH slower.
with'%s/%s%s_v1.0_sc03_osect%i_drz.fits' % (mosaic_path,field,'b',osect)) as f:
img_b = np.transpose(f[0].data)
with'%s/%s%s_v1.0_sc03_osect%i_drz.fits' % (mosaic_path,field,'v',osect)) as f:
img_v = np.transpose(f[0].data)
with'%s/%s%s_v1.0_sc03_osect%i_drz.fits' % (mosaic_path,field,'i',osect)) as f:
img_i = np.transpose(f[0].data)
with'%s/%s%s_v1.0_sc03_osect%i_drz.fits' % (mosaic_path,field,'z',osect)) as f:
img_z = np.transpose(f[0].data)
img_b,img_v,img_i,img_z = mosaics
assert img_b.shape == img_v.shape == img_i.shape == img_z.shape, \
'Mosaic images must be the same shape\n B:%s, V:%s, I:%s, Z:%s' % \
# Cut down the image to the Kron radius aperture
xsize,ysize = img_v.shape
xstart,ystart = int(round(gal['X_IMAGE_B'])),int(round(gal['Y_IMAGE_B']))
halfbox_orig = np.floor(img_size_hstpix/2.).astype(int)
halfbox = check_edge_size(xsize,ysize,xstart,ystart,halfbox_orig)
img_b_cut = img_b[xstart-halfbox:xstart+halfbox,ystart-halfbox:ystart+halfbox]
img_v_cut = img_v[xstart-halfbox:xstart+halfbox,ystart-halfbox:ystart+halfbox]
img_i_cut = img_i[xstart-halfbox:xstart+halfbox,ystart-halfbox:ystart+halfbox]
img_z_cut = img_z[xstart-halfbox:xstart+halfbox,ystart-halfbox:ystart+halfbox]
# Load FITS data from existing cutouts
with'%s/%s_s%s_thumb.fits' % (fits_path,id_str,'b')) as f:
img_b_cut = f[0].data
with'%s/%s_s%s_thumb.fits' % (fits_path,id_str,'v')) as f:
img_v_cut = f[0].data
with'%s/%s_s%s_thumb.fits' % (fits_path,id_str,'i')) as f:
img_i_cut = f[0].data
with'%s/%s_s%s_thumb.fits' % (fits_path,id_str,'z')) as f:
img_z_cut = f[0].data
# Check that all image sizes and shapes match
assert img_b_cut.shape == img_v_cut.shape == img_i_cut.shape == img_z_cut.shape, \
'Cutout images must be the same shape\n B:%s, V:%s, I:%s, Z:%s' % \
if color_scheme == 'bviz':
rimage = img_z_cut
gimage = img_i_cut
bimage = np.array([img_b_cut,img_v_cut]).mean(axis=0)
elif color_scheme == 'vz':
rimage = img_z_cut
gimage = np.array([img_z_cut,img_v_cut]).mean(axis=0)
bimage = img_v_cut
nx,ny = rimage.shape
if load_from_mosaic:
RGBim = np.array([np.transpose(rimage),np.transpose(gimage),np.transpose(bimage)])
RGBim = np.array([rimage,gimage,bimage])
# Scale and fit the image data
RGBim = nw.scale_rgb(RGBim,scales=ascales)
RGBim = nw.arcsinh_fit(RGBim,nonlinearity=anonlinearity)
RGBim = nw.fit_to_box(RGBim)
if desaturate:
# optionally desaturate pixels that are dominated by a single
# colour to avoid colourful speckled sky
orig = deepcopy(RGBim)
# Take the mean flux value between the three color bands
a = RGBim.mean(axis=0)
# mask pixels with no flux in any of the bands
np.putmask(a, a == 0.0, 1.0)
# create cube with each plane containing mean flux value
acube = np.resize(a,(3,ny,nx))
# scale each color to the mean, then divide by non-linearity factor
bcube = (RGBim / acube) / anonlinearity
# create a mask based on the weighted non-linear color values
mask = np.array(bcube)
# find the maximum weighted value per color
w = np.max(mask,axis=0)
# if the max value is greater than 1, replace with 1
np.putmask(w, w > 1.0, 1.0)
# invert mapping from 0 to 1.
w = 1 - w
# taper the weights with a sin function
w = np.sin(w*np.pi/2.0)
# multiply the original image by the normalized weights, add back the weighted mean flux,
# and [optionally] recolor strongest pixels
RGBim = RGBim * w + a*(1-w) + a*(1-w)**2 * orig
# Convert data to scaled bytes
RGBim = (255.*RGBim).astype(int)
RGBim = np.where(RGBim>255,255,RGBim)
RGBim = np.where(RGBim<0,0,RGBim)
# Add optional grey pedestal to the byte-scaled data
RGBim += apedestal
RGBim = np.where(RGBim>255,255,RGBim)
R = RGBim[0,:,:]
G = RGBim[1,:,:]
B = RGBim[2,:,:]
data = np.array([R.ravel(),G.ravel(),B.ravel()])
data = np.transpose(data)
pdata = []
for each in data:
# Make Image in PIL format
img ='RGB',size=R.shape)
# Rebin images to 424x424 pixels
img_resized = img.resize((424,424),I.ANTIALIAS)
# Reset orientation to match the native FITS (N up, E right)
img_flipped = img_resized.transpose(I.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM)
img_out = img_flipped
if show_img:
# Save hardcopy as JPG
out_jpg = '%s/goods_%s_%s_%s_standard.jpg' % (jpg_path,field,id_str,color_scheme),format='JPEG',quality=100)
return img,pdata
def get_image_defaults(color_scheme='bviz'):
if color_scheme == 'bviz':
ascales= 1.75*np.array([45, 22, 28])
if color_scheme == 'vz':
ascales= 2.5*np.array([16.,11.,11.])
#ascales= 2.0*np.array([15,10,8])
#ascales= 1.5*np.array([26,22,21])
anonlinearity= 2.5
# number of pixels the final image should have (in x and y, each)
npix_final = 424
# Pedestal
apedestal = 0
return ascales,anonlinearity,npix_final,apedestal
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