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Last active April 24, 2024 17:53
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Simple batched PyTorch LSTM
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
from torch.nn import functional as F
Blog post:
Taming LSTMs: Variable-sized mini-batches and why PyTorch is good for your health:
class BieberLSTM(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, nb_layers, nb_lstm_units=100, embedding_dim=3, batch_size=3):
self.vocab = {'<PAD>': 0, 'is': 1, 'it': 2, 'too': 3, 'late': 4, 'now': 5, 'say': 6, 'sorry': 7, 'ooh': 8,
'yeah': 9}
self.tags = {'<PAD>': 0, 'VB': 1, 'PRP': 2, 'RB': 3, 'JJ': 4, 'NNP': 5}
self.nb_layers = nb_layers
self.nb_lstm_units = nb_lstm_units
self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
self.batch_size = batch_size
# don't count the padding tag for the classifier output
self.nb_tags = len(self.tags) - 1
# when the model is bidirectional we double the output dimension
# build actual NN
def __build_model(self):
# build embedding layer first
nb_vocab_words = len(self.vocab)
# whenever the embedding sees the padding index it'll make the whole vector zeros
padding_idx = self.vocab['<PAD>']
self.word_embedding = nn.Embedding(
# design LSTM
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(
# output layer which projects back to tag space
self.hidden_to_tag = nn.Linear(self.nb_lstm_units, self.nb_tags)
def init_hidden(self):
# the weights are of the form (nb_layers, batch_size, nb_lstm_units)
hidden_a = torch.randn(self.hparams.nb_lstm_layers, self.batch_size, self.nb_lstm_units)
hidden_b = torch.randn(self.hparams.nb_lstm_layers, self.batch_size, self.nb_lstm_units)
if self.hparams.on_gpu:
hidden_a = hidden_a.cuda()
hidden_b = hidden_b.cuda()
hidden_a = Variable(hidden_a)
hidden_b = Variable(hidden_b)
return (hidden_a, hidden_b)
def forward(self, X, X_lengths):
# reset the LSTM hidden state. Must be done before you run a new batch. Otherwise the LSTM will treat
# a new batch as a continuation of a sequence
self.hidden = self.init_hidden()
batch_size, seq_len, _ = X.size()
# ---------------------
# 1. embed the input
# Dim transformation: (batch_size, seq_len, 1) -> (batch_size, seq_len, embedding_dim)
X = self.word_embedding(X)
# ---------------------
# 2. Run through RNN
# TRICK 2 ********************************
# Dim transformation: (batch_size, seq_len, embedding_dim) -> (batch_size, seq_len, nb_lstm_units)
# pack_padded_sequence so that padded items in the sequence won't be shown to the LSTM
X = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(x, X_lengths, batch_first=True)
# now run through LSTM
X, self.hidden = self.lstm(X, self.hidden)
# undo the packing operation
X, _ = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(X, batch_first=True)
# ---------------------
# 3. Project to tag space
# Dim transformation: (batch_size, seq_len, nb_lstm_units) -> (batch_size * seq_len, nb_lstm_units)
# this one is a bit tricky as well. First we need to reshape the data so it goes into the linear layer
X = X.contiguous()
X = X.view(-1, X.shape[2])
# run through actual linear layer
X = self.hidden_to_tag(X)
# ---------------------
# 4. Create softmax activations bc we're doing classification
# Dim transformation: (batch_size * seq_len, nb_lstm_units) -> (batch_size, seq_len, nb_tags)
X = F.log_softmax(X, dim=1)
# I like to reshape for mental sanity so we're back to (batch_size, seq_len, nb_tags)
X = X.view(batch_size, seq_len, self.nb_tags)
Y_hat = X
return Y_hat
def loss(self, Y_hat, Y, X_lengths):
# TRICK 3 ********************************
# before we calculate the negative log likelihood, we need to mask out the activations
# this means we don't want to take into account padded items in the output vector
# simplest way to think about this is to flatten ALL sequences into a REALLY long sequence
# and calculate the loss on that.
# flatten all the labels
Y = Y.view(-1)
# flatten all predictions
Y_hat = Y_hat.view(-1, self.nb_tags)
# create a mask by filtering out all tokens that ARE NOT the padding token
tag_pad_token = self.tags['<PAD>']
mask = (Y > tag_pad_token).float()
# count how many tokens we have
nb_tokens = int(torch.sum(mask).data[0])
# pick the values for the label and zero out the rest with the mask
Y_hat = Y_hat[range(Y_hat.shape[0]), Y] * mask
# compute cross entropy loss which ignores all <PAD> tokens
ce_loss = -torch.sum(Y_hat) / nb_tokens
return ce_loss
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ntrang086 commented May 1, 2019

Thanks for the tutorial! In addition to the above comments which I agree with, could you also add super(BieberLSTM, self).__init__() in def __init__()? Without this, I got an error AttributeError: cannot assign module before Module.__init__() call. See the discussion here:

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shi-yan commented Apr 22, 2020

I have a question,

why should the hidden states be initialized randomly?

        hidden_a = torch.randn(self.hparams.nb_lstm_layers, self.batch_size, self.nb_lstm_units)
        hidden_b = torch.randn(self.hparams.nb_lstm_layers, self.batch_size, self.nb_lstm_units)

most of the examples I saw using zeros, which makes more sense to me?

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jamestang7 commented Jul 8, 2022

Thank you for the awesome tutorial on NLP embedding

This is a bug in line 128 with respect to the shaping before calculating the cross-entropy loss

# pick the values for the label and zero out the rest with the mask
Y_hat = Y_hat[range(Y_hat.shape[0]), Y] * mask

Here Y and mask have the same shape (batch_size * seq_len * nb_tags) after flattening it. We want to let Y_hat has the same shape so that we could adopt the dot product and calculate the cross-entropy.

Thus, it should be Y_hat = Y_hat.view_as(Y) * mask

Hope I understood your comment. Correct me if I happen to be wrong. Thanks in advance.

Can someone please check this for me whether we need to do softmax before reshaping the output from line 101-103? Because softmax is a weighted score of each

X = X.view(batch_size, seq_len, self.nb_tags) # X [batch_size*seq_len, nb_tags] ->[batch_size, seq_len, nb_tags]
X = F.log_softmax(X, dim=1)

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