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Created November 18, 2011 22:00
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Save williame/1377905 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import java.util.Random; // for test code
final class BFS {
/* finds nearest ant to a destination in a maze.
You give it a (partial) map and it plots a route using naive BFS.
As you discover more obstacles you can call addWater() for them.
It makes extensive use of pre-allocated data for intermediate results,
so you must extract the path for each call to findNearestAnt() or you
lose it. */
public int path[]; /* starting at the nearest ant, steps back to start-pos */
public BFS(String map,int cols) {
this.rows = map.length()/cols;
this.cols = cols;
stack = new int[rows*cols];
assert(stack.length == map.length());
path = new int[rows*cols];
data = new byte[rows*cols];
for(int i=0; i<data.length; i++)
data[i] = (byte)(map.charAt(i) == '%'? 0: 1); // 0 == water, 1 otherwise
idx = 1; // will be skipped
public final int rows, cols;
private int stack[], /* the cells due to be visited */
head, tail;
private byte data[], idx; /* the data array combines two functions:
1) if a cell is 0 then it water
2) if the cell has a value==idx then it has been visited this turn
By not using a boolean array to determine what's been visited,
we can re-use it between calls without clearing it */
public void addWater(int row,int col) {
data[encodeCoordinate(row,col)] = 0;
public int findNearestAnt(int row,int col,boolean ant[]) {
assert(row>=0 && row<rows);
assert(col>=0 && col<cols);
if(++idx == 0) { // every 255 times we have to clean the data array
for(int i=0; i<data.length; i++)
data[i] = (byte)(data[i] == 0? 0: 1);
idx=2; // skip over 1
if(ant[encodeCoordinate(row,col)]) return 0;
data[encodeCoordinate(row,col)] = idx;
head = 0;
tail = 1;
stack[head++] = 0xffff0000|(row<<8)|col; // high bits are special marker
while(head < tail) {
row = (stack[head]>>8)&0xff;
col = stack[head]&0xff;
if(ant[encodeCoordinate(row,col)]) {
int depth = 0;
do {
row = (stack[head]>>8)&0xff;
col = stack[head]&0xff;
path[depth++] = encodeCoordinate(row,col);
head = stack[head]>>16;
} while(head >= 0);
return depth;
throw new Error("what, no ants?");
private void visit(int row,int col) {
private void pushBack(int row,int col) {
row = clamp(row,rows);
col = clamp(col,cols);
int coordinate = encodeCoordinate(row,col);
if((data[coordinate] != idx) && (data[coordinate]!=0)) {
data[coordinate] = idx;
stack[tail++] = (head<<16)|(row<<8)|col; // head encodes the stack to go back to work out the route
private int clamp(int i,int max) {
if(i<0) i+= max;
else if(i>=max) i-=max;
assert(i>=0 && i<max);
return i;
public int encodeCoordinate(int row,int col) {
return row*cols+col;
public int decodeRow(int coordinate) {
return coordinate/cols;
public int decodeCol(int coordinate) {
return coordinate%cols;
// test code returns a random non-blocked cell
public int randomCoordinate() {
int coordinate;
do {
coordinate = random.nextInt(rows*cols);
} while(0 == data[coordinate]);
return coordinate;
private Random random = new Random();
public static void main(String[] args) {
boolean debug = false; //### enable to get a nice debug output of the path
String map =
" %%% %%%% % "+
" % % % %% % "+
" % % % % "+
" %%% % %%% "+
" %% % % % "+
" %%%%%% % ";
BFS bfs = new BFS(map,16);
boolean ant[] = new boolean[map.length()];
int testSets = 500;
for(int i=0; i<testSets; i++) {
long totalTime = 0, testCycles = 100;
for(int j=0; j<testCycles; j++) {
int start = bfs.randomCoordinate(), stop = bfs.randomCoordinate();
ant[stop] = true;
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
int depth = bfs.findNearestAnt(bfs.decodeRow(start),bfs.decodeCol(start),ant);
long elapsedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
totalTime += elapsedTime;
ant[stop] = false;
if(start == stop) {
System.out.println("run "+i+" not asked to go anywhere, took "+elapsedTime+"ns");
assert(depth > 0);
assert(bfs.path[0] == stop);
assert(bfs.path[depth-1] == start);
if(false) {
char result[] = map.toCharArray();
for(int d=0; d<depth; d++) {
int coordinate = bfs.path[d];
result[coordinate] = '*';
result[start] = 'X';
result[stop] = 'A';
System.out.println("run "+i+","+j+" = "+depth+", took "+elapsedTime+"ns");
for(int r=0; r<bfs.rows; r++)
System.out.println("|"+new String(result,r*bfs.cols,bfs.cols)+"|");
System.out.println(""+testCycles+" test calls took an average of "+((double)totalTime/(double)testCycles)+"ns");
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