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Last active December 11, 2019 10:26
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Rx Study Guide

Visual guide - RxMarbles


What is an Observable How to create an Observable:

  • just
  • of
  • from
  • create
  • deferred
  • timer

What is the difference between cold and hot Observables How does an Observable stream end


What is an Observer What is a subscription:

  • How to subscribe to an Observable?
  • If you subscribe to an Observable, does it always send the whole stream? (test this specially with create and deferred)
  • What is a Disposable?
  • What happens if a Disposable is disposed before the stream ends?
  • If nobody holds a Disposable instance, what happens?

Observable operations

What these operations do:

combineLatest distinctUntilChanged count buffer delay
concat elementAt reduce concatMap delaySubscription
merge filter concatMapTo retry/retryWhen
startWith debounce map
withLatestFrom ignoreElements mapTo
zip last scan

Special Kinds of Observables/Streams

PublishSubject, BehaviorSubject, Variable/BehaviorRelay: What are the differences between each other and normal Observables/Observers

Variable is in the process of being deprecated for BehaviorRelay, essentially they do the same thing

Traits - Specific kinds of Observables

What are, and what do they "guarantee":

  • Single
  • Maybe
  • Completable
  • ControlProperty
  • ControlEvent
  • Driver

What happens when you create a Single/Maybe and emit an next event twice?

What kind of errors do traits usually throw, and when?

How do you chain Observable sequences? What about Completables?

How do you apply/switch to different traits?

  • Observable -> Single | Maybe | Completable
  • Single -> Single | Maybe | Completable
  • Maybe -> Single | Maybe | Completable
  • Completable -> Single | Maybe | Completable

Some of the conversions above do not make sense, why?

What/where a Driver is mostly used for/on?


What kind of schedulers are there (First must understand Threads - Concurrent and Serial) What is subscribeOn and observeOn How is a computation scheduled to a specific thread?


If your test target exposes an Observable, what should be asserted of it?

Observables are essentially encapsulated asyncronous operations:

  • Do you need to assert the time the operation took?
  • Do you need to assert only the results? Then how do you block execution while waiting for the stream to end?
  • Do you need to assert which events are sent while modifying the source? Then how do you check the values received?

How would you create a testing hot/cold sequence? Look for TestScheduler after trying to answer, and check which would work better for your test.

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