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Last active May 17, 2024 20:32
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A ResultWriter Computation Expression in F#
// Define types
type Result<'T> =
| Success of 'T
| Error of string
type LogState = { Logs: string list }
type ResultLog<'T> = Result<'T> * LogState
// Define computation expression
type ResultWriterBuilder() =
member _.Bind((result, state: LogState), f) =
match result with
| Success value ->
let (newResult, newState) = f value
(newResult, { state with Logs = state.Logs @ newState.Logs })
| Error e ->
(Error e, state)
member _.Return(value) =
(Success value, { Logs = [] })
let resultWriter = ResultWriterBuilder()
// Define functions
let multiply10 x =
if x > 0 then (Success (x * 10), { Logs = [sprintf "multiply10 successful: %d" (x * 10)] })
else (Error "x must be positive", { Logs = ["multiply10 failed: x must be positive"] })
let add1 x =
if x < 100 then (Success (x + 1), { Logs = [sprintf "add1 successful: %d" (x + 1)] })
else (Error "result too large", { Logs = ["add1 failed: x too large"] })
// Run computation expressions
let num1 = resultWriter {
let! a = multiply10 5
let! b = add1 a
return b
match num1 with
| Success finalResult, logs ->
printfn "Final result: %d" finalResult
printfn "Logs: %A" logs.Logs
| Error e, logs ->
printfn "An error occurred: %s" e
printfn "Logs: %A" logs.Logs
// Final result: 51
// Logs: ["multiply10 successful: 50"; "add1 successful: 51"]
let num2 = resultWriter {
let! a = multiply10 50
let! b = add1 a
let! c = multiply10 b
return c
match num2 with
| Success finalResult, logs ->
printfn "Final result: %d" finalResult
printfn "Logs: %A" logs.Logs
| Error e, logs ->
printfn "An error occurred: %s" e
printfn "Logs: %A" logs.Logs
// An error occurred: result too large
// Logs: ["multiply10 successful: 500"; "add1 failed: x too large"]
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Oooh, yes, works perfectly and is much more reusable! Thank you!

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Now that I'm thinking at the type-level:

// Define types

type ResultWriter<'T, 'E, 'L> = Result<'T, 'E> * 'L

// Define computation expression

type ResultWriterBuilder() =
    member _.Bind((result, log), f) =
        match result with
        | Success value ->
            let (newResult, newLog) = f value
            (newResult, log @ newLog)
        | Error e ->
            (Error e, log)

    member _.Return(value) =
        (Success value, [])

let resultWriter = ResultWriterBuilder()

// Define functions

let multiply10 x = 
    if x > 0 then
      let product = x * 10
      (Success product, [sprintf "multiply10 successful: %d" product])
    else (Error "x must be positive", ["multiply10 failed: x must be positive"])
let add1 x = 
    if x < 100 then
      let sum = x + 1
      (Success sum, [sprintf "add1 successful: %d" sum])
    else (Error "result too large", ["add1 failed: x too large"])

// Run computation expressions

let num1 = resultWriter {
    let! a = multiply10 5
    let! b = add1 a
    return b

match num1 with
| Success finalResult, log -> 
    printfn "Final result: %d" finalResult
    printfn "Logs: %A" log
| Error e, logs -> 
    printfn "An error occurred: %s" e
    printfn "Logs: %A" log
// Final result: 51
// Log: ["multiply10 successful: 50"; "add1 successful: 51"]

let num2 = resultWriter {
    let! a = multiply10 50
    let! b = add1 a
    let! c = multiply10 b
    return c

match num2 with
| Success finalResult, log -> 
    printfn "Final result: %d" finalResult
    printfn "Log: %A" log
| Error e, log ->
    printfn "An error occurred: %s" e
    printfn "Log: %A" log
// An error occurred: result too large
// Log: ["multiply10 successful: 500"; "add1 failed: x too large"]

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Depends how generic you want to go, really. For example, in tests you do want to build up a list of logs, but in prod you really don't (it's pretty inefficient!). You could be generic over this behaviour (for example), but honestly at that point I think you're probably better just injecting an ILogger. (Remember that debugging through a computation expression is usually a bad experience; I have a pretty strong bias at this point against using them for anything other than async.)

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