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Forked from yufufi/
Created September 15, 2020 11:52
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Scripts to manage AKS Disk snapshots
# set the expiry to a month ago
expirydate=$(date -d'-1 month' +%s)
# I can use az -o table with cut -d driectly
for snapshot in $(az snapshot list -g $resourceGroup | jq -r '.[] | [.id, .timeCreated[:10], .name] | join("#")')
snapshotId=$(echo $snapshot | cut -f1 -d "#")
snapshotDate=$(echo $snapshot | cut -f2 -d "#" | xargs -I{} date -d {} +%s)
snapshotName=$(echo $snapshot | cut -f3 -d "#")
if [ $snapshotDate -le $expirydate ];
echo "Deleting snapshot ${snapshotName}"
az snapshot delete --ids $snapshotId
echo "Keeping snapshot ${snapshotName}"
# get all the persistent volume from the current k8s context
echo "Getting the list of all persistent volumes.."
for persistentVolume in $(kubectl get pv --all-namespaces -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.spec.azureDisk.diskURI}{"#"}{}{"\n"}')
# azure id of the disk
diskId=$(echo $persistentVolume | cut -f1 -d "#")
# name of the persistent volume
pvName=$(echo $persistentVolume | cut -f2 -d "#")
# target resource group for the snapshot
targetResourceGroup=$(az disk show --ids $diskId | jq -r '.resourceGroup')
# figure out the backup name
backupDate=$(date -dmonday +%Y%m%d)
# new backups every monday and then incremental
# take the snapshot
echo "Taking a snapshot of $diskId on $targetResourceGroup as $backupName"
az snapshot create -g $targetResourceGroup --source $diskId --name $backupName --incremental true | jq
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