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Last active October 18, 2018 11:13
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package org.entish.montecarlo
import scala.util.Random
import System.{ currentTimeMillis  _time }
import com.nicta.rng._, scalaz._, Scalaz._

object Main extends App {

  def profile[R](code:  R, t: Long = _time, msg: String = "Profile") = (msg, code, _time - t)

  def row[R](i: Int, p: (String, R, Long)) = s"${p._1} |  $i | ${p._2} | ${p._3}"

  def circleTest() = {
    val (x, y) = (Random.nextDouble, Random.nextDouble)
    x * x + y * y <= 1

  def monteCarloRecurse(trials: Int, test: ()  Boolean) = {
    def bool2double(b: Boolean) = if (b) 1.0d else 0.0d
    def recurse(n: Int, sum: Double): Double =
      if (n <= 0) sum / trials
      else recurse(n - 1, sum + bool2double(test()))
    recurse(trials, 0.0d)

  def monteCarloMap(trials: Int, test: ()  Boolean) =
    (1 to trials).map(_  if (test()) 1.0d else 0.0d).sum / trials

  def monteCarloFold(trials: Int, test: ()  Boolean) =
    (1 to trials).foldLeft(0.0d)((s, i)  s + (if (test()) 1.0d else 0.0d)) / trials

  def monteCarloIterator(trials: Int, test: ()  Boolean) =
    (1 to trials).iterator.foldLeft(0.0d)((s, i)  s + (if (test()) 1.0d else 0.0d)) / trials

  def monteCarloStream(trials: Int, test: ()  Boolean) =
    Stream.continually(if (test()) 1.0 else 0.0).take(trials).reduceLeft(_ + _) / trials

  def monteCarloParallel(trials: Int, test: ()  Boolean) = {
    val pr = (1 to trials).par
    val s = pr.aggregate(0.0d)((a, _)  a + (if (test()) 1.0d else 0.0d), _ + _)
    s / trials

  val pointInUnitSquare = Rng.choosedouble(0.0, 1.0) zip Rng.choosedouble(0.0, 1.0)

  val insideCircle = { case (x, y)  x * x + y * y <= 1 }

  def monteCarloPurelyFunctional(trials: Int): Rng[Double] =
    EphemeralStream.range(0, trials).foldLeftM(0) {
      case (acc, _), 0) + acc)
    }.map(_ / trials.toDouble)

  (3 to 7).foreach { i 
    val runs = math.pow(10, i).toInt
    println("Method | Runs | Result | Milliseconds")
    println(row(runs, profile({ monteCarloMap(runs, circleTest) }, msg = "Map over range")))
    println(row(runs, profile({ monteCarloFold(runs, circleTest) }, msg = "Fold over range")))
    println(row(runs, profile({ monteCarloIterator(runs, circleTest) }, msg = "Fold over iterator")))
    println(row(runs, profile({ monteCarloStream(runs, circleTest) }, msg = "Fold over stream")))
    println(row(runs, profile({ monteCarloParallel(runs, circleTest) }, msg = "Aggregate over parallel")))
    println(row(runs, profile({ monteCarloRecurse(runs, circleTest) }, msg = "Recurse")))
    println(row(runs, profile({ monteCarloPurelyFunctional(runs).run.unsafePerformIO }, msg = "Purely Functional")))


Here are the results for 10^7 runs:

Method Runs Result Milliseconds
Map over range 10000000 0.7854594 964
Fold over range 10000000 0.7855624 519
Fold over iterator 10000000 0.7851361 666
Fold over stream 10000000 0.785246 1024
Aggregate over parallel 10000000 0.7852919 4990
Recurse 10000000 0.7854042 420
Purely Functional 10000000 0.7852436 9463
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