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Last active December 10, 2015 21:28
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Save williamjacksn/4494971 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Update the Firefox DisplayName in the Add/Remove Programs list to indicate whether Firefox is on the "esr" release channel.
' This script will try to detect what update channel Firefox is using. If the
' update channel is "esr" then the DisplayName in the Add/Remove Programs list
' will be updated to inclued an "[esr]" tag at the end.
' If the update channel is "release" and there is an "[esr]" tag in the
' DisplayName, the tag will be removed.
' by William Jackson (
Set shell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
logPrefix = "Firefox ESR detection script: "
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Starting."
const HKLM = &H80000002
fxInstalled = False
' Get the operating system architecture. This script works on both 32- and
' 64-bit versions of Windows, but only attempts to detect 32-bit versions of
' Firefox.
For Each os In GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem")
arch = os.OSArchitecture
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "OS architecture: " & arch
If arch = "32-bit" Then
uninstall = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
uninstall = "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
End If
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Registry key for installed programs: " & uninstall
Set reg = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
reg.EnumKey HKLM, uninstall, installedProducts
For Each installedProduct In installedProducts
If InStr(installedProduct, "Mozilla Firefox") > 0 Then
fxInstalled = True
fxUninstallPath = uninstall & "\" & installedProduct
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Firefox found in registry at: " & fxUninstallPath
reg.GetStringValue HKLM, fxUninstallPath, "DisplayName", fxDisplayName
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Current Firefox DisplayName: " & fxDisplayName
reg.GetStringValue HKLM, fxUninstallPath, "InstallLocation", pathToFirefox
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Firefox install location: " & pathToFirefox
Exit For
End If
If Not fxInstalled Then
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Did not find Firefox installed. Stopping."
End If
' If we made it this far, Firefox appears to be installed.
channel = "unknown"
channelFilePath = pathToFirefox & "\defaults\pref\channel-prefs.js"
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Checking for update channel in: " & channelFilePath
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set channelFile = fso.OpenTextFile(channelFilePath)
Do Until channelFile.AtEndOfStream
text = channelFile.ReadLine
If InStr(text, "pref("""", ") > 0 Then
text = Right(text, Len(text) - InStr(text, ","))
text = Right(text, Len(text) - InStr(text, """"))
channel = Left(text, InStr(text, """") - 1)
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Update channel appears to be: " & channel
Exit Do
End If
Select Case channel
Case "esr"
If InStr(fxDisplayName, "[esr]") > 0 Then
' DisplayName has already been altered
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Update channel is ""esr"" but DisplayName has already been updated."
' Firefox is on esr channel but DisplayName does not indicate that
newFxDisplayName = fxDisplayName & " [esr]"
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Update channel is ""esr"", changing DisplayName to: " & newFxDisplayName
reg.SetStringValue HKLM, fxUninstallPath, "DisplayName", newFxDisplayName
End If
Case "release"
If InStr(fxDisplayName, "[esr]") > 0 Then
' Firefox is on release channel but DisplayName is wrong
newFxDisplayName = Left(fxDisplayName, Len(fxDisplayName) - 6)
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Update channel is ""release"", changing DisplayName to: " & newFxDisplayName
reg.SetStringValue HKLM, fxUninstallPath, "DisplayName", newFxDisplayName
End If
Case Else
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Not doing anything with this update channel."
End Select
shell.LogEvent Information, logPrefix & "Stopping."
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