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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Calculate steady-state boundary shear stress in pressurised water pipes
function tau_a = shear_stress(D, Q, k_s, T, den)
%{ Hydraulic shear stress at pipe wall (in Pa).
% Params:
% D -- internal diameter (m)
% Q -- flow (m^3s^-1)
% k_s -- roughness height (m)
% T -- temperature; defaults to 10degC)
% den -- density defaults to 1000kg/m^3
% Will Furnass (
% Pennine Water Group, University of Sheffield
% November 2014
% Ported from Python (see
% License: GPL v3 (
if not(exist('T', 'var'))
T = 10.0;
if not(exist('den', 'var'))
den = 1000.0;
if any(den <= 0)
throw(MException('shear_stress:invalid_argument', ...
'Non-positive density'));
if any(D <= 0)
throw(MException('shear_stress:invalid_argument', ...
'Non-positive internal pipe diam.'));
g = 9.81;
tau_a = den * g * (D / 4.0) * ...
hyd_grad(D, Q, k_s, T, den);
function A_xc = x_sec_area(D)
%{ Cross-sectional area of a uniform pipe
% Params:
% D -- internal diameter
if any(D <= 0)
throw(MException('shear_stress:invalid_argument', ...
'Non-positive internal pipe diam.'));
A_xc = pi * power(D, 2) / 4.0;
function mu = dyn_visc(T)
%{ Dynamic viscosity of water (N.s.m^-2)
% Params:
% T -- temperature (degC) (defaults to 10degC)
% See for eq.
if not(exist('T', 'var'))
T = 10.0;
if any(T < 0 | T > 100)
err_msg = strcat('Cannot calc dynamic viscosity: ', ...
'temperature outside range [0,100].');
throw(MException('shear_stress:invalid_argument', err_msg));
A = 2.414e-5; % Pa.s
B = 247.8; % K
C = 140.0; % K
mu = A * power(10, (B / (T + 273.15 - C)));
function Re = reynolds(D, Q, T, den)
%{Reynolds number
% Params:
% D -- internal diameter (m)
% Q -- flow (m^3s^-1)
% T -- temperature; defaults to 10degC
% den -- density; defaults to 1000kg/m^3
if not(exist('T', 'var'))
T = 10.0;
if not(exist('den', 'var'))
den = 1000.0;
if any(den <= 0)
throw(MException('shear_stress:invalid_argument', ...
'Non-positive fluid density.'));
Re = ((abs(Q) / x_sec_area(D)) * D) / (dyn_visc(T) / den);
function f = friction_factor(D, Q, k_s, T, den)
%{ Darcy-Weisbach friction factor.
% Params:
% D -- internal diameter (m)
% Q -- flow (m^3s^-1)
% k_s -- roughness height (m)
% T -- temperature; defaults to 10degC)
% den -- density defaults to 1000kg/m^3
% Laminar flow: Hagen-Poiseuille formula
% Transitional flow: cubic interpolation from Moody Diagram
% for transition region as per the EPANET2 manual
% (in turn taken from Dunlop (1991))
% Turbulent flow: Swamee-Jain approximation of implicit
% Colebrook-White equation
if not(exist('T', 'var'))
T = 10.0;
if not(exist('den', 'var'))
den = 1000.0;
if any(k_s < 0)
throw(MException('shear_stress:invalid_argument', ...
'Negative pipe roughness.'));
Re = reynolds(D, Q, T, den);
if Re == 0
f = 0 * Re;
elseif Re < 2000
f = 64 / Re;
elseif (2000 <= Re) && (Re < 4000)
y3 = -0.86859 * log((k_s / (3.7 * D)) + (5.74 / (4000^0.9)));
y2 = (k_s / (3.7 * D)) + (5.74 / power(Re, 0.9));
fa = power(y3, -2);
fb = fa * (2 - (0.00514215 / (y2*y3)));
r = Re / 2000.;
x4 = r * (0.032 - (3. * fa) + (0.5 * fb));
x3 = -0.128 + (13. * fa) - (2.0 * fb);
x2 = 0.128 - (17. * fa) + (2.5 * fb);
x1 = (7 * fa) - fb;
f = x1 + r * (x2 + r * (x3 + x4));
elseif Re >= 4000
%if warn
% if k_s < 4e-4 || k_s > 5e-2:
% err_msg = sprintf(strcat('Swamee Jain approx to Colebrook White not ', ...
% 'valid for turb flow as k_s=%fm ', ...
% '(outside range [0.004,0.05])'), k_s);
% throw(MException('shear_stress:invalid_argument',
% err_msg));
% end
% if Re > 1e7
% err_msg = sprintf(strcat('Swamee Jain approx to Colebrook White not ', ...
% 'valid for turb flow as Re=%f ', ...
% 'greater than 10,000,000'), Re);
% throw(MException('shear_stress:invalid_argument', err_msg));
% end
f = 0.25 / power((log10((k_s / (3.7 * D)) + ...
(5.74 / power(Re, 0.9)))), 2);
function S_0 = hyd_grad(D, Q, k_s, T, den)
%{ Headloss per unit length of pipe (in m), using approx. to Colebrook White eq.
% Params:
% D -- internal diameter (m)
% Q -- flow (m^3s^-1)
% k_s -- roughness height (m)
% T -- temperature; defaults to 10degC)
% den -- density defaults to 1000kg/m^3
if not(exist('T', 'var'))
T = 10.0;
if not(exist('den', 'var'))
den = 1000.0;
if any(den <= 0)
throw(MException('shear_stress:invalid_argument', ...
'Non-positive fluid density.'));
if any(D <= 0)
throw(MException('shear_stress:invalid_argument', ...
'Non-positive internal pipe diam.'));
f = friction_factor(D, Q, k_s, T, den);
vel_sq = power((Q / x_sec_area(D)), 2);
g = 9.81;
S_0 = (f * vel_sq) / (D * 2 * g);
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