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Created November 14, 2016 20:54
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Basic descriptive statistics using Ruby
# The _percentile_sorted function is adapted from similar code
# released under the Academic Free License, 3.0, written by
# Derrick Pallas, which used to be available at
# it fixes a bug that can occur if the list of numbers is small.
# Other code more or less from my [first ever gist](
def _percentile_sorted(p, ns)
r = p / 100.00 * (ns.size + 1)
i, fr = r.divmod(1)
(fr==0.0 || i >= ns.size) ? ns[i-1] : ns[i-1] + (fr * (ns[i]-ns[i-1]))
# This requires a O(n log n) sort of the items in the array
# Plus a one time pass through the array
# and a one time pass through the distinct values of the array
def stats(ns, include_histogram=true)
ns = ns.sort
len = ns.size
histogram =
n, mean, m2, sum = ns.inject([0,0.0,0.0,0.0]) do
|acc, r|
n = acc[0]+1
delta = r-acc[1]
mean = acc[1] + (delta/n)
m2 = acc[2] + (delta * (r-mean))
sum = acc[3] + r
[n, mean, m2, sum]
var = m2/n
max_count = histogram.values.max
n: len,
mean: mean,
variance: var,
stddev: Math.sqrt(var),
sum: sum,
min: ns.first,
max: ns.last,
histogram: (include_histogram ? histogram : {}),
modes: include_histogram ?{|x| histogram[x]==max_count}: {},
median: (len % 2 == 1) ? ns[len/2] : (ns[len/2]+(ns[len/2-1])/2),
percentiles: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 99, 99.9].inject({}){|h,x| h[x] = _percentile_sorted(x, ns); h},
quartiles: [25, 50, 75].inject({}){|h,x| h[x] = _percentile_sorted(x, ns); h}
# prng =
# puts stats((1..10000).map{|_| prng.rand(6)+1 + prng.rand(6)+1})
# puts stats((1..10000).map{|_| prng.rand(1.0)}, include_histogram=false)
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