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Created December 23, 2011 16:54
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Create an inverted index from a file
* From a file that contains
* doc_id w1 w2 w3 ... lines, separated by tabs
* return an inverted index Map of w -> Set(doc_id)
* @param filename well isn't it obvious
* @return Map[String,Set[String]]
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
def invertedIndex(filename:String) = {
io.Source.fromFile(filename).getLines. // this is an iterator over lines
map(_.split("\t")). // split at tabs
filter(_.size > 0). // make sure there is at least one item
map(x => x.drop(1).map(y => (y,x(0)) )). // get inverted pairs for all lines
toList. // ? required but i'm not sure why...
flatMap(x => x). // flatten to pairs -- you could filter on these
groupBy(_._1). // group by the first key
map(p => (p._1, // map over groups values, turning 2nd value into sets
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willf commented Dec 23, 2011 via email

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Well, the issue at hand is that you get an Iterator[String] from io.Source.fromFile(foo).getLines and groupBy isn't defined on Iterators, only on Iterables. As far as the flatten, that is unavoidable, I think. You start with a list of strings and then break each of those lists in to their own list of strings, so you're going to have that nested list no matter what you do, so you'll need to flatten it somehow. The only reason the for-comprehension solution doesn't have one is because it has a flatMap hidden inside of it.

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willf commented Dec 23, 2011

Yes -- thanks.

I think the mapValues is incorrect, since I need to return String -> Set[String] pairs, so:

def invertedIndex(filename:String) = {
  io.Source.fromFile(filename).getLines.  // this is an iterator over lines
  map(_.split("\t")).               // split at tabs
  filter(_.size > 0).               // make sure there is at least one item
  map(x => x.drop(1).map(y => (y,x(0)) )). // get inverted pairs for all lines
  toList.                                // convert to list (sigh)
  flatten.                               // flatten to pairs -- you could filter on these
  groupBy(_._1).                    // group by the first key
  map(p => (p._1, // map over groups values, turning 2nd value into sets

I still don't think I understand why flatten isn't defined on Iterators.

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willf commented Dec 23, 2011

Ah, but it is defined on Streams:

def invertedIndex(fn:String) = {
  io.Source.fromFile(fn).getLines.        // this is an iterator over lines
  map(_.split("\t")).                     // split at tabs
  filter(_.size > 0).                     // make sure there is at least one item
  map(x => x.drop(1).map(y => (y,x(0)) )) // get inverted pairs for all lines
  toStream.                               // convert to Stream
  flatten.                                // flatten to pairs -- you could filter on these
  groupBy(_._1).                          // group by the first key
  map(p => (p._1,   // map over groups values, turning 2nd value into sets

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