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Last active May 1, 2018 18:12
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William Grasel Social Resume

William Grasel Social Resume


I'm a Web Developer for ~15 years, and during the last 6 years I have been working in several SPA and PWA projects in a big diversity of frameworks, such as Backbone, React and mainly Angular (1.x and 2+), which gave me a rich FrontEnd experience. I have always been close to the BackEnd as well in several platforms, such as NodeJS, Java and .NET, although FrontEnd and JavaScript will always be my preference. I am involved with IT and Open Source communities for a few years, where I began to share my knowledge in talks, organizing meetups and conference tracks.

Community Organization

AngularSP - Meetup Coordinator

I'm the coordinator of AngularSP, the largest Angular and TypeScript community in Latin America, where we maintain a strong and up-to-update group, seeking for diversity in gender, race and social classes in all events.

TDC: The Developers Conference - JavaScript Track Coordinator

Last 2 years I have been coordinating the JavaScript track of TDC SP, which is the largest general IT conference in Brazil. At the coordinator group we select the topics, curate the talks, guide the speakers and host the track room during the event.

Last year's track:

Angular Ninja Newsletter  - Curator

I'm the main curator of the "Angular Ninja Newsletter", a weekly newsletter to weep us up to date with all new relevant content for a Angular developers.

All last issues:

Blog and articles

I'm not a constant writer, but I do have some technical articles at some dev blogs of my last companies. You can find then at the follow links:

Open Source Projects

I have been an opensource advocate inside every company I'm working on, convincing and explaining why this is important. So I manage to open some company's projects to the community and also contributed with some personal ones as well.

You can find all my contributions at NPM and Github:

Conferences and talks

Last years I have gave more than 50 talks and workshops in conferences and meetups all over Brazil and through the internet, covering topics in FrontEnd, Mobile, JavaScript, Angular, PWA, Testing and others.

Recorded talks available on YouTube:

Slides of all my talks:

Last Events Summary

PHP Experience 2018

Talk: A importância de uma boa performance na sua WebApp! When: 03/2018

AngularSP Talks #18 Google

Talk: PWA na prática com Angular e Firebase When: 03/2018

Hangout Canal dotNET

Talk: Angular: Passado, Presente e Futuro When: 03/2018

DevFest São Paulo 2017

Talk: Programação Reativa com Angular, Firebase e Observables When: 12/2017

AngularSP Talks #17 Community Bootcamp Microsoft

Talk: Deploying Angular to Azure When: 12/2017

ABCDev #2017

Talk: Dominando Programação Reativa na Prática When: 09/2017

Front In Vale 2017

Talk: Boas práticas em arquiteturas de SPA e PWA When: 09/2017

DevFest Maceio 2017

Talk: Programação Reativa com Angular, Firebase e Observables When: 09/2017

InterCon 2017

Talk: Levando a Performance de sua Web App a Sério When: 08/2017

Itaú-Unibanco THORARCH #10

Talk: Desbravando Angular 2+ e Typescript When: 08/2017

TDC SP 2017 - JavaScript Track

Talk: Quem tem medo do TypeScript? When: 07/2017

TDC SP 2017 - DevTest Track

Talk: Automatização de testes no Front End When: 07/2017

Full Stack Experience 2017

Talk: Desbravando Progressive Web Apps When: 07/2017

JS Experience 2017

Talk: Painel – Angular+React+Vue: Arquitetura, Performance e Usabilidade When: 07/2017

GDG HTML5 Study Group

Talk: Progressive Web Apps e Arquitetura de SPA e PWA's When: 07/2017

AngularSP #13 Accenture

Talk: Quem tem medo do TypeScript? When: 05/2017

Cubo Summit 2017

Talk: Desbravando Angular 2+ e Typescript When: 04/2017

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