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Last active May 4, 2021 23:36
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Ubuntu 20.10 Installer and Demo of tpm2-tss
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# SPDX: BSD-3-Clause
# Usage:
# ./ or bash
# Arguments:
# (optional) arg1: A aorking directory to use. Defaults to $HOME.
# Example: mkdir tmp
# ./ tmp
# This script build **tests** and installs the following components from source:
# - ibmtpm1637
# - tpm2-tss v3.0.3
# - tpm2-abrmd v2.4.0
# - tpm2-tools v4.2
# - keylime v6.1.0
# It also provides an example of starting the simulator (tpm_server), tpm2-abrmd and running tpm2-tools.
# This script is designed and tested for ubuntu-20.10, but with minor tweaks should work across the newer
# ubuntu distros.
set -exo pipefail
# From a fresh install of ubuntu-20.10 in a Virtual Box VM, post running all updates and required update
# reboots.
# Set root to a directory we can build in. This can be passed as arg1
ROOT="$(realpath "${1:-$HOME}")"
cd "$ROOT"
# Fixup Python: TL;DR we need python to point to something and its not present by default.
# Note: one could use update-alternatives as well or manually create a system wide link.
# PEP-394 has some of the details:
# -
# Older versions of tpm2-tools didn't use AM_PYTHON_PATH and just checked for python. AM_PYTHON_PATH
# is smart enough to find an actual python interpreter via the python2, python2.X, python3 and python3.X
# names (for most versions of autoconf archive).
mkdir "$ROOT/.bin"
ln -s "$(command -v python3)" "$ROOT/.bin/python"
export PATH="$PATH:$ROOT/.bin"
# Dependencies
# We shouldn't need pandoc, but it looks like a bug in the 4.2 release package prevents
# it from building as make tries to run pandoc. I filed a bug, but for now, just install
# pandoc to avoid the bug.
# -
sudo apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
libssl-dev \
libcmocka-dev \
uthash-dev \
libcurl4-openssl-dev \
uuid-dev \
python3-pip \
libglib2.0-dev \
expect \
pandoc \
# Use PIP to satisfy python module dependencies. Note that most package managers have these bundled, so you
# can apt-get install python3-yaml as well. However, I prefer pip, as you can install it to the local user.
# Note: pyyaml is already installed as a dependency of package python3-pip but it's included here for
# completeness.
python -m pip install --user pyyaml
# Install a TPM Simulator. I see that 1661 is available, however I haven't tested against it yet. However, 1637 works,
# but you have to fix up the memory issue as described in this PR:
# -
# We also need to make it respect CFLAGS, so we insert the CFLAGS variable into the Makefile, so we can pass the fixups.
mkdir ibmtpm1637
cd ibmtpm1637
sha256sum --check <<< 'dd3a4c3f7724243bc9ebcd5c39bbf87b82c696d1c1241cb8e5883534f6e2e327 ibmtpm1637.tar.gz'
tar -xavf ibmtpm1637.tar.gz
cd src
sed -i 's/-DTPM_NUVOTON/-DTPM_NUVOTON $(CFLAGS)/' makefile
CFLAGS="-DNV_MEMORY_SIZE=32768 -DMIN_EVICT_OBJECTS=7" make -j"$(nproc)"
sudo make install
# Build, test and install tpm2-tss libraries
sha256sum --check <<< '78392be7309baf47f51b122f566ac915fd4d1760ea78571cba2e1484f9b5be17 tpm2-tss-3.0.3.tar.gz'
tar -xavf tpm2-tss-3.0.3.tar.gz
cd tpm2-tss-3.0.3
./configure --disable-doxygen-doc --disable-fapi --enable-unit --enable-integration
make -j"$(nproc)" check
sudo make install
#update the shared libraries for the dynamic linker
sudo ldconfig
cd "$ROOT"
# Build test and install tpm2-abrmd
sha256sum --check <<< '044522f1568f3d5334878f0564f808ec9fdd6a4ac5d0f3bd75ae6f2c7551a96c tpm2-abrmd-2.4.0.tar.gz'
tar -xavf tpm2-abrmd-2.4.0.tar.gz
cd tpm2-abrmd-2.4.0
# patch dbus policy to allow THIS user to access dbus and thus start tpm2-abrmd on the system bus if they would like.
# this is not a production config, but makes casual use and development easy. For users, we could also attach it to
# the session bus. The session bus is restricted to the user and the system bus is global, for more details see:
# -
patch -p1 << PATCH
--- tpm2-abrmd-2.4.0/dist/tpm2-abrmd.conf 2017-05-15 19:13:38.000000000 -0500
+++ tpm2-abrmd-2.4.0/dist/tpm2-abrmd.conf 2021-05-04 13:56:26.478244361 -0500
@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
<policy user="root">
<allow own=""/>
+ <policy user="$USER">
+ <allow own=""/>
+ </policy>
<policy context="default">
<allow send_destination=""/>
<allow receive_sender=""/>
./configure --enable-unit --enable-integration --with-dbuspolicydir='/etc/dbus-1/system.d/'
make -j"$(nproc)" check
sudo make install
#update the shared libraries for the dynamic linker
sudo ldconfig
cd "$ROOT"
# Build, test and install tpm2-tools tools
sha256sum --check <<< '1baaccd8bd663e9dd70cf6d8f99f16897ea32b9106860967ebb259d81954f904 tpm2-tools-4.2.tar.gz'
tar -xavf tpm2-tools-4.2.tar.gz
cd tpm2-tools-4.2
./configure --enable-unit
make -j"$(nproc)" check
sudo make install
cd "$ROOT"
# Run a sample command against the tpm2 simulator
# You need sleeps or something that is smarter and waits on the sockets to become avaialble. Since it will race
# the subsequent command on socket initialization of the first process.
tpm_server &
sleep 1
tpm2-abrmd --tcti=mssim &
sleep 1
tpm2_getrandom --hex 4
kill %2
kill %1
# Build and install keylime
sha256sum --check <<< 'c95b060fea3b5e1114d0c0912704490f281021bc7ad53e452f373abf329bafec 6.1.0.tar.gz'
mv 6.1.0.tar.gz keylime-6.1.0.tar.gz
tar -xavf keylime-6.1.0.tar.gz
cd keylime-6.1.0
python3 -m pip install --user . -r requirements.txt
# No idea what to do with keylime past this point.
cd "$ROOT"
exit 0
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