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Last active May 7, 2019 19:46
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Add a geologic time scale to a ggplot
gggeo_scale <- function(gg, fill = NULL, color = "black", alpha = 1, height = .05, size = 5, quat = FALSE, pos = "bottom", abbrv = TRUE, periods = NULL, neg = FALSE) {
#This is a function to add a geologic time scale to a ggplot object.
#gg: the ggplot object
#fill: the fill color of the boxes; default are the colors from the Commission for the Geological Map of the World (CGMW);
# custom fill colors can be provided and will be recycled if necessary
# if a custom dataset is provided with periods without color and without fill, a greyscale will be used
#color: the outline color of the boxes
#alpha: transparency of the fill colors
#height: the proportional height of the plot to use for the scale
#size: the size of the text in the scale
#quat: specifies whether the Quaternary should be labelled
#pos: which side to add the scale to (left, right, top, or bottom)
#abbrv: whether to use abbreviations instead of full period names
#periods: a custom data set of time interval boundaries, with the following columns:
# period: name of each period (will be used as labels if no abbreviations are provided)
# max_age: the oldest boundary of each time interval
# min_age: the youngest boundary of each time interval
# abbr: (optional) abbreviations that will be used as labels
# color: (optional) a hex color code (which can be obtained with rgb()) for each time interval
#neg: set this to true if your x-axis is actually negative values
periods <- data.frame(period = c("Quaternary", "Neogene", "Paleogene", "Cretaceous", "Jurassic", "Triassic", "Permian", "Carboniferous", "Devonian", "Silurian", "Ordovician", "Cambrian", "Ediacaran", "Cryogenian", "Tonian"),
max_age = c(2.588, 23.03, 66, 145, 201.3, 252.2, 298.9, 358.9, 419.2, 443.4, 485.4, 541, 635, 720, 1000),
min_age = c(0, 2.588, 23.03, 66, 145, 201.3, 252.2, 298.9, 358.9, 419.2, 443.4, 485.4, 541, 635, 720),
abbr = c("Q", "N", "Pg", "K", "J", "Tr", "P", "C", "D", "S", "O", "Cm","E","Cr","To"),
color = c(rgb(249, 249, 127, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(255, 230, 25, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(253, 154, 82, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(127, 198, 78, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(52, 178, 201, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(129, 43, 146, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(240, 64, 40, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(103, 165, 153, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(203, 140, 55, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(179, 225, 182, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(0, 146, 112, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(127, 160, 86, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(254, 217, 106, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(254, 204, 92, maxColorValue = 255),rgb(254, 191, 78, maxColorValue = 255)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
periods$max_age <- -1 * (periods$max_age)
periods$min_age <- -1 * (periods$min_age)
periods$mid_age <- (periods$max_age + periods$min_age)/2
periods$color <- rep(fill, length.out = nrow(periods))
}else if(!("color" %in% colnames(periods))){
periods$color <- rep(c("grey60","grey80"), length.out = nrow(periods))
lims <- ggplot_build(gg)$layout$panel_params[[1]]
if(abbrv & "abbr" %in% colnames(periods)){
periods$names <- periods$abbr
periods$names <- periods$period
periods$names[periods$abbr=="Q"] <- ""
if(pos %in% c("bottom", "top", "b", "t")){
if(pos %in% c("top","t")){
ymax <- max(lims$y.range)
ymin <- max(lims$y.range) - height * (max(lims$y.range) - min(lims$y.range))
ymin <- min(lims$y.range)
ymax <- min(lims$y.range) + height * (max(lims$y.range) - min(lims$y.range))
gg <- gg +
annotate("rect", xmin = periods$min_age, xmax = periods$max_age, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax,
fill = periods$color, color = color, alpha = alpha) +
annotate("text", x = periods$mid_age, label = periods$names, y = (ymin+ymax)/2,
vjust = "middle", hjust = "middle", size = size)
}else if(pos %in% c("left", "right","l","r")){
if(pos %in% c("right","r")){
xmax <- max(lims$x.range)
xmin <- max(lims$x.range) - height * (max(lims$x.range) - min(lims$x.range))
xmin <- min(lims$x.range)
xmax <- min(lims$x.range) + height * (max(lims$x.range) - min(lims$x.range))
gg <- gg +
annotate("rect", ymin = periods$min_age, ymax = periods$max_age, xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax,
fill = periods$color, color = color, alpha = alpha) +
annotate("text", y = periods$mid_age, label = periods$names, x = (xmin+xmax)/2,
vjust = "middle", hjust = "middle", size = size, angle = 90)
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See for this and other cool deep time plotting tools!

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kfeilich commented May 7, 2019

Hi Will,

When I try to run this with my plot, I get the following warnings -- and no scale bar. Any idea what's going on?

Here's the code to generate the plot, and the warnings:
meandepth_2tailed_plot <- ggplot(sig.bins, aes(x=Bin)) +
geom_area(aes(x=Bin, y=cumFreq), data = cumulative_higher, fill="lightgrey")+
geom_area(aes(x=Bin, y=cumFreq), data = cumulative_lower, fill = "lightgrey")+
geom_bar(aes(y=-total.lower), stat= "identity", fill="black") +
geom_bar(aes(y=total.higher), stat="identity", fill = "black") +
xlab("Time Bin (million years ago)") +
ylab("Number Posterior Trees") +
scale_x_reverse(limits=c(maximum.root.age,0), expand=c(0,0))+
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lwd = 0.2)+
geom_vline(xintercept = 66, colour = 'lightgrey', linetype = "dashed") +

gggeo_scale(meandepth_2tailed_plot, pos="bottom")

Warning messages:
1: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (position_stack).
2: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (position_stack).
3: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (position_stack).
4: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (position_stack).
5: Removed 15 rows containing missing values (geom_rect).
6: Removed 15 rows containing missing values (geom_text).
7: Removed 15 rows containing missing values (geom_rect).
8: Removed 15 rows containing missing values (geom_text).
9: Removed 15 rows containing missing values (geom_rect).
10: Removed 15 rows containing missing values (geom_text).
11: Removed 15 rows containing missing values (geom_rect).
12: Removed 15 rows containing missing values (geom_text).

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